Boss Rush (May 2022)

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Boss Rush is a special event featuring 5 quests, each with 5 waves of bosses. Boss Rushes are available in 3 difficulties with varying rewards. Each quest in Boss Rush is unlocked every 2 days.

Boss Rush 1-1.png Boss Rush 1-2.png
Boss Rush 2-3.png Boss Rush 2-4.png

Event Period

  • Duration: 5/24 5:00AM ~ 6/6 11:59PM(UTC)
  • Exchange period: 5/24 5:00AM ~ 6/13 11:59PM(UTC)

Quest Information

Bosses in Boss Rush are harder than their story/event counterparts. On Hard difficulty, pay attention to boss element immunities (where incoming damage is nullified to 0). On Very Hard difficulty, pay attention to absorb nullification - instead of immunity, incoming damage is converted to recovery if resisted.

Difficulty Power Recommendation
Normal 10000
Hard 25000
Very Hard 40000


  • Boss Rush quests can be retried infinitely.
  • Even if the player is defeated halfway during a quest, progress is still saved.
  • Clearing every wave grants progressively better quantity of Gacha tickets, Veterans Plaque, Mist Gears, Gems and Gold.
  • Clearing Normal difficulty gives 1 S Guaranteed Gacha Ticket per quest.
  • Clearing Hard difficulty gives 1 SS Guaranteed Gacha Ticket per quest.
  • Clearing Very Hard difficulty gives 1 SS Guaranteed 10x Gacha Ticket per quest.

Exchange Store

Item Exchanges Price
Leading Trio 1 60 Veterans Plaque
Snake Mirage 1 60 Veterans Plaque
Thor Hammer 1 60 Veterans Plaque
Diagonal Magi 1 60 Veterans Plaque
Switch Field 1 60 Veterans Plaque
Castle Guard 1 60 Veterans Plaque
Hit 'em Where They're Weak 5 40 Veterans Plaque
Damage Conversion: SPD 5 40 Veterans Plaque
Defense Specialist 5 40 Veterans Plaque
King Lucy 1 20 Veterans Plaque
Baby Bear Lucy 1 10 Veterans Plaque