Altar of Judgement - Dark Knight

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Altar of Judgement - Dark Knight is an Altar of Judgement event that features [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo as the event reward.

You cannot attempt cleared levels again except for the final level, which pits your score against other players in the Hall of Fame. No additional rewards are given in the Hall of Fame except for recording purposes.


Event Period

  • Duration: 5/24 5:00AM ~ 6/2 11:59PM(UTC)
  • Gacha: 5/24 5:00AM ~ 6/6 11:59PM(UTC)



SS - 3%

S - 17%

  • 5% - [Rewarding a Favor] Ooenomiya
  • 12% - Off-banner non-Limited S
    • 9000 medals - Exchange on-banner for 1 S character on Gacha Medal Exchange shop

A - 80%

Growth Bonuses



Waterloo icon.png
Putra icon.png
Ooenomiya icon.png
Zouérat icon.png

During the event period, event layers stated above will have increased growth.

  • Main quests clears: Stat growth gain and skill proficiency rate tripled.

Altar of Judgement Dark Knight Event 2.png Altar of Judgement Dark Knight Event 3.png

Stage Quest

Despite the recommended power indicated the enemies are stronger. To clear a stage it may not be enough to have a value equal to or greater than the recommended power.

Floor Recomm.
Stamina Reward
1 2000 6 100 Mist Jewels
2 2500 6 100 Mist Jewels
3 3000 7 100 Mist Jewels
4 3500 7 100 Mist Jewels
5 4500 8 50 [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo gears, 100 Mist Jewels
6 7000 8 100 Mist Jewels
7 7500 9 15 [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo gears, 100 Mist Jewels
8 8500 9 100 Mist Jewels
9 9500 10 100 Mist Jewels
10 10500 10 15 [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo gears, 100 Mist Jewels
11 14500 11 100 Mist Jewels
12 15000 12 20 [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo gears, 100 Mist Jewels
13 15500 13 100 Mist Jewels
14 16000 14 100 Mist Jewels
15 17000 15 20 [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo gears, 100 Mist Jewels
16 18000 16 100 Mist Jewels
17 18500 17 30 [The Young Gravekeeper] Waterloo gears, 100 Mist Jewels
18 19000 18 100 Mist Jewels
19 19500 19 100 Mist Jewels
20 21000 20 Talisman Ring, 100 Mist Jewels
21 22000 20 100 Mist Jewels
22 24000 20 5000 Mist Gears, 100 Mist Jewels
23 25000 20 100 Mist Jewels
24 26000 20 100 Mist Jewels
25 27000 20 5000 Mist Gears, 100 Mist Jewels
26 28000 20 100 Mist Jewels
27 29000 20 10000 Mist Gears, 100 Mist Jewels
28 30000 20 100 Mist Jewels
29 31000 20 100 Mist Jewels
30 32500 20 Amulet Ring, 100 Mist Jewels
31 37500 0 10 Return Request Form
32 40000 0 10 Return Request Form
33 42500 0 10 Return Request Form
34 45000 0 10 Return Request Form
35 48000 0 10 Return Request Form


Mission Details Rewards
Partecipate in the event
Dark Knight Attack
The first time you click the Event Banner Magic Jewels x 100
Add [A] Waterloo to your allies Go to Layer Summon in the Shop
and Summon A Waterloo
Magic Jewels x 100
Defeat 50 (Max.1000) enemies
with Waterloo in your party
Every 50 enemies defeated until 1000 A Waterloo Gear x20
(Max.400 Gears)