Main Scenario/Guardian of the Otherworld Portal

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Chapter 28.png
28-1 More Haste, Less Speed
28-2 Vivienne's Anomaly
28-3 Guardian of the Otherworld Portal
28-4 Dark Power
28-5 Administrator of the Ruins
28-6 Teleportation Magic
28-7 Knight Commander and Instructor
28-8 Apostle of Doom
28-9 Fairy King of Brocéliande
28-10 The Final Key
Story Vivienne.png
"Where is...?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Putra? Sir Conductor? Are you nearby? If you're here, answer me."
Story Vivienne.png
"Nobody...? Where has everyone gone?"
--No one is here. It's just me and you.
Story Vivienne.png
"Don't tell me that voice is... the King of Ever-Darkness!?"
King of Ever-Darkness
"Indeed. I am the King of Ever-Darkness, the ruler of the darkness of the subterranean abyss, who creates dark clouds in the celestial spheres."
Story Vivienne.png
"So it was you who was talking to me earlier. Why is the King of Ever-Darkness here in the Ruins of Thunder?"
King of Ever-Darkness
"I exist whereever there is darkness. Even where there is light, the power of darkness opens dimensional doors."
King of Ever-Darkness
"The end of light is also part of darkness. The power of beings of the dark bloods generates dark clouds in the celestial sphere'.
Story Vivienne.png
"The dark bloods again? I have no idea what you're talking about."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Non, I'm lying to myself. Even I am aware of what's wrong with me."
Story Vivienne.png
"But I will not 'use' this power. I don't know much about the magic that solves the mysteries of the ruins, and there are times when I can't control it and it goes out of control, like just now."
Story Vivienne.png
"Hey, tell me clearly what you're talking about. What was that power I used? And what kind of beings do you mean by the 'dark bloods'?"
King of Ever-Darkness
"Thy power is 'The End of Light'. It is the portal to the otherworlds in the country of deep greens and magic. It is the power of darkness that the guardians of that door possess."
Story Vivienne.png
"The portal to the otherworlds?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I wonder if the door you say is in Brocéliande..."
King of Ever-Darkness
"Doors to otherworlds exist everywhere. 'The End of Light' is darkness deeper than night, and possesses celestial lightning that cuts through dimensions."
King of Ever-Darkness
"-And thy have the power to do so."
Story Vivienne.png
"You actually think you and I are of the same race? I am an elf of Brocéliande. I am the one who clears the darkness deeper than the night. How can I be the same as you?"
King of Ever-Darkness
"I am the one who lives in Ever-Darkness. Thy is the one who lives among the clouds. We live in different worlds and dimensions."
King of Ever-Darkness
"But we both know the ancient sky and clouds. They have existed since the time when dwarves and dragons coexisted."
Story Vivienne.png
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Unlike Yoshino and Queensway, I'm not very good at using my head."
Story Vivienne.png
(But now this guy doesn't seem to be the enemy...)
King of Ever-Darkness
"Don't think of me as friend or foe. We are not equals."
Story Vivienne.png
"Gee, you can read my mind? You use such incomprehensible language yourself, you're so obnoxious."
Story Vivienne.png
"You say we're neither friends or enemies, but you've been in our way at M. St. Iris already? Said to stay away from the Guardians of the Giant Trees or whatever."
King of Ever-Darkness
"I'm just stating truth. I will not allow thy to go near the Guardians of the Giant Trees."
Story Vivienne.png
"Then why did you give me advice earlier? You told me about the steel railway of thunder, didn't you? Was it... that leads to the altar?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Even if you knew something about these ruins, I can't trust you so easily. You are not the voice that led us to Brittany and Versailles."
Story Vivienne.png
"O' King of Ever-Darkness, What is your purpose? Are you trying to hinder us? Or are you trying to tell us where Versailles is?"
King of Ever-Darkness
"I will show thy the way to the altar where the Princess of Thunder awaits."
Story Vivienne.png
"Isn't the Princess of Thunder the enemy we just defeated...?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Oh mon Dieu, I'm going mad. I wonder if I'm trapped inside a Phantom Mist."
King of Ever-Darkness
"I do not help those who bring the light. But should the altar be destroyed, light and darkness will meld in confusion. Things beyond our power will come from the doors of the otherworlds."
King of Ever-Darkness
"-Keep the Apostle of Doom away from me. I cannot interfere."
Story Vivienne.png
"Apostle of Doom...? I wonder if it has something to do with this incident..."
King of Ever-Darkness
"Thy are one of the dark bloods. Thy ruled over the Forest of Doom and the Fairy Forest. Unleash thy hidden power. Then neither the end of light nor the Ever-Darkness will lose their place."
Story Vivienne.png
"Is this a... spear? It looks like it's made of pure lightning..."
King of Ever-Darkness
"Eliminate the Apostle of Doom with the Thunderclouds. Return the Princess to the Celestial Sphere, the Celestial Sphere of Thunder shall return to its original darkness."
Story Vivienne.png
"Oh, wait a minute! Don't leave me with this dangerous thing!"
Story Vivienne.png
"What do you want me to do? This spear is sucking up all my magic just by holding it..."
Story Monster.png
Story Monster.png
Monster 2
Story Monster.png
Monster 3
Story Vivienne.png
"They don't look like just any monster. If these are familiars of the King of Ever-Darkness, it's impossible to defeat it in a normal fight."
Story Vivienne.png
"But perhaps with this spear..."
Story Monster.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Don't mess with me. I know how to use a whole range of weapons!"
Chapter 28.png
28-1 More Haste, Less Speed
28-2 Vivienne's Anomaly
28-3 Guardian of the Otherworld Portal
28-4 Dark Power
28-5 Administrator of the Ruins
28-6 Teleportation Magic
28-7 Knight Commander and Instructor
28-8 Apostle of Doom
28-9 Fairy King of Brocéliande
28-10 The Final Key