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Japanese Name ウィスパー

Whisper render.png

Whisper (Seeker of Truth) render.png

Weapon Weapon Whip.png Whip
Race Dark Elf
Nationality St. Iris.png St. Iris
Birthday July 1
Constellation Cancer
Talents Survival skills, Samantha detection
Likes Doggan Gang, Fun things to do
Dislikes Samanthas
Strengths Energetic and cheerful at all times
Weaknesses Berserks upon seeing a Samantha
Hobbies Hunting Samanthas

Sir, do you know Samanthas? Oh, no, I'm sorry, of course you do! I've been going around killing these Samantha for certain reasons! Thanks to that, I'm called the Samantha Grim Reaper and I'm on the wanted list! Ah-ha-ha!


Icon Title Release Date Where to Obtain
Whisper (Samantha-Hating Enthusiast) icon.png [Samantha-Hating Enthusiast] Whisper 2023 April 7 [Training Camp - Iraklion Whisper] Event Reward
Whisper (Seeker of Truth) icon.png [Seeker of Truth] Whisper 2023 March 31 2.5 Anniversary Limited Gacha 3



Whisper is one of Dr. Gloria's two 'villain' sidekicks, the other half being Bright. Whisper is extremely skilled in combat, and her skill pairs well with Bright to be the dagger of Doggan Gang, while their master Dr. Gloria serves as the brain of the trio.

Whisper is capable of besting Leipzig, one of Eisengrad's most skilled bodyguards, while also toying with Fussen and Karlsruhe on a 3 versus 1, though she was reprimanded by Bright for wasting time instead of finding their captured master as soon as possible.

While not doing any missions, Whisper can often be heard bickering and trash-talking Bright for being callous and sometimes ironically illogical.

Much later in the Superweapon Huzhongtian episode, it was later revealed by Dr. Gloria that Whisper's former name was Arusha. Arusha is prosecuted by multiple nations for the major incidents caused by her attacks towards the Samanthas - classified as a special species of Mist Monsters that are usually benign, but extremely dangerous and jeopardizes the surroundings and the environment if provoked. Her motive to cause hostility was due to witnessing her own sister's religious suicide as sacrifice to the Samanthas that her tribe worshipped when she was little and living in the Dark Continent south of Iris Cloud.

Whisper, Bright and Dr. Gloria were arrested as a fugitives after Huzhongtian episode. The former two were sent to Ezo Prison instead of Oshioki Prison, as their crimes are much more severe than Dr. Gloria's. They were later both released on parole under Columbia's supervision and authority to work as her subordinates.


  • Whisper's birthday is the official designation date of Arusha as a city in 2006 by the Tanzanian government.
  • Whisper's real name is Arusha, confirmed by Dr. Gloria during the Superweapon Huzhongtian Episode.
  • "Thorburn Whip" likely refers to John Thorburn Williamson, discoverer and owner of the Williamson diamond mine in Tanzania, the first major diamond mine found outside South Africa.
  • Williamson is also associated with the Williamson Pink Diamond, gifted to then-princess Elizabeth II in 1947 for her wedding. This may be why Whisper has pink hair, with her membership in St. Iris likewise linked to Tanzania's former status as the British colony of Tanganyika.
  • Whisper speaks in a peculiar dialect, with various archaic, lower-class, and masculine elements i.e use of あっし (asshi) to refer to herself, でやんす (-de yansu) in lieu of である (de aru), and referring to the conductor as 旦那 (danna). She attempts to correct this with Carthage and Addis Ababa's help, but can only manage to speak normally for short periods of time.
  • Her name for Carthage is "Tagosaku", or "bumpkin", a pun on the "tago" in the Japanese pronunciation "Cartago".
  • Though both Whisper and Carthage are Dark Elves from the surface of the Dark Continent, Whisper's people remained in the center of the Continent and never invaded other lands.


Arusha station entrance.

Arusha Railway station is a train station in Arusha, Tanzania, and is part of the Usambara Railway (Usambarabahn), it was the first railway to be built in German East Africa and what is today Tanzania. From 4 June 1912 to 12 May 1913, the line was renamed Nordbahn (Northern Railway) for a short period. The extension to Arusha was already planned and capital was provided, but was not built due to the start of World War I.

Under German rule in 1913, the Usambara Railway operated 18 locomotives, 31 carriages and 199 trucks with 562 employees (of which 35 were Europeans). After construction of the connection to Voi, traffic between Arusha, Moshi and the coast was directed to the port of Mombasa, and the eastern part of the Usambara Railway was reduced to a local service. Passenger traffic was handled with four DMUs during this time. Passenger trains operated on this line up to the 1990s.

The British took Arusha from the Germans in 1916 during World War I. German officials left the area, the British deported German missionaries and settlers, and only a skeletal military administration of the town remained. But slowly during the 1920s, civilian administration was implemented, missionaries from the United States arrived, British and Greek settlers reoccupied the former German farms, and the town grew, especially after the British moved the regional administration from New Moshi to Arusha. Construction of the 86.08 km Moshi-Arusha railway extension of the Tanga Line starting at Moshi in 1911 and reaching Arusha in 1929. The railway distance from Arusha to Tanga and Dar es Salaam is 437km and 644km respectively.

Arusha station platform.

The extension of the railroad from Moshi to Arusha in 1928-29 greatly increased commerce. The Great Depression soon thereafter, however, squelched commerce, and Arusha in 1940 had fewer than 2000 residents. Growth resumed during World War II and by 1948, the population had increased to more than 5,000. By the 1950s, Arusha was "a polyglot, westernized little town; it has a Greek community, several Germans predating World War I, and some German Jewish refugees post-dating World War II.

In 2018, the Government of Tanzania invested 5.7 billion Tanzanian shillings to rehabilitate the line. As of July 2019, diesel powered cargo trains are leaving Tanga Railway Station again, and passenger transport between Tanga and Arusha started in September 2019. Wikipedia

Paddington Bear.

Arusha City is a Tanzanian city and the regional capital of the Arusha Region, with a population of 416,442 plus 323,198 in the surrounding Arusha Rural District (2012 census). Located below Mount Meru on the eastern edge of the eastern branch of the Great Rift Valley, Arusha City has a temperate climate. The city is close to the Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Lake Manyara National Park, Olduvai Gorge, Tarangire National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Mount Meru in the Arusha National Park and is thus considered the safari capital of the world.

Arusha National Park covers Mount Meru, a prominent volcano with an elevation of 4566 m, in the Arusha Region of north eastern Tanzania. The park is small but varied with spectacular landscapes in three distinct areas. In the west, the Meru Crater funnels the Jekukumia River; the peak of Mount Meru lies on its rim. Ngurdoto Crater in the south-east is grassland. The shallow alkaline Momella Lakes in the north-east have varying algal colours and are known for their wading birds.

Mount Meru is the second highest peak in Tanzania after Mount Kilimanjaro, which is just 60 km away and forms a backdrop to views from the park to the east. Arusha National Park lies on a 300-kilometre axis of Africa's most famous national parks, running from Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in the west to Kilimanjaro National Park in the east. The park is just a few kilometres north east of Arusha, though the main gate is 25 km east of the city. It is also 58 km from Moshi and 35 km from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA). Wikipedia


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