Main Scenario/Extremist Youko

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Chapter 35.png
35-1 The Marine Station
35-2 Naval Tactics
35-3 Where the Voice of the Sea Leads
35-4 The Underwater City
35-5 Another Entrance
35-6 Clairvoyance
35-7 Hertz
35-8 Main Core
35-9 Fierce Battle of the Mother Room
35-10 Extremist Youko
Story Youko.png
"Not a single casuality and to still be able to defeat that demon...?"
Story Youko.png
"Fufufu... SSS, still interesting. Seems like Iridescent's power is still strong even underwater."
Story Youko.png
"The Mist Core has also begun to reject my magic power. It seems that the experiment has failed."
Story Putra.png
"Youko, let's not do this anymore. If you can use such great power, why don't you use it for something more beneficial to the world?"
Story Putra.png
"Causing a Phantom Mist under the sea is crazy. This is not something anyone should do simply out of curiosity."
Story Youko.png
"You make me laugh when you say it's for the good of the world. The way you say it, it sounds as if you are fighting for the world."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's what we're fighting for, aren't we?"
Story Youko.png
"So let me ask you. What is the world to you?"
Story Youko.png
"Iris Cloud? Iris Metro? Do you call the five countries protected by the five Giant Trees, 'the world'?"
Story Vivienne.png
"So what? What's funny about that?"
Story Youko.png
"You have a very narrow view of the world. Today you have seen facts that you never imagined before. And you believe only what is written in the textbooks?"
Story Youko.png
"Do you really believe that a map made by powerless people is all there is to 'the world'?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Vivienne, if Youko asks you a question, don't answer. Her sorcery tampers with your memory."
Story Vivienne.png
"Got it. Thank you Yoshino."
Story Youko.png
"As expected of a Nishikese sorceress. You've already seen through the 'Clairvoyance' word order."
Story Yoshino.png
"A sorceress who talks a lot is a keikai target. Anyway, be careful what you say."
Story Miyako.png
(I didn't know that at all...)
Story Youko.png
"Iris Cloud and Iris Metro. Those who have received the blessing of the Iridescent God fight against demons and clear the Mist. Against the two Mists of different nature, the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds travel the steel railway in a magic train."
Story Youko.png
"The Mist you call Poison. This is very important for us."
Story Yoshino.png
"What do you mean by 'us'? Do you mean some organisation? Or do you mean some country?"
Story Youko.png
"Both. Let's not answer about where I was born and raised yet."
Story Youko.png
"However, out of respect for your strength, I will tell you here about the organisation to which I belong. In order to build a good and trusting relationship with you all."
Story Youko.png
"...I am one of the Resistance extremists, who has been behind the scenes manipulating Canaria, and asking her to do simple 'jobs' for me."
Story Queensway.png
"Resistance extremists...!"
Story Miyako.png
"When she said extremists, she means a different faction from Yuuzen-san's side. Yuuzen-san said she knew almost nothing about the radicals these days."
Story Youko.png
"We are no longer the same Resistance that we used to be. Whatever, we will talk about that in due course."
Story Putra.png
"Hold it right there!"
Story Putra.png
"... My attack slipped through!?"
Story Miyako.png
"This is a super advanced illusion, Youko is talking to us from another place, not here."
Story Versailles.png
"We can't even catch her because she has no actual presence... Such cowardly trickery."
Story Youko.png
"It's possible for me to touch you even if I don't have myself in-person here."
Story HZk20-001.png
Just before Youko's illusion faded away, a powerful sorcery was triggered as an aftertouch.
It was fired at Putra as she chased after Youko, but the control robot Hertz took a stand and protected Putra.
Herz's chest seemed to glow red for a moment. It is believed that the magic of the mist stone reacted to save Putra.
HZk20-001 is not equipped with combat capabilities. Yet... It had the power to protect people.
Story Putra.png
Story Miyako.png
"The mist stone in its chest is completely shattered. I figured it was implanted with an art to counteract magic and sorcery in exchange for a power source."
Story Putra.png
"You protected me..."
Story Putra.png
"I'm Sorry. If I hadn't carelessly poked my head in, none of this would have happened..."
Story Vivienne.png
"Putra, don't."
Story Vivienne.png
"You have to say 'thank you' first."
Story Putra.png
"...Right. That's right."
Story Putra.png
"Thank you, Hertz. For protecting me and everyone else."
Story Putra.png
"Thank you for showing me the way here. Thank you for teaching me everything."
Robot HZk20-001, who managed the underwater city of Abyss. The robot we nicknamed "Hertz", counteracted Youko's powerful spells, its functions completely shut down.
Hertz is not human. It cannot be healed by spells or magic. Its power source, a mist stone, was shattered. We will never hear another word from Herz again.
...However, another voice has spoken to us instead, using Hertz's body. ???
Story HZk20-001.png
"O' people of the surface! O' Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds! How well you have saved Abyss from danger."
Story Putra.png
"You're not... Hertz then?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"I am not HZk20-001. I am the one who managed the Sea Railway in this underwater city of Abyss in prehistoric times, the one HZk20-001 called Mother. My true name is Abyss, the same as the name of this city."
