Main Scenario/Beyond the "Gate"

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Chapter 21.png
21-1 Senbon Torii
21-2 The Fox Girl
21-3 Ward Sorcery
21-4 Miyako's Secret Art
21-5 Nagashi-bina
21-6 The Black Doll
21-7 The Doll's Friend
21-8 Staring at the Pillar
21-9 Beyond the "Gate"
21-10 I Am Fine
Story Yakutsk.png
"We're here. This is the summit."
Story Vivienne.png
"It's quite a different atmosphere from the torii maze..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Look. The real black torii is over there."
Story Putra.png
"You're right! The pitch-black torii gate... is a bit scary."
Story Vivienne.png
"It's quite big compared to the red torii. I don't think I've ever seen a pitch-black torii before."
Story Putra.png
"Come to think of it, why are so many Nishikese torii red? It would be nice if there's blue or green ones."
Story Miyako.png
"Red has the effect of purifying bad things. Many torii in sacred sites are painted red."
Story Putra.png
"I didn't realise it had such a meaning. So a black torii gate doesn't have the effect of driving away bad things?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I think so, judging at the state of disrepair here. The amount of magic is also very different. No wonder there's such a thick Mist."
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"Sooner or later the Mist will be a thicker. Help the lord of this mountain before that happens."
Story Yakutsk.png
"There she is!"
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"Thank you for coming. Thank you for finding the black torii."
Story Yoshino.png
"Thank you, too, for telling us all this."
Story Miyako.png
"What is that black torii? It seems to be the source of the Phantom Mist. How can we calm it down?"
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
That torii is a Gate. Something was forced to open it from somewhere else. It tried to take the sick children to itself."
Story Miyako.png
"But it didn't work. The lord of the mountain protected them."
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"That's right. The lord of the mountain confronted the inviting thing from beyond the Gate. As a result, the barrier of the torii was disturbed, creating a massive Phantom Mist."
Story Queensway.png
"So there is such a powerful enemy behind this torii."
Story Yakutsk.png
"That's the one who put the curse on Yoshino, isn't it?"
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
'Yes. From a distance, they placed a curse only on Yoshino. A strong, deep-seated, difficult-to-remove curse."
Story Queensway.png
"It turned out just as Miss Miyako said. Whoever that tried to take the children from another place that is not here, and the lord of the mountain who tried to stop it clashed with it..."
Story Vivienne.png
"Wait a minute. A curse that is difficult to remove... So you're saying there's still a curse inside Yoshino?"
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"Don't worry about that. Because Miyako received the curse now."
Story Yoshino.png
'Miyako received...?'
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
'It was after Yoshino-chan jumped into the water. At first I couldn't do anything about it, but after I entered that strange space called Ningyou Jigoku... I somehow managed to get a little bit of the curse."
Story Yoshino.png
"Please don't do anything dangerous for Yoshino..."
Story Miyako.png
"But if I had left you like that, Yoshino-chan wouldn't be here anymore. You would have been taken beyond the Gate, or worse, you would have died."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Miyako.png
"It's a miracle that I was able to get the curse. If I try it once and it doesn't work, it usually doesn't work anymore."
Story Miyako.png
"But there was something protecting Yoshino-chan in that place. Thanks to that power, I was able to save Yoshino-chan..."
Story Yoshino.png
"If that miracle had not happened, Miyako might have died too. Yoshino cares for Yoshino, and similarly Miyako should also care for Miyako."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino is sad. Yoshino wants Miyako to take better care of herself."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's good to work hard for someone else. But you don't have to take someone else's place."
Story Yoshino.png
"Miyako is not a 'migawari'. You don't have to get sick or be cursed."
Story Miyako.png
"I don't get diseases anyway. I'm just receiving curses."
Story Yoshino.png
"Why? Why would you do that, Miyako?"
Story Miyako.png
"Because it's something only I can do. I receive curses from people. To make people like dolls more..."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
"Don't call them 'defective'. They all just want people to care about them."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Miyako.png
"They grow their hair long, because they want you to run a comb through it; They want to be held and played with, so they tripped on purpose."
Story Miyako.png
"They make noises, because they want you to listen to their song; They make noises, because they want you to look at them."
Story Miyako.png
"They're secretly fighting on their own in the dark, to keep bad things away from you."
Story Miyako.png
"Everything they do is for the people they love."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
"I'm sorry. When I am afflicted with a strong curse, sometimes I remember my past..."
Story Yoshino.png
'It's okay. Don't be so hard on yourself."
Story Yoshino.png
"Miyako is not alone. Miyako and Yoshino are friends. When you are in trouble, we can help each other."
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"The lord of the mountain sensed it. Miyako's magic power summoned the Mist.
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"Calm the lord of the mountain. Beyond the Gate is Hinayashiki. The lord of the house and the live dolls are waiting for you..."
Story Miyako.png
"Wait! What did you mean just now?"
Story Fox Masked Girl.png
Fox Masked Girl
"This is something only Miyako can do. Go through the Gate and help oka-san."
Story Miyako.png
"Oka-san is... Don't tell me, she's the doll from Hinayashiki?"
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
"So that's what this is all about. This Mist, the nagashi-bina, the children... It was all her doing..."
"I'll guard the gate. The children must escape out of the maze..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Mist Monster!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Could this be the lord of the mountain...?"
Story Monster.png
"The kidnappers are coming from behind the black torii. Let the children go..."
Story Queensway.png
"It is deranged. Unfortunately, it has already turned into a monster."
Story Putra.png
'Let's calm it down. If we don't, the Phantom Mist will spread to the foothills."
Story Yoshino.png
"You are a great guardian of the mountain. Thanks to you, many people have been saved."
Story Yoshino.png
"Thank you for saving the children. Thank you for curing the sick."
Story Yoshino.png
"May Jushin-sama bless you."
Chapter 21.png
21-1 Senbon Torii
21-2 The Fox Girl
21-3 Ward Sorcery
21-4 Miyako's Secret Art
21-5 Nagashi-bina
21-6 The Black Doll
21-7 The Doll's Friend
21-8 Staring at the Pillar
21-9 Beyond the "Gate"
21-10 I Am Fine