Event Scenario/Pyon Pyon Bunny Taimu

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Hare Racing Mt Cannon Banner.png
R-1 The Big Joy Cannon of Mt. Taiho
R-2 Usaoi Matsuri
R-3 Deadly Game of Tag
R-4 Injection Then Shoot
R-5 Paddington, Coming
R-6 Paddington VS Victoria
R-7 Legend of the Moon and the Hare
R-8 Long Time No Hawawa
R-9 Pyon Pyon Bunny Taimu
R-10 The Big Joy Cannon is Mysterious
After coming to her senses, Paddington led us further into the mountains and we came to a large open space.
It had a similar atmosphere to the place we had just been. That should be--
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"The cannon again!"
Story Queensway.png
"This one isn't buried in the ground this time. I can't believe it's still in such pristine condition..."
Story Queensway.png
"Just a moment. This cannon seems to have stopped functioning, but it's not broken."
Story Paddington.png
"That's true. If we touch it carelessly, it might trigger. Everyone, please be very careful!"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa! Why are you detaining me, Notting Hill, and Victoria too!?"
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"Well, I think Paddington's the most likely to cause something to happen."
Story Victoria.png
"Milady, it would unacceptable for you to fire this a second time."
Story Victoria.png
"Now then, let's not touch this turret, though I'm pretty sure this is where the source is from."
Story Queensway.png
"It is true that the Mist is getting thicker here than other places..."
Story Queensway.png
"I see, I'm sure that the Daichinhou on the other side of the mountain fired the source of the outbreak, targeting this ancient giant cannon."
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"The Daichinhou... Why?"
Story Queensway.png
"You see, that hare man was very persistent, yeah? I thought that if that kind of obsession caused the creation of the source, he would want it to occur in this place where the hares he hated were."
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"Right, he was talking about rabbits inhabiting this place... T-There's an awful lot of them...!"
Story Ohana.png
"Ara, so many hares. It's a peaceful and lovely scene♪"
Story Queensway.png
"I hope you are all safe!"
Story Lancaster.png
"Ohana's with us, so there's no problem at all. The participants of the Osaoi Matsuri have already been evacuated."
Story Queensway.png
"Huh? What's going on, Miss Izumo no Hakuto?"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Ah, I was so scared to be chased by so many people, no matter how many amateurs I was dealing with..."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Futa-chan would have been able to handle a situation like that surely, but Izu-Izu couldn't. Glad it was cancelled..."
Story Queensway.png
"Being chased by that many men is going to be nothing but fear..."
Story Queensway.png
"Um, we don't have time to talk about it. We need to find the source of the outbreak as soon as possible!"
Story Lancaster.png
"I see, so there was such a pervert. And the source still hasn't disappeared."
Story Lancaster.png
"So it's that pervert who is the source of the outbreak?"
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"But Victoria kept attacking his cannon, and he went off crying, no?"
Story Lancaster.png
"But you didn't snap his cannon off, did you?"
Story Victoria.png
"Yes. A pity."
Story Lancaster.png
"I'll help you next time and we'll make sure it bends."
Story Victoria.png
"Yes, by all means."
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"Hmm? What's the matter, Sir Conductor? You look like you've quivered for a moment."
Story Queensway.png
"It's natural for a man to quiver."
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"What do you mean?"
Story Lancaster.png
"Nothing Hill, you don't need to know. Just keep on being a herbivore."
Story Queensway.png
"I-I've said I'm not a carnivore!"
Story Lancaster.png
"That's not what I'm trying to implicate..."
Story Queensway.png
"Ah, yeah, you're right."
Story Lancaster.png
"Anyway, I think it's more likely that the perverted hare just ran away. I'm sure it's hiding around there now."
Story Lancaster.png
"Around there, for example."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Eh, behind me?"
Story Playboy Bunny.png
Playboy Bunny
"Ahh~. I can't get enough of the smell of bunnies. Let me play with you~"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Hi~! He really came out~! Izuizu's pyon pyon can't pyon!"
Story Playboy Bunny.png
Playboy Bunny
"One, two, three, bunnies... Gwehehe, how lucky I am to have such good looking bunnies. I'm going after ya - I'm going after ya super hard! I'm going to puff puff your tail!"
Story Lancaster.png
"There are no three bunny people here."
Story Playboy Bunny.png
Playboy Bunny
"Upon closer inspection, twintails do look like bunnies. Hah, hah, your twintails are ugly though..."
Story Lancaster.png
Story Lancaster.png
"My twintails have been defiled..."
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"C-calm down Lancaster, your hair is not ugly, it's very pretty. Look, I'll grab my hair with both hands and put on twintails too, just a tease!"
Story Playboy Bunny.png
Playboy Bunny
"Whoaaah, here's another twintail!"
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
Story Lancaster.png
"Why are you trying to get him in rut, Nutting Hill...?"
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"A-Anyway. Just defeat it, defeat it."
Story Ohana.png
"I agree. You there, monster-san, the Usaoi Matsuri has been cancelled. It's a shame♪"
Story Playboy Bunny.png
Playboy Bunny
"What are you talking about? My festival has just started! I'm going to bang and shoot you using me hard, long barrel and endless bullets!"
Story Ohana.png
"I guess there's no point in conversation."
Story Victoria.png
"Ladies and gentlemen, let me once again take the lead here. I really want to punish him for insulting Milady."
Story Paddington.png
Story Victoria.png
"Paddy, please step away for a moment, it's dangerous."
Story Paddington.png
"I understand. Victoria, please be careful!"
Story Notting Hill.png
Notting Hill
"Alright, we'll cover you."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, Miss Victoria, say the word."
Story Victoria.png
"Well then - Engage!"
Hare Racing Mt Cannon Banner.png
R-1 The Big Joy Cannon of Mt. Taiho
R-2 Usaoi Matsuri
R-3 Deadly Game of Tag
R-4 Injection Then Shoot
R-5 Paddington, Coming
R-6 Paddington VS Victoria
R-7 Legend of the Moon and the Hare
R-8 Long Time No Hawawa
R-9 Pyon Pyon Bunny Taimu
R-10 The Big Joy Cannon is Mysterious