Main Scenario/Main Core

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Chapter 35.png
35-1 The Marine Station
35-2 Naval Tactics
35-3 Where the Voice of the Sea Leads
35-4 The Underwater City
35-5 Another Entrance
35-6 Clairvoyance
35-7 Hertz
35-8 Main Core
35-9 Fierce Battle of the Mother Room
35-10 Extremist Youko
The tunnel in the Marine Station that appeared in Flamarine led to the seabed, where no sunlight could reach.
The exit of the tunnel had a space where air was encased and people inside could act as they would on the surface without special equipment.
Putra told us that there are not so many facilities like the Underwater Temple in Flamarine, and no cities or ruins with railway access have been discovered so far.
Yet a Sea Railway has appeared on the waters of Iris Cloud. Could it be that the tracks at sea, the stations and even this underwater city are just part of the Sea Railway...?
Story Vivienne.png
"It would be understandable if such a big city is sinking."
Story Putra.png
"Vivienne, we went under in the Mist Train, remember? Flamarine doesn't have the technology to investigate this deep."
Story Putra.png
"Underwater investigations are at best limited to where people can dive. Places where light can't reach is mostly a mystery."
Story HZk20-001.png
"The existence of the Sea Railway is unknown to the people on land. People have been in this town for a long time now."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Even if the people on land had the means to investigate the undersea, they would not be able to discover the Abyss and other Sea Railways."
Story Yoshino.png
"That's because of the special barrier. Neither Iris Cloud nor Iris Metro would have the technology to reproduce this."
Story Putra.png
"The underwater city of Abyss...? I've never heard of such a place."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Paddington.png
"Yes! Information about the underwater city of Abyss! And about the Sea Railways on this important city!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Eh? What do you know about it?"
Story Paddington.png
"No! I'm just repeating what Mr. Hertz told me!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Good work. You can step back now."
Story Paddington.png
"I'll see you later!"
Story HZk20-001.png
"Abyss was one of the underwater stations that controlled the Sea Railways; There are other similar underwater cities in the Flamarine Sea. You can only discover them through the Sea Railways, though, as they are within the boundaries."
Story Vivienne.png
"'Was' means it's different now."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Yes. The Abyss has now lost most of the city's power. All the tunnels leading to the Sea Railway have been sealed off and it is no longer functioning as an underwater station."
Story HZk20-001.png
"However, there is still enough energy left in the main core. Thus, it is possible to light up the town."
By main core, do you mean... Mist Core?
Story HZk20-001.png
"Yes. It is a Mist Core with a very high concentration of magic. All the systems in this Abyss are currently powered by this main core."
Story Vivienne.png
"You mean to say that just one core supplies the magic for the entire city?"
Story Putra.png
"It's far more powerful than the Mist Train's Mist Core."
Story Yoshino.png
"I don't think it's on that level. If anything, it could be closer to the Mist Core that was in the Steel Tree."
Story Yoshino.png
"Hey Hertz. Is that main core quite big?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"We are not aware of the specifications of the magic train, but it is not large enough to have to be carried on a railway vehicle. It would be difficult to transport, at least by hand."
Story HZk20-001.png
"The main core of this powerful force is being badly affected by the influx of magic from outside. If left unchecked, the main core will be on meltdown."
Story Queensway.png
"So you're saying that the main core here might also light up like the Steel Tree!?"
Story Versailles.png
"If the Mist Core goes meltdown underwater, what would be the impact on the ground?"
Story Queensway.png
"If it is as powerful as that light, it should reach the ground. If something is not done, Flamarine will end up like that town."
Everyone calm down. It hasn't been decided yet. We won't know anything until we see the actual thing, and a Mist Core losing control is not a matter of size, but more likely due to its nature, control techniques and magical reactions.
HZk20-001, Hertz. Tell me. In what condition is the main core of the underwater city Abyss kept?
And, and this is important... Are the arts used for control, from this period?
Story HZk20-001.png
"As expected of the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds. You are aware of the fact that the flow of magic power in this city is different from that on the surface."
Story Vivienne.png
"Eh? Is that so?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino has not noticed."
Story Miyako.png
"Neither did I."
Story HZk20-001.png
"The main core of the underwater city uses a special art. It is different from the magics and sorceries you use."
