Event Scenario/True · Dorm Matron Arrives

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Warm Welcome! Battle Girl's Extreme Cram School! Banner.png
T-1 The Chosen Three
T-2 Begin the Training Camp!
T-3 After Day One
T-4 Operation Outdoors
T-5 No Match for a Rabbit's Feet
T-6 A Challenge to Ohana
T-7 Cram School's Hot Bath Time
T-8 The Assailant
T-9 Dorm Matron Arrives
T-10 True · Dorm Matron Arrives
The special Mist Monster, born from the Phantom Mist of the ancient battlefield, mimicked humans and have been disguising itself as Ohana and Shiyan inside the camp, causing us all sorts of confusion.
And now, as if by chance, it has mimicked Ohana and has finally come out to use its power. Just the thought of dealing with an enemy with Ohana's abilities is terrifying.
However, Shiyan's team continued to fight against such a formidable foe without the slightest retreat.
Story Tianjin.png
"Miss Victoria, give me a hand and throw me towards it!"
Story Victoria.png
"Acknowledged. Going full power!"
Story Tianjin.png
"We'll do it at the same time, Shiyan!"
Story Shiyan.png
Shiyan & Tianjin
Story Ohana.png
Tsukiyo ni Ikari Kuruu Matron
Shiyan's palm strike to the abdomen and Tianjin's leaping kick to the back are delivered simultaneously, causing the Ohana lookalike Mist Monster to scream in agony.
When attacked from the front and back at the same time, there was no way to escape the impact, and no matter how much physical strength Ohana possessed, she would be unable to hold back.
Story Shiyan.png
"Alright, alright...! We did it...!"
Story Tianjin.png
"As expected of an enemy in Ohana's form. It was quite a formidable opponent."
Story Shiyan.png
"Ohana is amazing... I thought I could put up a pretty good fight on my own, but it wasn't even close, it took three of us to beat her."
Story Victoria.png
"But we did it. I think it's because we've improved in this camp."
Story Tianjin.png
"It must also be an important point to address that our friendship was further strengthened through the camp!"
Story Shiyan.png
"Heheh, that's true. I'll never forget this training camp that I went through with you two."
Story Ohana.png
Tsukiyo ni Ikari Kuruu Matron
"Oh dear, seems I've been too nice."
Story Shiyan.png
"Wha...! It's still getting up!?"
Story Ohana.png
Tsukiyo ni Ikari Kuruu Matron
"Please don't even hallucinate that you can defeat me with just this much. Now, I'm going to seriously punish you from here♪"
Story Shiyan.png
"Wait, wait a minute!"
The Ohana lookalike Mist Monster swung its fists mercilessly at the bewildered Shiyan trio.
Story Ohana.png
Tsukiyo ni Ikari Kuruu Matron
"Ufufu, please be a good girl, please be a good girl♪"
Story Tianjin.png
"It's even more powerful than before!"
Story Victoria.png
"Gghh, we thought we beat it...!"
Story Shiyan.png
"Don't give up, girls! You can hit it as many times as you want until it falls over!"
Story Shiyan.png
"We're strong! We can definitely win!"
Both Tianjin and Victoria are inspired by Shiyan's words, and they desperately attemped to hit their opponent, who's increasingly furious with its attacks.
However, the Ohana lookalike Mist Monster still did not fall.
That was when.
Story Ohana.png
"I finally found you, mimetic Mist Monster-san."
Story Shiyan.png
Story Ohana.png
"This is a Mist Monster born from the reaction of the Phantom Mist to the resentment swirling around the ruins of the ancient battlefield. The issue is that it mimics those with the power to fight anyone nearby that has the desire to 'win the battle'."
Story Ohana.png
"I had heard rumours, so I was wary, but I couldn't catch it until just now. But it's all fine now."
Story Ohana.png
Tsukiyo ni Ikari Kuruu Matron
"There can be only one! I will be the one who will be the matron from now on!"
Story Ohana.png
"No. You have hurt everyone, you are unfit to be a matron."
Story Ohana.png
Tsukiyo ni Ikari Kuruu Matron
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! The last one standing will be me - BWOHAUGH!?"
With a single punch from Ohana, delivered at a speed no one could follow, the Mist Monster taking her form easily disintegrated--
It then vanished as if it's melting away, mimicry dismantled.
Story Ohana.png
"There's no way a copy can beat the original..."
Story Shiyan.png
"Eh? Huh? One punch?"
Story Tianjin.png
"We were, struggling so much..."
Story Shiyan.png
"S-She's way too strong..."
Story Shiyan.png
"W-what was I getting myself into... What was I thinking, 'I'd like to have a little hand-to-hand combat'? What idiocy to think that, 'I'm a pretty good fighter on my own'? That's too many orders of magnitude different in..."
Story Tianjin.png
"Why did we even think, we have even a small possibility to be able to beat Ohana...?"
Story Shiyan.png
"Ha-haha, we should reflect on that. We were taking it too easy..."
Story Ohana.png
"Now then, the threat is no more."
Story Ohana.png
"So, right after I said 'absolutely no going out tonight', may I know why is everyone still outside?"
Story Shiyan.png
"Well umm, there's a deeper reason for that..."
Story Tianjin.png
"Y-yes! I-I was in my room and Shi-Shiyan's impostor attacked me, so I had to chase it and eliminate it...!"
Story Victoria.png
"As a fellow Train Knight, there's no way I could have ignored an encounter with Mist Monsters."
Story Ohana.png
"Even if it's 'absolutely' 'forbidden'?"
All Three
"We-we-we, WE'RE SO SORRRRY~~!"
Feeling Ohana's intensely silent pressure, the three prostrated themselves on the ground, and apologized with all their might.
Everyone's mom, the strong and kind matron, smiled at the three of them, ever so gently...
Later, when Shiyan and her friends returned from the training camp, their discipline had improved as if nobody had ever seen it before. They did not run in the corridors and listened to their lessons attentively. They looked like model students.
Seeing this, Finchley was thrilled and said, 'To change so much in just a few days, it's like soldiers coming back from the dead'...
Warm Welcome! Battle Girl's Extreme Cram School! Banner.png
T-1 The Chosen Three
T-2 Begin the Training Camp!
T-3 After Day One
T-4 Operation Outdoors
T-5 No Match for a Rabbit's Feet
T-6 A Challenge to Ohana
T-7 Cram School's Hot Bath Time
T-8 The Assailant
T-9 Dorm Matron Arrives
T-10 True · Dorm Matron Arrives