Event Scenario/The Urge for Chocolate

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The Sickness Unto Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Shanghai's Sickness
R-2 The Urge for Chocolate
R-3 The Thing Lurking in the Archives
R-4 The Thing Crawling From the Hole
R-5 The Booby-Trapped Archives
R-6 Give Me Chocolate to Fix You Up
R-7 Increasing Demands
R-8 The Archives' Secrets
R-9 The Obsession With Chocolate
R-10 So Much Thought Goes Into Chocolate
It is an unknown disease that causes a constant addiction for chocolate. To be fair, none of us ever seen or heard of such a disease, so Beijing named it for convenience's sake.
Story Tianjin.png
"Phew, the seizures have finally subsided..."
Story Beijing.png
"I didn't realise the symptoms of chocoholism could be this severe. Shanghai, I'm sure you bought them from a shady peddler, didn't you?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Yeah, I did."
Story Tianjin.png
"Gosh, why did you buy chocolate from someone you think is so shady?"
Story Shanghai.png
"B-Because if you were told that there would be no doubt that this year's Valentine's Day sales would explode, wouldn't you be curious even if it was suspicious?"
Story Tianjin.png
"And this is what happened as the result. Can you please think thrice already? Gosh."
Story Beijing.png
"Well, what happened has already happened. Shanghai, let me check again, you've said you don't know where the peddler is, do you?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Yeah. He left very quickly."
Story Beijing.png
"So I guess this Great Sage's Library is our last resort."
Story Tianjin.png
"We're able to have a place like an ancient library so close by, we're really lucky."
Story Beijing.png
"The Great Sage's Library - huh? I wish you had told me earlier that there was such a place on the outskirts of St. Iris, Conductor."
No, this is the first time we've heard of this library. The villagers nearby have only recently discovered it.
Story Beijing.png
"Is that so? If that's the case, it might have been subjected to a cognitive blocking technique, similar to Nishikese barriers. And for some reason, it was only recently lifted."
Story Beijing.png
"It's strange, there was no records about it, and the place was only recently discovered, yet it is called the Great Sage, does that mean the owner has been sighted?"
Story Tianjin.png
"People in the village said they saw someone who looked like a very wise man going in and out of the place?"
Story Beijing.png
"So that's what it is. If that's the case, the first thing we should do is to ask this great sage about using his library... There's not a moment to lose. I'll take the liberty of taking a look."
Story Tianjin.png
"In a situation like this, should we still look for medical books?"
Story Beijing.png
"We should also look into pharmacology and magic. Conductor and I will look into those, so why don't you check the illustrated books to see if there are any medicinal herbs that might be effective?"
Story Shanghai.png
"Then I'll check the local folklore section. Maybe there are stories about people wanting chocolate."
Story Beijing.png
"Yes, that's good. We'll split up and look for them."
Shanghai & Tianjin
"Yes (of course)!"
Story Tianjin.png
"Then I'll look in this corner... Ah, I found a medicinal herb book♪ With illustrations too, that's quite an easy find for me!"
Story Tianjin.png
"But are there any medicinal herbs that can help with the symptoms of chocoholism? Can't I just collect all the medicinal herbs that seem to be good for the stomach and feed them to Shanghai?"
Story Shanghai.png
"I definitely don't want to take chances with a roulette and get shot at!?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Not to worry. Bo-shi will identify and remove the deadliest food combinations. Shanghai's more in charge of the folklore and folktales section."
Story Shanghai.png
"I know. It's just that this place is too quiet and, you know, creepy? What if something daaangerous~ comes out?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Oh what? You're afraid of being alone, Shanghai?"
Story Shanghai.png
"N-n-nothing. I'm fine on my own. I'm just saying that this is a suspicious place and we should be wary."
Story Tianjin.png
"Not to worry, I looked around earlier. I even called out to check, but nobody responded. There's no one here, none."
Story Shanghai.png
"I just saw something move over there!"
Story Tianjin.png
"...I don't see anything there though?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Hmhmm, you won't catch me trying to scare me. Look, I'll also give you the last of the chocolate so that you can be fine by yourself in case you have a seizure again, so Shanghai, please go back to your post as soon as possible."
Story Shanghai.png
"Uuugh, but I'm sure I saw it~"
Story Tianjin.png
"Shanghai is a mischievous child. I'm not going to fall for the same trick again and again."
Story Tianjin.png
"Now them, the herbs that are good for the stomach are on this page, and the herbs that weaken the effects of magic are over here."
Story Tianjin.png
"Hmhmm, I think I'm getting the hang of looking for them."
"I need more chocolate, I need more."
Story Tianjin.png
"Hold it Shanghai, that's really the last reserves I have, so please consume it slowly okaay?"
Story Tianjin.png
Story Tianjin.png
"Hmhmm, is she so focused that she can't hear me then? I can't lose to you either."
Story Tianjin.png
Story Tianjin.png
"I'm still a little concerned about her condition. Is it possible that she had a seizure and can't move...?"
Story Tianjin.png
"Huh? I thought she was over here, but apparently not... Shanghai, where did you gooooo?"
Story Tianjin.png
"There is no reply. Don't tell me that the person Shanghai said was really lurking nearby and attacked...?"
"W-woah, what are you doing!? Stop!"
Story Tianjin.png
Story Tianjin.png
"Bo-shi, what's going on, bo-shi!!"
Story Tianjin.png
"Ggh, I'll go and help you right now!"
The Sickness Unto Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Shanghai's Sickness
R-2 The Urge for Chocolate
R-3 The Thing Lurking in the Archives
R-4 The Thing Crawling From the Hole
R-5 The Booby-Trapped Archives
R-6 Give Me Chocolate to Fix You Up
R-7 Increasing Demands
R-8 The Archives' Secrets
R-9 The Obsession With Chocolate
R-10 So Much Thought Goes Into Chocolate