Event Scenario/The Big Joy Cannon of Mt. Taiho

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Hare Racing Mt Cannon Banner.png
R-1 The Big Joy Cannon of Mt. Taiho
R-2 Usaoi Matsuri
R-3 Deadly Game of Tag
R-4 Injection Then Shoot
R-5 Paddington, Coming
R-6 Paddington VS Victoria
R-7 Legend of the Moon and the Hare
R-8 Long Time No Hawawa
R-9 Pyon Pyon Bunny Taimu
R-10 The Big Joy Cannon is Mysterious
Story Yoshino.png
"Pon♪ Pire Para Para Pon♪"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Pon♪ Pure Para Piru Pon♪"
Story Paddington.png
"Conductor, Akemashite..."
Three of Them
"Omedetou gozaimasu~!"
Kinga Shinnen. Happy New Year. I hope you will do your best this year as a member of the SSS. I will also do my best as the captain of the SSS and as everyone's Conductor.
However, working too hard is bad for your health. Rest and play in moderation.
Story Paddington.png
"Yes! Leave everything about that to me! I'll be full steam ahead this New Year's Day!"
Story Paddington.png
Story Yoshino.png
"By the way Paddington is a bit drunk."
Story Paddington.png
"It's good to be a little drunk sometimes! New year's early on high tensions! That Nishikese sake, Quick Feet Hare In Heat I drank earlier is kickin' in! Yoshino, music start!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Haai, it's no fabricannon to say that Yoshino has come just for this."
Original: キャノン (cannon).
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"It's not 'fabricannon', it's 'fabrication'."
Correction: 過言 (kagon, meaning exaggeration).
Story Yoshino.png
"Maa, maa, Izumo no Hakuto-sensei. Let's wash the details away with sake and sing a song together with Yoshino."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Hey, that thing you did last time? Izu-Izu, can't do something that difficult~."
Story Yoshino.png
What do you mean? Izumo no Hakuto is a cram school sensei, right? After all, you can cover it with your jinsei keiken."
Story Yoshino.png
"Well then, Retsu Shingu A Songu!"
Story Paddington.png
"That's right! Yoshino-san's annual New Year's song is about to start~!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Osechi♪ Osechi♪ Osechicken♪"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Osechi♪ Osechi♪ Osechin......"
Story Yoshino.png
"Sei sei sei. Censor that. Cut that one. It sounds awful."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Hue~? Why? Izu-Izu, wasn't trying to say anything bad~ (cry)"
Story Yoshino.png
"Then let's ask you, what were you going to say?"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"'Chinkou' (sedimentation)."
(Original: 沈降)
Story Yoshino.png
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Yes. Was that difficult for you?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Don't really understand that."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Yoshino-chan, is it still too difficult for you? Would 'chinka' (subsidience) be more preferable...?"
(Original: 沈下)
Story Yoshino.png
"What amazing goiryoku. This is what an adult is capable of?"
Story Paddington.png
"That's right! Izumo no Hakuto is sneaky! It's outrageous to use the charms of an adult against us petite girls, the Itty Bitty Titty Committee!"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"I'm not really an adult, okay? I'm a cute girl just like everyone else."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"I just lived a little bit longer than everyone else..."
Story Paddington.png
"Knowledgeable and big tits and cute, that's unfair on top of it all! What's with the pink hair? That's just too cute!"
Story Paddington.png
"Ah, I have pink hair too~ Ehe, eheheh, kheh."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
Story Yoshino.png
...Can someone do something about this drunk?
Story Paddington.png
"Roger that sir! I'll take care of everything!"
......Do whatever you want now.
Story Paddington.png
"Thank you! Because going all out on my off-days is my motto after all!"
Story Paddington.png
"Let's all stretch our wings for New Year's Day. We're going full speed ahead, so fast that we're flying to the moon! Let's also have a lot of fun at the events that are coming up♪"
Story Yoshino.png
Story Paddington.png
"Yes! Here at the Daichinhou Shrine, there is a wonderful event to pray for a good year and..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Sei sei sei, Paddington, sei."
Story Paddington.png
"Yes? What is it, Yoshino?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Did you just say something a bit weird just now?"
"Daichinhou" (big precious cannon) is a pun on "Daichinpo" (big meatshaft)
Story Paddington.png
Story Paddington.png
Story Paddington.png
"No, I didn't."
Story Yoshino.png
"Really? You swear on your onee-chan?"
Story Paddington.png
"I really didn't say anything weird. I was just explaining the strange festival at the Daichinhou Shrine."
Story Yoshino.png
"Isn't the mountain here called Mt. Taiho?"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"The shrine on Mt. Taiho is called 'Daichinhou Shrine'. Yoshino-chan, didn't you see the ancient cannon in the precincts?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Saw it, but... Compared to the cannons Yoshino knows, the shape was a bit different."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Well, as it was made a long time ago, I guess there are some differences from modern weapons."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Paddington-chan, what kind of event is this event?"
Story Paddington.png
"It's an event starring cute hares! It is said that the winner of this event will receive various benefits."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Cute bunny..."
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Wait, is that meeee~!?"
Story Paddington.png
"Absolutely! Izumo no Hakuto's the star of the event! The entries has been completed, so please join us! There is no doubt that many worshipers will worship Izumo no Hakuto!"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"A lot of people will be worshipping... Izu-Izu is going to be like Futa-chan?"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Kyah! That's no good! Lovely~ Carrot Pure Pure Dreeeam~!"
Story Paddington.png
"That's the spirit! Izumo no Hakuto is still going strong! Let's create a new legend at Daichinhou Shrine!"
Story Izumo no Hakuto.png
Izumo no Hakuto
"Who's the legendary bunny? Izu-Izu deeesu~♪ Clever, cute, pyon pyon pyon♪"
Story Yoshino.png
"Eh, about that, is this year's New Year's Day going to have hares fire their daichinhous as the event? Kinda feels like that."
Story Yoshino.png
"That's all, this is Yoshino, signing-out."
Hare Racing Mt Cannon Banner.png
R-1 The Big Joy Cannon of Mt. Taiho
R-2 Usaoi Matsuri
R-3 Deadly Game of Tag
R-4 Injection Then Shoot
R-5 Paddington, Coming
R-6 Paddington VS Victoria
R-7 Legend of the Moon and the Hare
R-8 Long Time No Hawawa
R-9 Pyon Pyon Bunny Taimu
R-10 The Big Joy Cannon is Mysterious