Event Scenario/Dictator and Revolutionary

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Skyscraper's Guernica Banner.png
T-1 La Imagen Del Infierno
T-2 Her Highness Fussen's Married
T-3 Marriage Blue
T-4 Dictator and Revolutionary
T-5 Inversión
T-6 Daughter is Mama and Mama is Daughter
T-7 Very Bottom Town
T-8 Frankfurt's Hopes
T-9 Guernica's Hopes
T-10 The Skyscraper of Twisted Love
We were in the middle of a huge mess. The power was quickly restored, but we were hit by a tremendous quake and fell over.
Story Murmansk.png
"Wh, wga, what was that? Was that just now?"
Story Fussen.png
"Don't be afraid, my dearest little Murmansk! I'll protect you at all costs! I'll lick you at all costs!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Please calm down, Fussen Mama!"
Story Fussen.png
"I told you I'm not your Mama!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"--Everything's fine."
Frankfurt puts on the face of the proud statesman she sometimes shows, and took the initiative to stand up and calmly observe her surroundings.
Story Frankfurt.png
"Earthquakes are rare here. This building - the 'Guernica Tower' was built by Fran, so it is earthquake-proof."
Story Frankfurt.png
"No matter what kind of impact it receives, you can rest assured that it will not collapse."
Story Murmansk.png
"[Guernica Tower]? That's an interesting [Name], isn't it?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Interesting...? Fran borrowed the name of someone who's important to her."
Story Frankfurt.png
"Even though that person is no longer with Fran. But she was definitely once here, and Fran really loved her--"
Story Frankfurt.png
"To not forget those memories, this is a monument to her, so to speak."
Story Frankfurt.png
"By the way. This was chosen as the venue for the wedding reception because of its location, close to the boundary with the rest of the property."
Story Frankfurt.png
"As for Papa, he didn't want guests from other lands to be too close to the heart of his estate."
It seems that the Dictator has a strong sense of counter-intelligence. This is going to make it difficult to gather information on the Phantom Mist Weapon and the like.
Story Frankfurt.png
"Phantom Mist Weapon, what's that?"
Story Fussen.png
"You don't know at all? It seems to be a shady weapon that is being developed in this land...?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Hmm. Papa loves Fran a lot, but he doesn't tell me much about the armaments and other important things."
A mechanical sound echoes from the speakers in the room just when Frankfurt slightly sadly finished her sentence.
'Gaga, beep -- Ah~, mic test mic test.'
Story Fussen.png
"Wh-what's going on this time?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Is this voice--?"
'This is an announcement to everyone in the vicinity.'
"This building is now under the complete control of us, the Revolucionarios."
Story Fussen.png
Story Frankfurt.png
"Ah~, I've heard that name before. In this land, my Papa's runs a cruel dictatorship here, so there are often rebellions."
Story Frankfurt.png
"The Revolucionarios are often involved in such rebellions, so to speak, and Fran believes it was one of the terrorist organisations."
Story Murmansk.png
"That means? Are you saying that the [Earthquake] we just felt was an [Attack] by such a dangerous [Organisation]?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"I'm sure it was... And now it looks like those guys are declaring their victory grandeously."
Story Frankfurt.png
"Revolucionarios... My Papa's private army often quashes them, I thought they were a weak organisation, but how on earth did they get away withーー"
'Resistance is pointless, so please surrender quietly.'
'This is addressed to all of you, members of the Special Steel Squad.'
Story Fussen.png
"Do these Revolucionarios sense our presence?"
"Rather, this broadcast is being announced out for your benefit."
"We have just used our Phantom Mist Weapon ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„."
Story Murmansk.png
"[Phantom Mist Weapon]...!?"
Story Fussen.png
"So it actually exists? I thought it was the falsehood of that black-hearted bitch."
Story Fussen.png
"”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„... That naming sense has been utterly destroyed. Names are also important in works of art too."
'The name is somewhat, personally, off-putting. Then again this is not a work of art, it is a weapon.'
'Besides, the effect of the ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„ is so great that such minor flaws do not matter.'
'A revolution will break out in the land hit directly by the ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„. Yes, we are Revolucionarios - we do revolutions.'
"Have you heard of a card game call ”Capitalista?„"
'In some regions it is also called ”Comemierda„. One of its variants is called Revolution, where the strength of the cards are all switched.'
'It is precisely that revolution that is caused by the ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„. In the land where it strikes, our positions enter a reversalーー'
Story Fussen.png
'Up against the down, the strong against the weak, children against their parents. The tycoon to the beggar, the dictator to the people trampled down like grass.'
'It's all turned around. Like magic. Like miracles.'
'As if the providence of the world has been distorted and gone mad.'
'Seeing is believing. I think it would be quicker for you to see for yourself what it's like.'
'However, please do hurry up, members of the SSS.'
'The abundance of magical in your bodies ーー Your life force, will prevent you from being affected by the ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„ instantly.'
But the ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„ is a powerful and unparalleled weapon. You will eventually be affected by itーー'
Story Frankfurt.png
"It can't beーー"
Frankfurt grunted, interrupting the broadcast.
Story Frankfurt.png
"Could this voice, it can't be, Guernica...?"
Story Murmansk.png
"'Guernica'...? Who is that?"
Story Fussen.png
"It's the same as the name of this building. That means, hmm...?"
'Well then everyone, good day to you all.'
Guernica's mysterious voice ended unilaterally with our conversation, as she seems not to have heard us.
'Please enjoy your upside-down world to the fullest♪'
Skyscraper's Guernica Banner.png
T-1 La Imagen Del Infierno
T-2 Her Highness Fussen's Married
T-3 Marriage Blue
T-4 Dictator and Revolutionary
T-5 Inversión
T-6 Daughter is Mama and Mama is Daughter
T-7 Very Bottom Town
T-8 Frankfurt's Hopes
T-9 Guernica's Hopes
T-10 The Skyscraper of Twisted Love