Category:Doggan Gang

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The Doggan Gang is a minor antagonist faction consisting of its leader, Dr. Gloria and her two sidekicks Whisper and Bright. While the faction appears at first to have an insurmountable number of members, it is in reality a three-person faction supported by a lot of simple-minded robot goons following simple orders.

Despite Dr. Gloria's claims to take over the world and defeat the SSS, the Doggan Gang is not seen as a legitimate threat by the Eisengrad Central Army and instead treated as mostly a nuisance, as opposed to the dangerous operations by the Resistance. However, Bright and Whisper is shown to be a very formidable duo when it comes to combat, pairing well with Dr. Gloria's intellect.

One of the Resistance subfactions has hired them to perform espionage on the SSS, and Dr. Gloria is able to make a working copy of the Mist Train after just one visit to the Mist Train's interior by convincing the conductor to let Dr. Gloria have a peek inside the Mist Train during the Eisengrad festival.

Pages in category "Doggan Gang"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.