Event Scenario/After Day One

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Warm Welcome! Battle Girl's Extreme Cram School! Banner.png
T-1 The Chosen Three
T-2 Begin the Training Camp!
T-3 After Day One
T-4 Operation Outdoors
T-5 No Match for a Rabbit's Feet
T-6 A Challenge to Ohana
T-7 Cram School's Hot Bath Time
T-8 The Assailant
T-9 Dorm Matron Arrives
T-10 True · Dorm Matron Arrives
After the long hours of sitting on the boards, it was finally time for dinner. It's amazing that they all look so calm, even though they all had been hit on the head by rocks.
Story Shiyan.png
"Oh~! This is an amazing feast! This is even better than the food in the dormitory!"
Story Victoria.png
"It's almost as if there's been a celebration. Is this okay, Miss Ohana?"
Story Ohana.png
"Yes, it's a training camp after all. I consulted with Conductor-san to make it luxurious so that you can work hard tomorrow♪"
Story Shiyan.png
"That's what I'm talking about, Ohana, Conductor! If the food is good, then the battle is won!"
Story Tianjin.png
"Shuijiaozi and even xiaolongbao! Ohana's the best!"
Everyone was happy as they stuffed food into their mouths. It was a lively dining experience, much different from the dorms.
Story Ohana.png
"Everyone, please listen while you eat."
Story Ohana.png
"Rules are the same as in the dormitories, you are not allowed to go out at night. If you break this rule, you may be in for a terrible disaster."
Story Shiyan.png
"Hmm? Whwat do youe meanh?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Swallow your food before you speak, Shiyan."
Story Shiyan.png
"...Gulp. Sorry, sorry, what disaster are you talking about?"
Story Ohana.png
"Actually, there's a field of silver grass a short distance from our camp. It looked like a very beautiful place, at first glance..."
Story Ohana.png
"But in reality, that place is the site of an ancient battlefield where a fierce battle with the Phantom Mist took place in the past. The outbreak is much more controlled now, but it is still a dangerous place."
Story Shiyan.png
"Ruins of an ancient battlefield..."
Story Tianjin.png
"Beautiful place..."
Shiyan and Tianjin each have a twinkle in their eyes. As if to examine them, Ohana continued.
Story Ohana.png
"Perhaps there is still an extraordinary Mist Monster lurking around. Therefore, don't ever think to attempt to look for it."
Story Shiyan.png
"I know, I wouldn't go to such a place. We're here for training, we're going to eat, take a bath and go to bed. Right, Tianjin?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Yes, we're here for self improvement!"
Story Victoria.png
"After bathing, it is the maid's duty to go to bed promptly and prepare herself for the Lord or Lady."
Story Ohana.png
"I'm glad to hear that. Now I'm off to prepare for the baths. Please continue to eat as much as you can, everyone♪"
Story Shiyan.png
"I see... Ruins of an ancient battlefield. There were some dangerous places there."
Story Tianjin.png
"Indeed. I wonder what kind of Mist Monsters are there..."
Tianjin & Shiyan
"Hahaha, there's no way I'm going there, surely~"
Shiyan and Tianjin looked at each other and laughed.
Story Victoria.png
"Thank you for the food."
Story Shiyan.png
"Victoria, what are you doing finishing eating so early?"
Story Victoria.png
"Nothing, the two of you seem to be having a private conversation, so I didn't want to be rude to disturb. Now then, I'll head back to the room with Sir Conductor."
Story Shiyan.png
"Wait, we have nothing to discuss in private!"
Story Tianjin.png
"Y-y-yes, that's right! We're not doing anything suspicious! Let's all enjoy the rest of the dinner together!"
Shiyan and Tianjin are flustered. Well, it's obvious that they want to go out without Victoria telling them.
Story Victoria.png
"I see. Then I will stay here at the dinner table."
Story Victoria.png
"Aah, I wish Lady Paddington was here. I'm sure the table would be even more festive."
Story Tianjin.png
"Me too, it would have been great to have bo-shi here."
Story Shiyan.png
"Paddington and Beijing eh, those two would certainly make our meal more enjoyable!"
The three of them get excited about a topic they have in common. At this rate, it seems unlikely that they will ever think about the ancient battlefield.
Warm Welcome! Battle Girl's Extreme Cram School! Banner.png
T-1 The Chosen Three
T-2 Begin the Training Camp!
T-3 After Day One
T-4 Operation Outdoors
T-5 No Match for a Rabbit's Feet
T-6 A Challenge to Ohana
T-7 Cram School's Hot Bath Time
T-8 The Assailant
T-9 Dorm Matron Arrives
T-10 True · Dorm Matron Arrives