Main Scenario/C'era Una Volta

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Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending
Story Palermo.png
"-Now then, here we are!"
Story Palermo.png
"This is where the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria still thrived... It's estimated to be roughly a hundred thousand years old."
Story Messina.png
"Wow. I didn't expect it to be so easy."
Story Messina.png
"Really, was this such a long time ago? I don't really feel like we've slipped back in time huh?"
Story Palermo.png
"Not surprising. Strictly speaking, we're not back in time, instead we're all experiencing 'the same dream together of a long, long time ago'."
Story Messina.png
"Dreams, eh.... I guess that's why it doesn't feel real."
Story Messina.png
"There's something about the whole thing that feels like a fantasy."
Story Catania.png
"È finito? È finito? Can I open my eyes now?"
Story Messina.png
"Ahaha. You got scared and closed your eyes, Signorina Nia. I think you're fine now~ Looks like we made it safely to the past."
Story Messina.png
"From first impressions, it looks very peaceful."
Story Catania.png
"Really~? Non lo so... Sniff... Woah, air is so tasty♪"
Story Palermo.png
"I heard that at this time, there was no Phantom Mist in this area yet. Naturally, it is filled with clean, unpolluted air."
Story Messina.png
"Wha, there is no such thing as Phantom Mist? In this era?"
Story Catania.png
"Ehh, Phantom Mist no such thing?"
Story Palermo.png
"According to the lore, yes. Do you remember the thick book I placed in the center of the magic circle?"
Story Palermo.png
"It is a history book that has been passed down from generation to generation by my family, the descendants of the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria."
Story Palermo.png
"It is said that the Phantom Mist suddenly arrived from somewhere far away in these times. It was so long ago that it is impossible to pinpoint the exact date."
Story Messina.png
"We're talking about hundreds of thousands of years ago. Not just once upon a time. Even the immortal Maestra Termini is only a few thousand years old at most ― This is so super-ancient that it's mind-boggling."
Story Palermo.png
"Mhm. Besides, Ancient Kingdom Sitiria is on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean. Perhaps the Phantom Mist may still be raging in other places ― such as in other continents."
Story Palermo.png
"In this time period, in this island country, such things are no different from occasional rare demons that destroy fields."
Story Catania.png
"Is that why this place is so nice?"
Story Messina.png
"Yeah. It's idyllic or something... Frankly, more like it's rural?"
Story Palermo.png
"Eh, what? You have a problem with my homeland!?"
Story Messina.png
"No, I mean it's understandable since it's over a few hundred thousand years old, but the buildings I see around here are rather shabby... They're like shacks."
Story Messina.png
"Primaria, maybe it's because I heard a lot of boasting from you about it, but I imagined it to be a more glamorous and luxurious big city. That's why I'm surprised that it's not what I imagined."
Story Palermo.png
"Jeez, ten or hundreds of thousands of years ago was when the rest of the humans on other continents were probably still grunting and wielding clubs, right? Surely my civilization is amazing compared to that!?"
Palermo, overly proud of her homeland's heritage, resumed in a fluster.
Story Palermo.png
"Also, this is just a rural region of the Ancient Kingdom of Sitiria! Of course the buildings there look like abandoned cattle sheds, and I can't have you judge my homeland on this alone!"
Story Palermo.png
"Once we go into the towns, you'll find more amazing things that will impress everyone!"
Story Palermo.png
"This way! I've read all the records and books about Ancient Kingdom Sitiria and I know the maps by heart!"
Story Palermo.png
"Come on, hurry up! There are so many places of interest from here onwards! There gathers many crystals of human wisdom that have been lost in the modern world!"
Story Palermo.png
"Hmhmhmm~♪ You can all boast for generations to come, for you have visited the legendary Ancient Kingdom Sitiria!"
Story Messina.png
"Si si... Ahaha, Primaria's unusually excited♪"
Story Catania.png
"Mhm. She looks like her age when she does that, carino, too♪"
Relaxed, we all chased after Palermo, who was excitedly running around. At this moment, we were still enjoying ourselves as tourists――
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending