Carthage (Dark Continent's Overseas Student)

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Carthage (Dark Continent's Overseas Student)
Base Carthage Carthage render.png
Japanese [暗黒大陸からの留学生] カルタゴ
Release Date 2022 February 1 (EN)
Rarity A
Type Trickster
Weapon Weapon Axe.png Axe
Growth Preference LUK
Carthage (Dark Continent's Overseas Student) sprite.gif

I'm Carthage, an exchange student. I'm still not used to speaking very much, so I'll use my body language. Um, this means thank you. For some dialects it does mean go lick a toilet though...

Original Release:

Base Train Knight:

Related Layers

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Carthage (Well-Toned Body Language) icon.png [Well-Toned Body Language] Carthage
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Development Bonuses
