Main Scenario/Fairy King of Brocéliande

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Chapter 28.png
28-1 More Haste, Less Speed
28-2 Vivienne's Anomaly
28-3 Guardian of the Otherworld Portal
28-4 Dark Power
28-5 Administrator of the Ruins
28-6 Teleportation Magic
28-7 Knight Commander and Instructor
28-8 Apostle of Doom
28-9 Fairy King of Brocéliande
28-10 The Final Key
Story Vivienne.png
"Are we on... the surface?"
Story Brittany.png
"Apparently so. I thought we went deeper underground from the Metro Hole."
Story Queensway.png
"Um, isn't that perhaps a celestial sphere in front of us?"
Story Putra.png
"Yes, it is! If you look closely, it is a celestial sphere!"
Story Yoshino.png
"It must have fallen to the ground from a high place. It looks completely different up close."
Story Yakutsk.png
"This one seems to be made differently from the Voltarja Celestial Sphere. It's only similarity is that it's round."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's a lot smaller than the Voltarja Celestial Sphere. Celestial spheres come in all shapes and sizes."
Story Versailles.png
Story Brittany.png
"Mademoiselle Versailles, do you recognise this place?"
Story Versailles.png
"No, not at all. I think it is probably near the shana village, but it is difficult to pinpoint the location when we are surrounded by such thick Mist."
Story Versailles.png
"But it looks a bit like the altar of the sanctuary we use in our rituals. This must be part of the Ruins of Thunder."
Story Brittany.png
"There are such large ruins here and no one noticed them before?"
Story Euston.png
"There are danger zones around the Ruins of Thunder, which even the survey teams cannot enter. It is shrouded in thick Mist, be it Tag or Nacht, and demons can appear if people approach. My survey teams suffered a devastating blow just by approaching the entrance."
Story Brittany.png
"Euston, have you ever led a survey party into the ruins?"
Story Euston.png
"Yes, just when I met Versailles. I was looking for a way to go further into the Ruins of Thunder. I was looking for a way to follow in the footsteps of my sister, who mysteriously passed on."
Story Euston.png
"We were surrounded by demons in the vicinity of the Ruins of Thunder and were forced into a tight corner. Thanks to a chance encounter with a shana girl who showed us the way out, we were able to escape with our lives..."
Story Versailles.png
"Sir Commander Knight Euston, could this shana girl be...?"
Story Euston.png
"Of course I'm talking about you, Versailles. You used magic of the shana to save our expedition that time. You may not have been aware of it, but that light is indeed the magic of the shana tribe. It is the power of... The Chosen Child of Lightning."
Story Versailles.png
"This is the first time I have heard of such a story."
Story Euston.png
"At the time, the investigation of the Ruins of Lightning was classified. Besides, I didn't have the knowledge or experience to say anything about the power of the shana people."
Story Euston.png
"My dear sister had been searching for this place for a long time, to go to Iris Cloud to save Metro from the incoming crisis."
Story Brittany.png
"I suppose the shana were closely related to the tribe that uses teleportation magic. Perhaps they believed that lightning would strike the altar and someone would appear to save the world."
Story Versailles.png
"The shana may have been the first race to connect Iris Metro with Iris cloud. They are a race with a history too old for many things to be understood, but with this, we've made another discovery."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
"Welcome, my brethren. Chosen children of the lightning."
Story Versailles.png
"There's someone from the altar!"
Story Brittany.png
"You don't mean to say, this is the true Princess of Thunder?"
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"I am the Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds. I am the guardian of the altar, known as the Princess of Thunder to the shana people."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"To protect the lands from the Poisons and invaders of the Otherworlds, I have unsealed the long-dormant ruins. Verforet is connected above and below ground, because I awakened the Ruins of Thunder from its slumber."
Story Versailles.png
"Was the appearance of the Metro Hole in Brocéliande caused by your releasing the power of the Ruins of Thunder?"
Story Brittany.png
"I understand that you opened the Metro Hole to ask for our help. But why would you be enveloped in such thick darkness just to unseal the ruins? Brocéliande must be in a lot of trouble by now."
Story Versailles.png
"Your power is supposed to be sacred. That is why you were entrusted with the management of these ruins, isn't it? Then why are they so full of bad things?"
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"I am aware of the risks. But this is the best I can do. That's how polluted it is..."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"If left unchecked, the celestial sphere of Iris Metro will spread a lot of Poison from this low sky. Mist and clouds will cover the celestial sphere, and Poison will rain down on Iris Metro. The five world trees will wither and eventually the lands of Iris Cloud will be polluted."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"Before that happens, we must return the Guardians to their Giant Trees. To see them, you need a key. I will give that key to you. Please save the country of deep green and magic, and this world protected by the iridescent clouds."
Story Vivienne.png
"Wait a minute. That doesn't seem to make sense."
Story Versailles.png
"Miss Vivienne?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Mist and clouds cover the celestial sphere and poison rains down on Iris Metro. Wouldn't this make it more favourable for the King of Ever-Darkness to do the opposite? I see no reason for him to help us."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"The ever-darkness originally existed in this world and spread. It is darker and deeper than night. The ever-darkness is also a threat to the two worlds."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
: "Poison, however, comes from outside this world. It will hinder the eternal night that the King of Ever-Darkness seeks. When Poison and ever-darkness are mixed up, this world's existence will become a world where life cannot live."
Story Yoshino.png
"Hell indeed."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We don't want to be used, but maybe we should destroy the invaders from the outside first."
Story Vivienne.png
"The absence of the "Guardian of the Giant Tree" weakens our ability to protect the world from them. The Phantom Mist is multiplying faster than even the Mist Train can keep up..."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"That's right. First of all, we must return the Guardians of the Giant Trees to the trees of each country as soon as possible. Now, take this key. Then I too can return to the celestial sphere and concentrate on calming the thunderclouds."
The Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds unleashed a small lightning spell on the spot, which is formed into a sphere in her hand.
Soon the sphere became smaller and smaller, eventually becoming a stone small enough to fit in the palm of one's hand.
Story Versailles.png
"That is the Lightning Stone... A tremendous amount of magical power is concentrated in that one thing. It's a magic stone made by collecting several thunderbolts."
Story Queensway.png
"Look at that! The stone is heading towards Miss Vivienne on its own."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"Like all keys, the stone chooses its owner. But why are the chosen children with the sigils not chosen, but the elf...?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I don't know either, but maybe it has something to do with that power?"
Story Putra.png
"Hey Vivienne, why is that stone bouncing around?"
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
The Lightning Stone in Vivienne's hand emitted sparks and then black lightning, which clungs to Vivienne's body.
The black lightning runs through Vivienne's body and is again concentrated in her hand. We thought that the lightning magic was activated, but what we saw in the next instant was - that lightning spear.
Vivienne's black spear then changed shape after an intense flash.
Story Vivienne.png
"Is this a... bow?"
Story Putra.png
"The spear transformed into a bow. This is a more Vivienne-like weapon."
Story Vivienne.png
"It doesn't disappear like it did before, but why on earth did it come out at this time?"
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"It's the Magic Bow Brocéliande. It is the bow of thunder that bears the name of the Fairy King."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"So, I see what this is all about. You are the Fairy King of Brocéliande..."
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
Story Canaria.png
"What Princess of Thunder? You don't have much power left. Altar guardian or whatever you are, give me your useless power now."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Versailles.png
Story Canaria.png
"Are you blind? I'm going to turn this disgusting, self-proclaimed princess into an ugly monster."
Story Canaria.png
"Hey, Your Majesty? Do you have the key from before? You still have it, don't you? You can summon lightning, so you should be able to make another one, right?"
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
"...There is no key to give to the intruders. Let the light cut through you and you will disappear from this world."
Story Canaria.png
"Fine. Then give me all your magic power♪"
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
Story Canaria.png
"Come now, show them all to me. Where's the teleportation magic? Here? Or is it here?"
Story Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds.png
Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds
Story Canaria.png
"Uh-huh-huh, I feel so good. I can stick my hands all over the princess's body, fiddle around with her, and get all the magic and enchantment I can. I didn't know magic could feel this good!"
Story Canaria.png
"Do you wanna to squeal more? Scream harder? Knowing how helpless and small you are? Despairing of the sad reality that you have become a monster that destroy the places you hold so dear? That despair feeds me oh so well."
