Main Scenario/Cross the Checkpoint

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Chapter 3.png
3-1 To Nishiki We Go!
3-2 Cross the Checkpoint
3-3 Dangerous Inn Town
3-4 The Cursed Dolls
3-5 About Clothes
3-6 Nana's Obi-Kazari
3-7 Yoshino's Proposal
3-8 What Not to Touch
3-9 Kekkai Yaburi
3-10 Friends
Phantom Mist suddenly appeared outside of Nishiki's borders. But as the source of the Mist was taken out, the Mist Train resumed operations without incident.
Story Yoshino.png
"That suprise attack was a bit alarming."
Story Ohana.png
"I hear that Phantom Mist outbreaks are increasingly frequent near the Nishiki wards recently. The Nishiki Army is fortifying defences, but getting outside would be difficult."
Story Ohana.png
"But I'm glad you're all safe. As expected of the current SSS. You're all so strong."
Story Yoshino.png
"Of course we are. Yoshino and friends don't lose that easily!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Come to think of it, aren't you an SSS cadet once, Ohana? What was it called... the Zeroth Generation?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh- that's right. Finchley Kyoukan was part of that too, right? Like a prototype? Hand-picked by the higher-ups."
Story Ohana.png
"Th-that was a long time ago~ You're right that I did come to St. Iris as an SSS cadet, but that was because I had trouble finding work and money in Nishiki..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Before you came to St. Iris, you were cooking food for the Nishiki soldiers, right? Were you suddenly sacked...?"
Story Ohana.png
"To be exact, I used to be a cook at a munitions factory. I guess the rumours of my cooking spread outside the factory, and soldiers from all over were looking for me just to eat."
Story Ohana.png
"I enjoyed working there, but the pay wasn't great. So when I heard of a job that would benefit everyone in the world... I just had to get out and give it a try."
Story Ohana.png
"But in the end, I quitted soon after. I guess it wasn't for me after all..."
Story Paddington.png
"We have arrived at the southwest checkpoint of Nishiki! Please prepare your respective tsuko-tegata provided to everyone for the upcoming checkpoint passthrough ritual, before disembarking the Train."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh- checkpoint passthrough ritual, nostalgic."
Story Vivienne.png
"Wait just a minute? We're fine getting off the train. But where the heck is the checkpoint?"
Story Vivienne.png
"All I see is trees? And I don't see railway tracks either. How could we even proceed from here?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Hehehe, your riakushion is priceless. They say even forest rangers can't find out the Nishiki checkpoint."
Story Vivienne.png
"Oho, tell me then. You're sorta cute when you're cocky today, Yoshino."
Story Yoshino.png
"Hmmhmmm, keep the compliments coming. Surely Vivienne won't be able to solve this mystery."
Story Vivienne.png
"Ggghh~ you cheeky little~ Just explain what's going on here~ You keep flicking your ears around, I just know you're hiding something~!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooohhh-!? Not the ears, not the ears~"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Zhe, stop messing around and let's go. We don't know when more Phantom Mist might show up."
Story Putra.png
"Um, am I the only one who's clueless on what's going on? Please explain to me, preferably simple enough that a child of the sea can understand?"
Story Ohana.png
"There are powerful sorceries place around Nishiki's borders. Anyone that tries to cross the borders without going through official checkpoints will find themselves back where they started no matter how far they walk."
Story Paddington.png
"While this place is safe because it is protected by wards, it is believed that bad things can happen if one wanders around Nishiki borders for too long."
Story Putra.png
"B-bad things?"
Story Paddington.png
"Well, you see..."
Story Paddington.png
"I don't really know!"
Story Putra.png
"Ah, okay..."
Story Ohana.png
"Where we are now is just within range of castable sorceries. If you take your tsuko-tegata and proceed to the position of the tree over there, you'll see a something very interesting."
Story Yoshino.png
"Tsuko-tegata! Yoshino wanna do it Yoshino wanna do it!"
Story Ohana.png
"Hai, hai♪ Please do~!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Tegata, item drop obtained!"
Story Putra.png
"Uh Yoshino, some of us don't get what's going on here, please give me time to prepare or something..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Show yourself~ checkpoint~!"
Story Putra.png
Story Yoshino.png
"This is the checkpoint. Vivienne, Putra, look look~♪"
The instant Yoshino crossed the invisible line holding her tsuko-tegata, the forest around our path earlier disappeared without a trace. In its place in front of us was a checkpoint guarded by Nishikese soldiers.
Story Vivienne.png
"A-Amazing... And we were so deep in the forest just now..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I can see the tracks too. Nishikese sorcery, never fails to impress me."
Story Putra.png
"It's Nishiki... We actually made it to Nishiki!"
Story Nishiki Soldier.png
Nishiki Soldier
"You must be the Alliance SSS. We were briefed that you'd be staying at the inn town to investigate accounts of the 'treasure hunt' and the unusual occurrence of Phantom Mist. You may continue onwards by train."
Story Nishiki Soldier.png
Nishiki Soldier
"Normally, we would be welcoming you by lifting the sorcery temporarily, but the situation being what it is, we are unable to make exceptions near the borders. There's a high possibility that illegal traders and thieves have also heard rumours of this 'treasure hunt' and infiltrate the country from the outside."
This is an appropriate decision for the border guards. Risks should not be compromised just for us of the SSS. In fact, I'm of the opinion that you should strengthen your security more.
Just moments ago we were forced into a battle with Phantom Mist before reached this checkpoint. The enemies weren't strong, but the speed at which the Mist occurred was alarmingly fast. So fast that we couldn't stop the train in an emergency."
Story Nishiki Soldier.png
Nishiki Soldier
"Acknowledged. I'll report this to the top. Be prepared for even more Mist Monsters on your path ahead. Please do take care."
Story Ohana.png
"Thank you very much for your kindness. Here, have some bento for your trouble. Please enjoy and share these with everyone else."
Story Nishiki Soldier.png
Nishiki Soldier
"This is, this is very indebted. Thank you very much."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ohana, let's get going! Nishiki is waiting for us!"
Story Ohana.png
"Hai hai, let's go~"
Story Nishiki Soldier.png
Nishiki Soldier
Story Nishiki Soldier.png
Nishiki Soldier
"Hmmm, I feel like I've heard that name before..."
Chapter 3.png
3-1 To Nishiki We Go!
3-2 Cross the Checkpoint
3-3 Dangerous Inn Town
3-4 The Cursed Dolls
3-5 About Clothes
3-6 Nana's Obi-Kazari
3-7 Yoshino's Proposal
3-8 What Not to Touch
3-9 Kekkai Yaburi
3-10 Friends