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Kijin are a race possessing potent power with metals and physical durability. Kijin are notable in appearance for their red-pink horns and fingernails, as well as a slightly pinker complexion compared to other races. Kijin are distant relatives of the oni in the universe of Mist Train Girls. The kijin population is scarce and found only in Nishiki.

Until the Daiyaki Incident, the kijin populace were previously hunted down and prosecuted by the Nishiki government and its populace due to kijin being mistaken as oni, as the oni are dangerous youkai from the Phantom Mist and had nearly destroyed the country. The prosecution ended after the heroic acts of Ooenomiya, a kijin herself, and the original Ooe Big Four, including Shimoamazu the First, against the great oni Daiyaki.