Character Scenario/Tsundere? Alchemist 3

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Palermo icon.pngPalermo
Palermo (Tsundere Alchemist) icon.png Palermo (Tsundere Alchemist) The Primaria Doesn't Give Up 1 The Primaria Doesn't Give Up 2 The Primaria Doesn't Give Up 3
Palermo (Primaria Who Does Justice) icon.png Palermo (Primaria Who Does Justice) Tsundere? Alchemist 1 Tsundere? Alchemist 2 Tsundere? Alchemist 3
Episode 2 sypnopsis. After giving Palermo her Iron Injection for the first time, she blatantly started acting strange.
Story PalermoSS.png
(--Today's the day!)
A good number of months had passed since her first Iron Injection, but the situation still hadn't improved at all.
For some reason, Palermo follows me around, but when I try to talk to her, she rejects me with all her might. So we are in a difficult situation because I don't know what she's going through.
Story PalermoSS.png
(Today is the day I have to get it right! I have to be like me and face Conductor seriously and honestly!)
Story PalermoSS.png
(But I'm afraid he'll think I'm a bit of a nutter! I've been saying hateful things to him every time I see him, so maybe he doesn't like me anymore!)
Story PalermoSS.png
(Even if I go to see him, he might not like me and just keep me away!)
Story PalermoSS.png
(But I still want to see Conductor! I mean, um, at least I have to clear up the misunderstanding!)
Story PalermoSS.png
(I don't care if he doesn't like me. I don't care if he thinks I'm a weird, depressing person.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(It's only natural. In fact, I don't even understand me. I'm so confused that I'm even disgusted with myself.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(Signore Conductor did nothing wrong. He was always kind and he cared about me.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(He was worried about me because I often fainted and came to visit me many times. He never gave up on me and was always kind to me.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(He is a good person, Signore Conductor. A kind and grateful person.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(...I never imagined I would meet such a person.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(I was going to fight alone.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(To bestow Heaven's punishment to those who, long ago, usurped the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria from us.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(That's why I was created as a perfect life, and that's why I studied and mastered alchemy so hard.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(One day I will take back my home. That's why I was born.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(Because it's all I have.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(And yet. If I was to go on a rampage for 'my justice', I would be treated as a criminal and be chased by the police, and so on.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(When I was at a loss because I couldn't go anywhere... Kind people protected me, those who were utter fools.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(First Messina, now Conductor also.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(I want to return the favour to such grateful people. Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange, I must at least return the love and kindness that was given to me.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(I would have to lose even the least bit of pride.)
Story PalermoSS.png
(But, that would be worse than dying.)
Palermo hung down, looking confused and at a loss. Suddenly, her shoulders trembled.
Story PalermoSS.png
(What? I just had a weird feeling!)
Story PalermoSS.png
(I have a bad feeling! Don't tell me something happened to Conductor...!)
Palermo turned pale and rushed off. The place she was heading towards - inside the ruins deep in the forest, we were in big trouble.
Story PalermoSS.png
--Palermo. You've been following us again.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Not us, just you, Conductor."
Story PalermoSS.png
"D-Don't you get me wrong though? I'm not following you! I'm just passing by...!"
Story PalermoSS.png
(Aaaaargh, I'm talking out of my mind again! Why can't I be honest in front of the Conductor...?)
Passing by or whatever it is. For once, thank goodness you're here, Palermo.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Ugh, what do you mean? I'm being rude to you, so why aren't you offended? Why are you so nice to me...?"
I can be kind. In fact as you can see, we have been decimated by monsters that ambushed us at the ruins.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Eh? Eh? You should have said that earlier! Why are you talking to me so calmly, are you an idiot!?"
We were on the verge of giving up. The team who escorted me were swallowed by the monster, and I'm being clamped and immobilized by the monster's jaws as we speak.
Story PalermoSS.png
"FOR REAL!? You're not just in big trouble!"
Palermo rushes towards me in a panic as the monster is biting me.
Story PalermoSS.png
"You idiot Conductor! You were in this situation, and why didn't you call for help? Y-You knew I was close by!?"
Yes, but you didn't seem to want to be approached by me, Palermo, so I was hesitant to call you out.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Well, there's no need for such concern! You know that whatever I always say is just me being embarrassed and I never mean it!"
I didn't know... But that's good. I was actually secretly wondering why Palermo hated me so much.
Story PalermoSS.png
"I-I don't hate yo-- KYAGH!?"
The rampaging monster nearby swung its tentacles and struck Palermo down. The delicate girl is blown away and rolled on the ground.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Of, of, of course."
Story PalermoSS.png
"This is, nothing to worry about..."
Staggering to her feet, Palermo, in her usual manner, brushed off the dirt that had accumulated after she rolled on the ground with her hands.
Story PalermoSS.png
"This is in no way a lie from embarrassment. This level of pain, this threat level of monster, none of these matters."
Story PalermoSS.png
"Because I am a perfect life who has reached the depths of alchemy, and I am a Primaria of Justice, who has made any villain tremble."
Story PalermoSS.png
"Compared to Conductor who misunderstands me and hates me because I don't convey my feelings properly to him..."
Story PalermoSS.png
"None of these matters! Nothing!"
Palermo responded and beelined towards us. She then clamped her hands around my head, that was trapped in the monster's jaws.
What are you trying to do? Are you trying to stun me again?
Story PalermoSS.png
"No-No, of course not. The last time I knocked you out was an accident, an accident. That's not what I--"
Story PalermoSS.png
"Signore Conductor! Give me an Iron Injection!"