Canaria thrusted her arm into the Fairy Princess of Thunderclouds and sucked the magical energies from her. She put her hand in repeatedly and clawed away to get the teleportation magic out of the princess' body, who's writhing in pain.
This is a terrifying ability to extract magical power right after applying offensive magic. In the past, Canaria could not use such magic. She must have gained some unworldly power after being engulfed by the Voltarja Celestial Sphere.
She remains a powerful enemy, but her power has become more vicious. It is alien. Whatever her purpose is, she no longer seems to be the same person.
Story Vivienne.png
Story Canaria.png
"What? Do you want me to make you feel good too?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Stop it now. Or I will kill you personally."
Story Canaria.png
"Lovely. I would love to be killed by a beautiful girl like you. How will you make me feel? Slash me with a sword? Stab me with a spear? Scorch me with magic?"
Story Canaria.png
"Or would you shoot me right through with your bow? Uhyehhyehhyeh, I wonder how you're even going to shoot me with a bow that doesn't even have arrows."
Even being outnumbered by a majority, Canaria smiled relaxingly. She must have absolute confidence that she will not be defeated even if we fight.
No one moved an inch in this situation. Only Vivienne, however, remained supremely calm, readied her bow and warned Canaria.
Story Vivienne.png
"You can't use teleportation magic."
Story Canaria.png
"I can use it. I'm a genius. I even mastered Gates right away."
Story Vivienne.png
"No, you can't. Because you can't see these arrows, can you?"
Story Canaria.png
"...Huh? What are you talking about? Do you really think you can make such a childish threat?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm not making threats. I'm serious."
Vivienne pulled hard on her lightning bow and pointed an invisible 'arrow' at Canaria.
Immediately after...
Story Canaria.png
The instant Vivienne released her finger, lightning struck Canaria's entire body. The black lightning that appeared with a violent thunderclap was sucked straight into the altar, and soon the black light created a new Gate on the altar.
Story Vivienne.png
"Next time I'll shoot to kill. You know what happens then, don't you?"
Story Canaria.png
"Damn you, what's with that bow..."
Story Canaria.png
"How can you use teleportation magic?! Give me that bow! That's not something you're allowed to have!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Non. There's nothing wrong with me having it. Because you know what? I can do this much damage to you."
Story Vivienne.png
"Canaria. You're sorely mistaken. We are the Special Steel Squad. We're not a unit that investigates archaeological sites, nor are we a unit that inspects railways."
Story Vivienne.png
"We are a unit that fights to clear the Mist. No matter how powerful you become, we will not give in."
Story Versailles.png
"Yes, we are. We have a mission to protect this world. If you interfere with that, we will show no mercy."
Story Euston.png
"Get out of the way, Canaria, this place is no place for a filthy human like you!"
Story Canaria.png
"Uh-huh, uh-hyuhhyuhhaha-hahah..."
Story Canaria.png
"I really love this feeling. It's like a bunch of idiots who don't know what they're doing, who believe in the future and stand up for it."
Story Canaria.png
"I'll admit I'm a filthy person. I won't deny that at all. How's that? I'm quite serious, aren't I?"
Story Canaria.png
"But everyone is filthy, you know? Humans, elves, shana and monsters all get filthy. Eventually everyone becomes Poison and contaminate the clean one after another."
Story Canaria.png
"Yes, like this girl, for example. You can't believe she's the princess from earlier, isn't she so filthy?"
"That's... the Fairy Princess of the Thunderclouds."
Story Euston.png
"She's completely transformed. I'm afraid we can no longer help her."
Story Versailles.png
"Let's defeat her. Let's take her down and return her to the way she was. The sacred lands we have always protected."
Story Vivienne.png
I will clear away the Mist and darkness. Your memories will not be in vain."
Chapter 28.png
28-1 More Haste, Less Speed
28-2 Vivienne's Anomaly
28-3 Guardian of the Otherworld Portal
28-4 Dark Power
28-5 Administrator of the Ruins
28-6 Teleportation Magic
28-7 Knight Commander and Instructor
28-8 Apostle of Doom
28-9 Fairy King of Brocéliande
28-10 The Final Key