Event Scenario/Pizza Party!

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Magical School Trip in the Town of Ash Banner.png
R-1 A Fun School Trip
R-2 Cenere Desert
R-3 In Search of Knowledge
R-4 Different Cultures
R-5 Pizza Party!
R-6 Repayment For a Meal and Shelter
R-7 Gashadokuro
R-8 The Insular Town
R-9 Curse and Prayer
R-10 Until Returning Home
Story Termini.png
"Well then, buon appetito♪"
Story Monte Carlo.png
Monte Carlo
"Bon appétit~☆"
And then - We baked more pizzas than we could eat on the stove, and began to slice them into moderate portions for consumption.
Story Zouérat.png
"Huff huff, hawt... but delishius♪"
Story Monte Carlo.png
Monte Carlo
"Nom nom. I'm more lenient in my personal evaluation when I make them myself, and they still taste good even if they look half-assed."
Story Zouérat.png
"I don't think it's half-assed, Monte Carlo, you're very good at everything. It's full of seafood and looks delicious...♪"
Story Monte Carlo.png
Monte Carlo
"Zouéy's consciously healthy as ever... I've never seen a pizza that green before."
Story Zouérat.png
"I feel disgusted when it comes to eating greasy food."
Story Napoli.png
"......? ......?"
Napoli stared with her eyes wide open looking at the pile of pizzas. She's salivating, likely because she's hungry--
Story Napoli.png
"This, this is...? Is this pizza?"
Story Napoli.png
"Is-Is this edible, this? It's so beautiful, so colourful, so round, it's so beautiful sì! It's a work of art sì!"
Story Salem.png
"Of course, you can eat them♪"
Story Salem.png
"You must try my pizza, Napoli. It's made mainly from toad meat and other seasonal ingredients like slugs and naked mole rats--"
Story Monte Carlo.png
Monte Carlo
"Don't look directly at Salley's cooking, Napo! You'll lose your mind!"
Story Zouérat.png
"However it tastes strangely good, Salem's cooking that is."
Story Salem.png
"I'm flattered♪"
Story Termini.png
"Hmhmm, seems like Napolitan has never eaten pizza before, so you should try the standard one first."
Story Zouérat.png
"Napolitan? It's quite unusual for Professor Termini to give someone a nickname like that...?"
Story Termini.png
"Less of a nickname, more of a pun. I don't think you'd get it even if I explained it to you, so let's concentrate on helping ourselves on food for now."
Story Termini.png
"Yes, Napolitan, ahm~...♪"
A Fortunate Meal.jpg
"Ah, aaaaaah~?"
Napoli carefully nibbled a bite of the pizza that Termini made with her experienced hands. Just one bite, and her face turned into complete astonishment.
"Ah, ahmgh."
"How do you like it? I hope it suits your palate♪"
"Waah, waaaah, ah, ahm, waaaaah--"
Napoli collapsed into tears as she shoved pizza into her tiny mouth. She carefully munched on it, stretched out the cheese, and gulped it down.
"What is this, what is this, what is this?"
"Oh, delicious, too delicious. So hot, so sweet, so spicy, so salty - tongue's melting, sì. Throat feels so good, stomach is so warm♪"
"Napoli, has never eaten anything like this before! It's totally different, it's totally different from anything that's ever eaten! What is this, is this really food sì...!?"
"So weird! Does this mean it's tasty? So weird, it's so weird!"
"But, so happy... so happy, sì...♪ So happy to still be alive!"
Crying and caring of nothing else, Napoli continued to devour her pizza. Termini watched her like a mother loving her child.
"Good, I see you like it."
"'That girl' disagreed with me on many things - but she really likes the pizzas I make, just like you. Even if we had a row, we could make up over a slice of pizza."
"Every time I did that, she would get frustrated and rant, saying she didn't want to feel like she was being forcefed. She was childish and cute in that way."
Story Monte Carlo.png
Monte Carlo
"Who are you talking about? Is 'That girl'...?"
Story Termini.png
"Once upon a time, I had an apprentice."
Story Termini.png
"That was however centuries ago... I am, as you know, the Great Immortal Sage, who, every time my body dies, can still reborn and live forever."
Story Termini.png
"I used to gather and raise children with a talent for magic, to find myself a candidate for such a reincarnation."
Story Zouérat.png
"Is that, let's see, like how we are now...?"
Story Termini.png
"The Termini's Classroom nowadays is just a hobby of mine, like a way to pass the time. It has a fundamentally different purpose from that of back then."
Story Termini.png
"Back then, partly because there was no countermeasures against the Phantom Mist, I was more serious and earnestly looking for a reincarnation - my successor, the 'Next Termini'."
Story Termini.png
"I had to teach any of my potential 'Next Terminis' very strictly. I was young, too, I guess...? I didn't have a lot of time."
Story Zouérat.png
"Huh? I though you as our current teacher is strict enough."
Story Salem.png
"Yes. I always fear for my life in your classes."
Story Termini.png
"Hmhmm. I truly mean they were much, much stricter than they are now. I said to them that I'll guide them, develop them, but how I acted was essentially abusing them."
Story Termini.png
"It was only after I had made so many mistakes, that I realised how stupid I was."
Story Napoli.png
Story Termini.png
"I've started to think it was wasteful and pitiful to spend my time now on raising my next reincarnation - So I've stopped raising such successors a few centuries ago."
Story Termini.png
"Among the candidates for my successor, the 'Next Termini', was a girl of outstanding talent."
Story Termini.png
"She was as, or even more talented than the original Termini, who had reached the depths of the alchemical goal of eternal life."
Story Termini.png
"She controlled and manipulated everything at will with her immense magical power and senses - The greatest magician I have ever known."
Story Termini.png
"However, because she was able to do everything with just her talent, she's intolerant of even minuscule setbacks - That's why she gave up at even the slightest moments--"
Story Termini.png
"She put all the blame on me and cursed me - 'It's your fault, teacher. It's your fault, Professor Termini'."
Story Termini.png
"After she said that, she got fed up with everything and ran away."
Story Termini.png
"She maybe had a weak heart. No, maybe it was my fault, I misjudged the strength of her mental fortitude."
Story Termini.png
"I didn't understand her at all, that she was just another sensitive young girl, it was my fault."
Story Termini.png
"People have always said this - 'Teachers don't understand people's hearts'. Maybe it's a side effect of living too long, I've become too disconnected from people."
Story Termini.png
"But you know what? I still have no regrets. I don't think my life was a mistake, that I sought and obtained eternal life in order to know everything."
Story Termini.png
"I don't care if no one understands me."
Story Napoli.png
Story Termini.png
"......I'm getting way off topic."
Story Termini.png
"Hey, Napolitan. You are just like the disciple in my memory who denied me and ran away."
Story Napoli.png
"Eh, uh, Napolitan?"
Story Termini.png
"Yes. I have just analysed your body, and I am sure of it."
Story Termini.png
"Likely, you are the distant descendant of that child. The one I loved more than anyone else and yet the one who hated me more than anyone else."
Magical School Trip in the Town of Ash Banner.png
R-1 A Fun School Trip
R-2 Cenere Desert
R-3 In Search of Knowledge
R-4 Different Cultures
R-5 Pizza Party!
R-6 Repayment For a Meal and Shelter
R-7 Gashadokuro
R-8 The Insular Town
R-9 Curse and Prayer
R-10 Until Returning Home