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Equipment are items that can be worn by a Layer. There are four types of equipment:

Each Layer is able to equip one of each of the 3 types, improving stats and resistances to attributes and debuffs. Most equipment also grant various additional abilities other than raw stats. Orbs are attached to these 3 types for extra effects.


Abilities are passive skills that can be granted when finding equipment with a rarity higher than A. Some equipment, mostly from Treasure rewards have a fixed ability. While other equipment have a lottery effect which is randomly dropped upon a stage clear. Most equipment from events also have unique base ability not found in any other equipment.

Series Set

Some equipment exist as a set, with progressively better rewards the more equipment a train knight is equipped with. Equipping all three (weapon, armor and accessory) grants the maximum amount of extra effects.


Weapons, armor, and their respective orb types can be strengthened (and evolved for weapons and armor) to make it stronger. Accessories and accessory orbs on the other hand, cannot be improved or evolved.

Strengthening Equipment

Weapons and armor can be strengthened up to Level 5 by using material bars, graded either by A, S or SS rarity. The stats of the item increase with each level.

Evolving Equipment

Weapons and armor that have been advanced to the highest level can be evolved using Mist Stones. Evolving an item reverts it back to Level 1, but by strengthening it again, it is ultimately even more powerful. The amount of times an item can be evolved is based on its rarity. The higher the rarity, the more it can be evolved.

Selling Equipment

Equipment can be sold by clicking Switch to Sell in the upper right hand corner of the Inventory View found within the Party screen. Equipment can be sold by going to "Home Page" → "Menu" → "Inventory/Selling."

These items can be sold for gold as well as for Raw Ore which can be traded. Raw ore can be exchanged for special items to strengthen armor. The "Raw Ore Exchange" can be found in the "Shop" → "Exchange Market" → "Equipment Materials" section. Drops are based on rarity, equipment level and number of times evolved.