I refuse, Injecting you will only knock you out again, Palermo.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Why are you refusing? Seriously, I'm asking you with all the courage I can muster!"
It is the duty of the Conductor to protect his men. I can't give you an Iron Injection with the understanding that it will hurt you.
Story PalermoSS.png
"H-How serious can you be? I like serious people! Don't worry, I'm won't be hurt!"
Story PalermoSS.png
"Because I'm talented, I thought hard and figured out the truth! Isn't it amazing!? The reason why I faint when I get an Iron Injection--"
Story PalermoSS.png
"I figured out the logic behind it! I understand it and I'm asking you! Because I'm the only one who can help Conductor now!"
Story Monster.png
As if it had grown bored of our casual conversation, the monster began to swing its tentacles again, there was no time for that. Palermo narrowly dodged the blow and she groaned, her lips curled upwards.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Enough! If I ignore your wishes and behave selfishly, Conductor might think I'm not fit to be a member of the squad and expel me!"
Story PalermoSS.png
"But that's much better than losing you, and everything still misunderstood!"
Palermo roared and brought his face closer to kiss me. At the same time, a large amount of Iron is poured into her through my lips.
Story PalermoSS.png
I kept asking you, are you okay, Palermo!?
Story PalermoSS.png
"I-I, troldya, ir wirw be orkray!"
Palermo, teary-eyed, pointed her clenched fist straight at the monster.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Iron Injection is a miracle of a Divine Child that makes me stronger! How can I NOT BE OKAY WHEN I AM GIVEN THAT!?"
Story Monster.png
Palermo bellowed as her fist obliterates the monster's entire body in a single blow. Flesh and blood splatter, and the members of the squad who had been swallowed whole by the demon fell out.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Pant, pant...!"
Palermo brushed her sweaty hair back, I asked Palermo, albeit insistently. Are you sure you're OK, Palermo?
Story PalermoSS.png
"Y, Yes. Actually, I wasn't too sure, but now it's clear."
Story PalermoSS.png
"I think I'm getting too much of the Iron Injection."
Too much...?
Story PalermoSS.png
"Yeah. As I said before, I am a perfect life, alchemically transmuted. I can absorb the energy given to me efficiently with zero loss."
Story PalermoSS.png
"That's how I'm made."
Story PalermoSS.png
"Because of this 'constitution', I seem to absorb too much Iron. It might actually seem like it's too much of a good thing."
Story PalermoSS.png
"We all have a capacity limit. If you pour more water than the volume of the vessel, it will just overflow."
Story PalermoSS.png
"That's why if you Iron Inject me, it'll be like an overinflated balloon that bursts - I will faint."
So that's what happened.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Yes, that's right. So like what we're doing just now, if I divert all the energy given to me before I absorb it, by attacking or something..."
Story PalermoSS.png
"Somehow then I can barely endure it without fainting. It's literally venting gas, and with this, I won't burst like a balloon."
I see what you mean. Good, now I understand the logic.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Yes. From now on, you can adjust the amount of Iron you pour in so that I don't pass out. I'll try not to absorb too much Iron on my part."
Story PalermoSS.png
"So. From now on, will you continue to allow me to belong to the SSS?"
Story PalermoSS.png
"I cannot win alone. I cannot fulfil my mission alone. I need my dependable colleagues in the SSS and your assistance."
Story PalermoSS.png
"No matter how perfect or good I am, I am helpless alone."
Story PalermoSS.png
"I studied a lot, so I have a lot of knowledge about alchemy and stuff like that. I was born and brought up in a closed environment, so I don't really understand much general knowledge."
Story PalermoSS.png
"For real, I didn't even know how to shop at first. So when I couldn't eat anything and I collapsed, Messina took me into her care."
Story PalermoSS.png
"Don't tell anyone else because it's embarrassing... I'm strong and amazing, but that's not enough."
That's right. No, that's why we, as the SSS, support each other in our fight against the Phantom Mist.
Moving forward, I hope that you will continue to exert your full strength as a member of the SSS. Alchemist Palermo, the descendant of Ancient Kingdom Sitiria.
Story PalermoSS.png
"...Mhm, Eheheh, you sure are a strange one."
Story PalermoSS.png
"You seem to miss the point all the time, but you never miss when its important. You say the things I want you to say the most."
Story PalermoSS.png
"You give me what I want. Oh, I'm very happy to have met you."
Don't get too comfortable. I might just want to seduce and persuade you to do something naughty someday under the pretext of 'Iron Injection'.
Story PalermoSS.png
"Ngah? How-how dare you? I've mistaken you, Conductor, vergogna!"
...I'm joking. We can never be too serious.
Story PalermoSS.png
"What, what, what's wrong with being serious?"
Story PalermoSS.png
"I hate you saying mean things like that, Conductor, hate you!"
Palermo's lips pouted in what could have been a joke or a genuine comment, she then blushed and fell silent, perhaps remembering the kiss she had just given to me.
Palermo icon.pngPalermo
Palermo (Tsundere Alchemist) icon.png Palermo (Tsundere Alchemist) The Primaria Doesn't Give Up 1 The Primaria Doesn't Give Up 2 The Primaria Doesn't Give Up 3
Palermo (Primaria Who Does Justice) icon.png Palermo (Primaria Who Does Justice) Tsundere? Alchemist 1 Tsundere? Alchemist 2 Tsundere? Alchemist 3