Story HZk20-001.png
"That method is a technology that does not exist in modern Iris Cloud. It cannot be reproduced by modern magic and sorcery magic control."
Story Queensway.png
"Lost ancient technology..."
Story Queensway.png
"Maybe it was around the time the railways were built!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Maybe even earlier. If Hertz knew about it, it would be a global breakthrough."
Story Versailles.png
"Mr. Hertz, when was that technology used? Can you tell us how long ago the technology was used?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"We're sorry. I am not authorised to provide that information."
Story Miyako.png
"Then... How long ago did people live here?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"We're sorry. I am not authorised to provide that information."
Story Miyako.png
"You can speak so freely, but you won't answer this question. It doesn't mean that you have your own will, then?"
Story Yoshino.png
"That's the kind of puroguramu that is being made. It means that the mystery of the railway line cannot be solved so easily."
Story HZk20-001.png
"It is impossible to reproduce the technology of the Abyss, but a power close to it is the magical power supply by the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Should the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds inhabits power, the power of the main core is amplified. It may be possible to close the dimensional rift and purify the incoming magical power. If successful, it will be able to wipe out the Phantom Mist and monsters that have arisen under the sea."
Story Versailles.png
"'The railway of the sea connects the world. Light up the sleeping cities and purify the poisons of the otherworlds.'"
Story Versailles.png
"That's what Paddington said. Cleanse the poison of the otherworlds."
Story Versailles.png
"The sleeping city is this underwater city, the Abyss, which we lit up after we rescued Paddington. The next thing to do is to 'purify the poison of the otherworlds'..."
Story Putra.png
"It's Poison that's leaking from the Gate. Someone connected the Gate to this place from near the Poison."
Story Versailles.png
"The person who possessed Mademoiselle Paddington's body informed us of this. The person also knew that if Conductor injected magic into the main core, he could block the Gate and cleanse the Poison."
Story Versailles.png
"Who exactly is the person who led us here...?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"You will soon arrive at the 'Mother Room', the central part of the Abyss. Please take this lift and prepare for battle when you arrive."
Story Putra.png
"Is it still full of monsters inside?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"There are not that many of them. The security in the 'Mother Room' has the ability to beam intruders out."
Story Putra.png
"So it's not safe to go inside the Mother Room?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"No. The Mother Room is a very large room with a large number of intruders. Only monsters so vicious that security cannot eliminate them remain inside the Mother Room. They are particularly concentrated around the main core, so we need to eliminate all the monsters before the Divine Child can inject it with magic power."
Story HZk20-001.png
"By the way, the inside of the Mother Room is contaminated by evil monsters. Even if you manage to eliminate all the monsters, staying there for a long time could be fatal, so please take care of yourself."
Story Vivienne.png
"Because Yoshino."
Story Yoshino.png
"The specifications are hard on both the sorcery and magical girl types."
Story HZk20-001.png
"We are ready. We will now use the transporter lift to move you into the Mother Room."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Access. Main Control. Administrator number HZk20-001, transfer area, Mother Room, main core."
After making sure everyone was on the circular floor called the 'lift', Hertz, the control robot, emitted special magic in front of the terminal with ancient letters to transfer us to the Mother Room.
Story HZk20-001.png
"Signal Red forced release. Override program activated."
A red light illuminated on Hertz's chest. The light is a mist stone. It is not a runaway luminescence. It seems to be inscribed with the robot's own control art.
Story Putra.png
"Does it go all PHEEEEW like Valentz's lift?"
Story Vivienne.png
"There's nowhere to hold on to, let's hope Yoshino and Miyako have strong legs and feet."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Please rest assured. If you maintain your posture, we will arrive without any problems."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Transfer destination security level red. The transfer lift will operate as normal due to the override program."
As soon as we were enveloped in Hertz's warm magic, a blindingly strong light ran through the outer perimeter of the lift and transported us to another location.
Chapter 35.png
35-1 The Marine Station
35-2 Naval Tactics
35-3 Where the Voice of the Sea Leads
35-4 The Underwater City
35-5 Another Entrance
35-6 Clairvoyance
35-7 Hertz
35-8 Main Core
35-9 Fierce Battle of the Mother Room
35-10 Extremist Youko