Story HZk20-001.png
"It was I who led you here."
Story Vivienne.png
"The one who possessed Paddington's body!"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa! That explains everything."
Story HZk20-001.png
"It was insane of me to borrow your body, Lady Divine Child. I am so very sorry. I had no other choice."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Thanks to you, the dimensional rift created by that being Youko has completely closed and returned to normal. The main core was on the verge of going on meltdown a few minutes ago, but it has now regained its normal state."
Story Putra.png
"Good. The Mist seems to have lifted, so we're safe here now, right?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"Yes. We may have lost the last control robot, but the main core and the history and culture of this city have been preserved."
Story HZk20-001.png
"And also the souls of those who lived here."
Story Putra.png
"Good... it was really good. Thank you Abyss."
Story Vivienne.png
"Hey Abyss, what's going to happen to this city now? Are you going to be okay with the control robot gone?"
Story HZk20-001.png
"The main core was originally managed by me. The security system can be activated in an emergency. Other city functions are now meaningless. I will turn off the lights and sleep in the dark sea again."
Abyss, can I ask one question from this side as well?
Story HZk20-001.png
"Of course. However, please note that I will not be able to answer the questions that HZk 20-001 has made forbidden. The railways that run on the ground and the Sea Railway have a different history."
We will continue to see about that for ourselves. What I want to ask you about is the Sea Railway that has appeared this time.
Hertz told us that the underwater city of Abyss also serves as an 'underwater station'. So, just to confirm, will the Sea Railway that we have been on be able to continue to run on the Mist Train in the future?
Story HZk20-001.png
"Yes. It is possible. However, it is conditional on your presence. Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds."
Story HZk20-001.png
"The power possessed by the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds can unseal the Sea Railway. The same can be said about the railway that runs on the ground... for example, the Giant Tree Railway."
Story HZk20-001.png
"Each railway line is something that affects each other. They resonate with the Giant Tree."
Story Yoshino.png
"This is powerful information."
Story Miyako.png
"If there are steel tracks around the Steel Tree, it means that Conductor's power can break the seal."
Story Queensway.png
"We were distracted by those big thorns, but there is a Giant Tree Railway around the Giant Tree in the first place. Just because it became a Steel Tree doesn't mean the railway line disappeared."
The appearance of the Sea Railway has widened the scope of our investigations. But now it can only come as far as here in the underwater city of Abyss. There will be significant changes to both Iris Cloud and Iris Metro in the future. If we follow them, we may be able to find our way to the Steel Tree.
Story HZk20-001.png
"Visit this place again when there are any changes on the surface or at sea. The vast Sea Railway begins here at Abyss. You may be able to open a new route."
Story HZk20-001.png
"There are still many underwater cities in Flamarine. If you continue on the Sea Railway, other family members of HZk20-001 will one day greet you."
Story Putra.png
"The Hertz's family?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Likely it means different individuals. For example, there are 002 and 003. Surely."
Story Vivienne.png
"Then we'll have to tell them about today. To Hertz's family."
Story Putra.png
"Mhm... One day, I'm sure."
The Special Steel Squad successfully averted a crisis in the Flamarine Sea. A source of vicious Phantom Mist was almost created in the seas.
I shudder to think what would have happened if our arrival had been delayed, and Youko had allowed the otherworldly Poison and the demons affected by it to continue proliferating in the underwater city.
Youko, of the Radical Resistance sect. She was working with Canaria, what will she do in the future the next time we faced each other...?
Story Putra.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Putra, it's time to go. Let's go back to land."
Story Putra.png
"Ah, it's that time already. Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry you came all this way to get me."
Story Vivienne.png
"...Have you been talking to the sailors from Metro?"
Story Putra.png
"Yeah. It's a beautiful view here, both on land and offshore. This is how they hold up the insignia and give you a big view of the sky and the sea."
Story Putra.png
"And then there's the ships."
Story Vivienne.png
"You're going to look for it, aren't you? With the Sea Railway."
Story Putra.png
"Yes. I promised I would find them again. It doesn't matter how many years it takes. Even a piece of the hull. I have to make sure there are no souls left behind in there."
Story Putra.png
"I'm surprised, then, that there were stations and tracks in Flamarinian waters."
Story Putra.png
"When I saw the tracks on Pulau Ketam, I thought they were part of the land, but I didn't realise the tracks continued this far offshore..."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yeah. I was surprised too."
Story Vivienne.png
"At the same time, it was kind of exciting. To think that in such a big, beautiful sea, there's a whole world out there that we don't even know about."
Story Putra.png
"Me too."
Story Vivienne.png
"Hey Putra".
Story Putra.png
Story Vivienne.png
"The sea is beautiful. It's so beautiful."
Story Putra.png
"Yeah. It's so beautiful on the seas, and under the seas."
Story Putra.png
"I want to protect this sea for a long time. We have to protect it. That's what we're fighting for."
Story Vivienne.png
"I will help you. For that though, teach me to swim again next time."
Story Putra.png
"Of course! Not only how to swim, but I'll also teach you how to dive!"
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending