Event Scenario/Marriage Blue

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Skyscraper's Guernica Banner.png
T-1 La Imagen Del Infierno
T-2 Her Highness Fussen's Married
T-3 Marriage Blue
T-4 Dictator and Revolutionary
T-5 Inversión
T-6 Daughter is Mama and Mama is Daughter
T-7 Very Bottom Town
T-8 Frankfurt's Hopes
T-9 Guernica's Hopes
T-10 The Skyscraper of Twisted Love
The wedding reception of Frankfurt's father - a.k.a. 'Dictator' and Fussen's marriage is scheduled to last seven days and will be a big affair.
It seems to be the custom here to make everything related to the Dictator as extravagant and grandiose as possible. --In short, we have seven days to spare.
Story Murmansk.png
"Hmmm, so that's what it's all about."
Story Murmansk.png
"I was a little bit surprised when I heard that [Fussen] was going to [Marry]. That was all for that kind of [Strategy], then?"
That's right. We have successfully infiltrated the Dictator's territory and will gather information on the Phantom Mist Weapon within seven days. Then, if possible, we will escape before the Dictator is aware of our presence.
Story Murmansk.png
"Ro~ger, [Conductor]♪"
Story Murmansk.png
"Ehehe. I don't know if I'll be able to do it [Well], it's my [First] time in this kind of [Roleplay] - but I'll do my best♪"
It's true that this time it's not a battle to eliminate Phantom Mist, but rather an intelligence operation against people like us. It's different from our usual missions, I suppose.
Story Murmansk.png
"[Spy], right? [Spy]♪ I've read such [Books] before!"
I have high hopes for you, Murmansk. As you've got the condition called 'Aurora Disease' that blocks everyone's perception of your surroundings - In short, you can become invisible.
Story Murmansk.png
"Yes. As a [Spy], I'm the perfect [Talent] for it. I can collect a lot of [Information] without anyone noticing."
With the secret treasure 'Pot of Capriciousity' given to me by Fussen, I can become as invisible like you, Murmansk. I'll be able to do the heavy lifting, like carrying classified documents.
Story Murmansk.png
"Yeees, [Co-op Play], right? [Buddy Mission], right?"
Story Murmansk.png
"While we are collecting [Information] in this way, the [Public Relations] people will be [Stalling] for us."
That's right. When our absence is suspected, for example, Karlsruhe and the other members of the PR department will draw attention away from us. So they are a diversionary force.
And then there are other people who are combatants in case things get rough... Though I'm not sure if Volklingen will coordinate properly.
Story Murmansk.png
"It's all right! [Mama] is a can-do person!"
Yes, but... She seems very upset to hear that her beloved Fussen is getting married.
Story Murmansk.png
"Mwah? Why are so many things kept [Secret] from everyone? I was also [Surprised] when I found out about the [News] earlier, you know?"
Story Murmansk.png
"I'm sure [Frankfurt] will be [disappointed] too."
Because I feared that information would be leaked, but why Frankfurt? Wasn't she on board with this marriage story?
Story Murmansk.png
"No. [Frankfurt], the thought of having a [Mother] is making her [Overjoyed]."
Story Murmansk.png
"She seems to have lost her [Mother] once upon a time... She's been lonely for a long time."
I see... Maybe we should explain the situation to Frankfurt as soon as possible.
Story Murmansk.png
"Yes, that's right. If she knows the [Truth] later on, the [Shock] is going to be bigger."
We have seven days available for the mission. There is no need to rush, we can meet up with Frankfurt to tell her what had happened by then.
There was a lovely little room in the corner of the skyscraper, known as the Guernica Tower, which had been prepared for this wedding reception.
This was a rest room reserved for the guest of honour, Frankfurt. There, Fussen and the other guests, who were the stars of the event, were quarrelling.
Story Fussen.png
"I told you! I am not going to marry your father! In other words, I am not going to be your mother!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Eh~? Doesn't understand! Fran doesn't want you to change your mind at the last minute!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Fran has prepared a lot of beautiful outfits for you. Lookie lookie♪ we're already building a new house for you and my Papa!"
Story Fussen.png
"It's an unnecessary consideration!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Eh~... Flan wanted to be happy with you, my new Mama."
Story Fussen.png
"That's why I'm not going to be your mama at all! Although I would certainly be happy to have little Flan be a part of my family!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Huhu, isn't that right? Isn't Fran cute? Frau Fussen is so lucky to have such a daughter♪"
Frankfurt made a childish gesture and happily hugged Fussen around the waist and rubbed her cheeks. The two are now like a friendly mother and daughter.
Story Fussen.png
"Augh augh... Please stop~ I don't want to give in~... I must escalate my self-control, you're only cute because you look cute!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Ugaah~! What on earth is wrong with you, Mama!?"
Story Fussen.png
"I'm not your mother! I don't understand why I have to tell you all, this is a conspiracy by a black-hearted birth in the first place--"
Story Fussen.png
"It's shameful to be forced to marry a man that I don't even know what he looks like!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Well then, let's go to my Papa's now, shall we? See? Then he won't be a 'faceless man' then, right?"
Story Fussen.png
"That's not the point! I don't want this kind of politically arranged marriage, I want something more romantic...!"
"- Um... Don't [fight], get on well with each other?"
Story Frankfurt.png
Story Fussen.png
"Th, that voice is my dearest angel! My little Murmansk...!"
Fussen held Frankfurt tightly to protect her and looked around. We gently opened the door and walk up to them.
Story Murmansk.png
"Ehehe, I beg your pardon~♪"
Incidentally, Murmansk had already broken her invisibility by biting my neck sweetly.
Story Frankfurt.png
"C-can you not startle me, Murmansk!"
Story Murmansk.png
"Sorry? I didn't mean to [Disturb] your friendship with [Fussen]...?"
Story Fussen.png
"We're not really friends with each other!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"So, why is Manservant here too? You can't come into a lady's room without permission, you have no delicateness whatsoever~!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Pfft♪ That's exactly why everyone hates you, Manservant!"
Frankfurt calls me by the derogatory term Manservant, she insulted me in her typical tone then got confused.
Story Frankfurt.png
"Huh? But why did you two come in?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Eh? There was no [Lock] on the [Door], so we could enter normally...?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Eh~? That's strange? Papa loves Fran so much that the security for this room that's set aside for her is also perfect!"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Without Fran's permission, nobody should never be able to enter."
Story Fussen.png
"What do you mean? Has the security equipment malfunctioned?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"No, of course not? In this land, Papa's orders are absolute, and you can be purged for the slightest mistake, you know?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"The doors and equipment are also thoroughly maintained, so they should never break down."
Story Murmansk.png
"That, meaning...?"
Story Frankfurt.png
"Meaning it's not a spontaneous breakdown, it's just that someone has broken the equipment--"
The moment Frankfurt said this, the lights in the room suddenly went out.
Story Guernica2.png
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, let's start the shitty revolutionary drama♪"
In the middle of the slum-like landscape surrounding the Guernica Tower, a woman was singing in the middle of the wedding reception venue.
Story Guernica2.png
"Come, all of you who have been trampled on♪ Do we hate?♪ Do we regret?♪ Do we forgive?♪"
Story Guernica2.png
"Very well, let's turn the world upside down♪"
Story Guernica2.png
"And then, oh my goodness♪ In a world where everything is upside downーー"
Story Guernica2.png
"The top will be down, the bottom will be up, and whatever has been stepping on someone will be stepped on in reverse♪"
Story Guernica2.png
"For that, for the revolution, let's fire the celebratory guns♪"
Story Guernica2.png
"-- 'Phantom Mist Weapon ”One-Shot Reversal Cannon„. Fire♪"
Skyscraper's Guernica Banner.png
T-1 La Imagen Del Infierno
T-2 Her Highness Fussen's Married
T-3 Marriage Blue
T-4 Dictator and Revolutionary
T-5 Inversión
T-6 Daughter is Mama and Mama is Daughter
T-7 Very Bottom Town
T-8 Frankfurt's Hopes
T-9 Guernica's Hopes
T-10 The Skyscraper of Twisted Love