Event Scenario/Increasing Demands

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The Sickness Unto Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Shanghai's Sickness
R-2 The Urge for Chocolate
R-3 The Thing Lurking in the Archives
R-4 The Thing Crawling From the Hole
R-5 The Booby-Trapped Archives
R-6 Give Me Chocolate to Fix You Up
R-7 Increasing Demands
R-8 The Archives' Secrets
R-9 The Obsession With Chocolate
R-10 So Much Thought Goes Into Chocolate
A man claiming to be Great Sage Lord Chococlay appears out of the blue and lies that he knows how to restore Shanghai.
But the key cure, he says, is to give the man handmade chocolate.
Story Shanghai.png
"How about it, uncle, have you learnt your lesson a little?"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"So mean, I didn't even hit anyone at all..."
Story Shanghai.png
"I'm in serious trouble, and yet you tell me that if I give you chocolate I'll be cured."
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"It's true, re... Damn it!"
Story Shanghai.png
"Ah, don't run away!"
Story Tianjin.png
"Let's go after him!"
Story Beijing.png
"Wait, don't chase him. We are not familiar with this archive. We should avoid going after him too far, as it could make the situation worse."
Story Austerlitz.png
"Looks pretty busy. What's going on?"
Story Beijing.png
"You've come at the right time, Austerlitz, because just now a suspicious man had turned up and calls himself the Great Sage."
Story Shanghai.png
"This uncle advised me that if I gave him some handmade chocolate, he would cure my symptoms."
Story Shanghai.png
"But I thought to myself, this must be a lie. Because we both knew this is Austerlitz's library!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"But this isn't my library though?"
Story Shanghai.png
Story Austerlitz.png
"I have only recently discovered this archive and have been exploring it for new knowledge."
Story Austerlitz.png
"You know, sometimes you find rare erotica in second-hand bookshops. I came here with the intention of searching for such treasures."
Story Shanghai.png
"But I thought Beijing told me that 'the archives are like Austerlitz's garden'."
Story Beijing.png
"...No, no I didn't, Shanghai, I did not say 'the archives are like Austerlitz's garden'. I said, 'The archives are like a garden to you, wise sage.'."
Story Shanghai.png
"Aaah, that's what you meant!?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Please wait, please explain it so I can understand what's going on!"
Story Beijing.png
"Austerlitz heard 'the archives are like the garden of a wise sage', and thought we were talking about an image of a wise sage, isn't that right?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Mademoiselle Beijing is right."
Story Tianjin.png
"I-I see..."
Story Beijing.png
"I didn't say 'this archive' from the very beginning, so the conversation proceeded without mutual understanding. This is my mistake. My apologies, everyone."
Story Tianjin.png
"Don't apologise, bo-shi. If bo-shi didn't understand something, I wouldn't have understood it anyway."
Story Shanghai.png
"But if that's the case, that means the owner of this archive is still that uncle...?"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"Huhaha, did you call the owner of the archive?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Ugh, there you are. Uncle, did you hear what I just said?"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"This Great Sage Lord Chococlay, of course has heard what you just said."
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"So, towards the 'only one who can cure your condition', do you have anything to say to this Great Sage Lord Chococlay?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Ah, I'm sorry for calling you a suspicious uncle and shunned you away, I'm sorry..."
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"That was painful. But as I have an open heart, I will forgive you. Let me help you with your symptoms."
Story Beijing.png
"Wait, when you say you'll cure Shanghai's symptoms, you don't really mean 'give you handmade chocolates' as you said earlier, do you?"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"Exactly. But this time I demand handmade chocolate from everyone here, not just the girl with the symptoms there!"
Story Shanghai.png
"You're asking for more!?"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"It can't be helped, because I'm hurt. So it has to be from all of you. Ah~ It's a problem to get real chocolate from four people~"
Story Shanghai.png
"You're obviously on a roll..."
Story Beijing.png
"Oi Great Sage. Why would giving you chocolate cure Shanghai's symptoms?"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"It fills me up! ......I mean you don't have to understand. The wisdom of the Great Sage is incomprehensible to ordinary people."
Story Beijing.png
"......What did you say?"
Story Beijing.png
"Hmph, this is the first time I've received such an evaluation. It's kind of amusing--"
Story Tianjin.png
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
Story Tianjin.png
"I will not allow you to insult bo-shi!"
Story Tianjin.png
"Bo-shi, I know that bo-shi you are the most amazing person in the world! So you shouldn't be affected by this kind of rhetoric!"
Story Beijing.png
"......Thank you Tianjin, but I was going to undergo a big decision from there, so let me land the coup-de-grace next time if I may."
Story Tianjin.png
"Ugh, sorry bo-shi."
Story Beijing.png
"Eh, there's nothing to apologise for."
Story Beijing.png
"Now then, Shanghai, I don't think the way to fix you is the way the Great Sage says, but how about we just pummel him again and find out?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Hear hear! I agree with Beijing's idea!"
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"Eh? I'm not getting chocolate from everyone? Th-, then, just the beastkin maiden over there can give me some chocolate--"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Mademoiselle Tianjin's absolute trust and dearness, who gets angry before Mademoiselle Beijing herself... Pant, pant, various lewd delusions are squirting on this Litz..."
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"I-I'll pr-pretend I didn't hear that..."
Story Beijing.png
"Now, let's see how the Great Sage would escape this brilliantly from here."
Story Chococlay.png
Great Sage Chococlay
"I-I won't accept that you can't give me chocolate!"
The Sickness Unto Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Shanghai's Sickness
R-2 The Urge for Chocolate
R-3 The Thing Lurking in the Archives
R-4 The Thing Crawling From the Hole
R-5 The Booby-Trapped Archives
R-6 Give Me Chocolate to Fix You Up
R-7 Increasing Demands
R-8 The Archives' Secrets
R-9 The Obsession With Chocolate
R-10 So Much Thought Goes Into Chocolate