Main Scenario/The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria

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Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending
Half a day later, we finally arrived in the town, which is said to be the capital of the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria.
Story Palermo.png
"We've finally here! Aah, my adored Ancient Kingdom Sitiria...!"
Arms outstretched, Palermo leapt around in joy. Around us is the townscape of Ancient Kingdom Sitiria.
The townscape itself looked quite ordinary, or rather, still very much like a Verforench countryside――
Surprisingly, alongside horses, cows and other livestock, wyverns, hippogriffs and other magical creatures are quite commonplace in the town. It seems that humans, animals and monster coexist here.
Story Messina.png
"Monsters at this time were not yet corrupted by Phantom Mist, so they probably lived together with humans normally in many cases."
Story Catania.png
"Eh? Eh? What do you mean? Monsters are mankind's natural enemies...?""
Story Messina.png
"Mankind's natural enemy is not monsters, but Phantom Mist."
Story Palermo.png
"By the way, the name of our capital city is Palermo!"
Ignoring their conversation, Palermo childishly rambled on about whatever she wanted to talk about.
Story Palermo.png
"Hmhmm. Ever wondered why this place has the same name as mine own? Curious? Aren't you curious? Then I'll explain it to you! Open your ears!"
Palermo was in a good mood and talked like a tour guide. Thanks to her, I know a lot more about the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria.
Story Messina.png
"Ugh... I'm getting a fever from information overload~, I'm a rather stupid girl."
Story Catania.png
"Awgh, awgh."
Story Messina.png
"Woah, Signorina Nia looks like a zombie."
Story Catania.png
"I'm tired~, Messi...?"
Story Messina.png
"Umm... Primaria, you've constantly in high spirits so far."
Story Messina.png
"I know how you feel, because you're touring the places you've always wanted to visit. To be honest though, it's hard to keep up."
Story Palermo.png
"Nuh-uh! That's not all! This is not all that Ancient Kingdom Sitiria has to offer, over the next week or so we will show you the sights all over the island――"
Story Messina.png
"But I've said that Conductor only has a few days to live, no? We don't have time for casual sightseeing, really."
Story Palermo.png
"You don't have to worry about that. While we're in this 'dream' ―― As we call it, not a second has passed in reality while we're back in the past."
Story Palermo.png
"So this means you can have fun in Ancient Kingdom Sitiria until you are satisfied♪"
Story Messina.png
"No, I've had my fill."
Story Catania.png
"I'm the opposite, I'm starving see~? Nom nom♪"
――Palermo, can you take us somewhere where we can eat? Because if you don't, Catania will eat me.
Story Catania.png
"Choo choo♪ Conduttore, delizioso, delizioso, eh?"
Story Palermo.png
"I, I understand. Ehi, you can't put that in your mouth. Stuffed toys are full of germs, that's disgusting."
'Disgusting' is insulting. Anyway, I'd like to get a place for us to stay tonight before it gets dark.
Story Messina.png
"That's right... Fortunately there doesn't seem to be a time limit, but I don't think we'll find a cure for Iron Poisoning that quickly."
Story Messina.png
"If it turns out bad, it's going to take weeks, months or even years. It's difficult to be outdoors all that time."
Story Catania.png
"I don't mind outside, do you? We're safe with me growing plants and protecting us, and I'm happy wherever I'm with Messi and friends♪"
Story Palermo.png
"Even if we were happy, that would make us sick too. It's not merely a matter of doctors' remedies."
Story Palermo.png
"Just to repeat, Ancient Kingdom Sitiria is located on an isolated island in the sea, separated from the outside world... As this is just knowledge from history books, I don't know if it's true or not."
Story Palermo.png
"But as there were no tourists, I don't think there were any inns or anything like that. I doubt if there was even a restaurant of any kind."
Story Messina.png
"Ah, restaurants have only been around since modern times. Before that, everyone used to cook their own food at home."
Story Messina.png
"It's a bit old-fashioned in that way. Ah, I can feel it, we're really slipping back in time~"
Story Palermo.png
"It's really normal, a long time ago. I doubt if you all can understand the language used by the people here, well, worst case scenario, I'll be your interpreter."
Story Palermo.png
"Well, anyway. Wait here and I'll see if I can find an inn or something. You all look tired, you can rest here."
Saying this, Palermo gallantly dashed off into the hustle and bustle of the town.
Story Messina.png
"Oh dear. Primaria, she's always this single-minded... I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm, should be okay."
Messina sat down on one of the barrels lined up on the other side, with a loving smile typical of her. Compared to other soldiers, she doesn't have much physical strength and doesn't seem to want to move anymore.
Story Messina.png
"Ahh~, Andiamo... I can finally rest."
Story Catania.png
"Messi, you look like vecchia signora♪ Shoulder rub? Rub?"
Story Messina.png
"I'm old anyway~. Look at my face, I'm probably the oldest person in this group apart from Conductor, I feel like a mama who has to look after her children during the whole trip."
Story Catania.png
"I'm, probably older than Messi though?"
Story Messina.png
"Signorina Nia, you have the mental age of a toddler."
While chatting, Messina solemnly summarized the information we have obtained thus far.
Story Messina.png
"Ancient Kingdom Sitiria was a nation that existed over a hundred thousand years ago. It was later destroyed and the name is hardly known in modern times anymore."
Story Catania.png
"How come it was destroyed? It looked like a very big country that doesn't look old...?"
In fact, while the landscape of the capital was indeed inferior to that of modern metropolises, it seemed to have developed considerably. The buildings and streets are well maintained, clean and luxurious.
Story Messina.png
"There are many theories as to why it was destroyed. The most popular theory is that it sank into the sea~ either because of Phantom Mist, or because of tectonic shifts over hundreds of thousands of years."
Story Messina.png
"There is no way to confirm the facts. Unfortunately."
Story Messina.png
"According to modern maps, the area where Ancient Kingdom Sitiria was supposed to be is covered by Phantom Mist, so we don't even know if the island is still there."
Story Messina.png
"It's located in the middle between Verforet and a large island called the Dark Continent. There's a thick Phantom Mist, so we can't get close to it by boat or anything else."
The Dark Continent is an exception, and it's only possible to navigate because there is a sea route with slightly thinner Phantom Mist. Basically, the seas other than surface world Flamarine are dangerous areas that cannot be penetrated.
Story Catania.png
"Ancient Kingdom Sitiria was near Verforet? Above ground? But, Dottor Palermo is from our underground world, right?"
Story Messina.png
"It was said that just before Ancient Kingdom Sitiria was destroyed, Primaria's ancestors opened a Gate and escaped to the subterranean world."
Story Messina.png
. "There must had been a lot of alchemists who were good enough to open Gates to the otherworld."
Story Messina.png
"Legend has it that this was a kingdom of alchemists――"
Story Messina.png
"In Ancient Kingdom Sitiria, they were able to turn valueless clay into gold and food through alchemy. That's why they were so rich and developed."
It's just like modern-day Flamarine. That country is also the only one on earth that can safely acquire resources from underwater, so it's a thriving economic powerhouse.
Story Messina.png
"Maybe because the politics there is unstable, I don't have the impression that it's far richer than other countries ―― Honestly."
Story Catania.png
"Ugh~? I don't understand all those hard words, I don't like it!"
Catania childlishly looked away, and her face suddenly turned grim.
Story Catania.png
"Cosa? Cosaaa...?"
Story Messina.png
"What's wrong, Nia?"
Story Catania.png
"Look! Isn't the building Dottor Palermo just entered shaking strangely?"
Immediately after Catania's weird remark, the wall of the building she indicated shattered with a loud explosion.
Story Palermo.png
"――I told you not to touch me! That's vergogna!"
Alongside Palermo's angry voice, a series of blows echoed, and armor-clad guard-like men burst through the wall and blasted away into the air.
Guard A
"GWAAAAAh!? Damn it, she's attacking us!"
Guard B
"I knew she was an imposter disguised as the Princess!"
Guard C
"Call for reinforcements! We must do everything in our power to capture this impudent knave!"
Story Messina.png
"Ugwah... What have you done, Primaria?"
Story Palermo.png
"Aah, listen, you all! These guys are vergogna! I was just asking around to see if there was an inn or something in the neighborhood ――"
Story Palermo.png
"when suddenly they grabbed me by the shoulders and said, 'We want to talk to you'! That's what you call picking up girls, isn't it? So vergogna!"
Story Messina.png
"Well, I don't know. We are obviously dressed differently from the people in this country and we look suspicious, so maybe the guards were just asking you questions."
Story Palermo.png
"Sure you can put it that way! But they touched a lady's body without her permission, so they deserved to be beaten up!"
Story Catania.png
"Enemy? Enemy? Kill...?"
When Catania laughed mysteriously like a demon, she poured life to the surrounding earth. By doing so, Catania can grow plants that she can manipulate at her will.
Story Catania.png
"Dottor's enemy, is my enemy? Kill enemy, sì?"
Story Palermo.png
"Sììì! Help me, Catania! Let's bring down the hammer of justice to these vergogna people together! "
Story Messina.png
"Si fermi~ Don't make things worse~...?"
Messina went to check on the guards who had passed out on the ground and blurted out tiredly, but no one was listening anymore.
Story Palermo.png
"I won't tolerate you just because you are the people of the homeland I admire! Punizione Divina...!"
Story Catania.png
"Punizione Divina~, choo choo♪ Suck them all! Tangle and suck~!"
Guard A
Guard B
Guard C
"Calm down! We need to evacuate the civilians more quickly!"
Seeing Catania's plants creeping and rampaging, the guards panicked and frantically readied their weapons. Seeing this, Messina smiled bitterly as she conjured an artifact to treat wounds.
Story Messina.png
"Uhmm~... There's nothing wrong with the guards. They're just trying to do their duty faithfully. Even my Artifact Asclepius can't sense their malice. "
Messina, does the Artifact Asclepius that reside in your body absorb and store malice such as hostility and despair?
Story Messina.png
"Mhm. If this artifact isn't reacting, that means the guards are acting purely out of good will. So don't kill them~ or we'll be the villains."
Messina said so and tried to stop the other two from causing more harm, but the guards were least comfortable to see her.
Guard A
"What's with that artifact? The Philosopher's Stone is reacting!"
Guard B
Guard C
Story Messina.png
"Eeeh? No, we're more on the side of fighting the Phantom Mist and――"
Guard A
"SEIZE THEM! Tie them all up and throw them in the dungeons!"
Guard B
"We need to question them on what's going on! Of course, kill them if they resist!"
Guard C
"Aye, sir! Wargh, the Kingdom of Sitiria is ours to protect...!"
Story Messina.png
"......? ......?"
Messina, basically a frail girl, was instead arrested without a second thought by the fierce-looking guards.
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending