Main Scenario/Towards a Happy Ending

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Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending
The death battle has begun against the Evil Minister Nabulion, the great evil that undermined Ancient Kingdom Sitiria.
Story Messina.png
"Pain, pain, fly~ away!"
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
Messina released powerful spell blades from the Artifact Asclepius dispersed inside parts of her body.
Messina is essentially a non-combatant medic, but recently she has been able to fight through various innovations.
Story Messina.png
"Yeah! That's also thanks to Primaria, who taught me how to control Artifact Asclepius!"
Story Messina.png
"Such terrible things done to the smart and lovely Primaria, my favourite Primaria, I won't forgive you...!"
Story Catania.png
"Wow, rare, Messi is angry♪"
Story Catania.png
"I feel the same way, so Messi, I'll help too...!"
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
Struck by the countless ivy plants controlled by Catania, Evil Minister Nabulion screamed, his entire body swollen with blisters.
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'Bah, impossible! You are too strong! You bastard humans are overreliant on science and technology, you all should have been physically frail!'
I see. We are from hundreds of thousands of years in the future. To those of this age, our tactics and weapons is likely an unknown mystery to themselves.
Story Messina.png
"So, that means even I can fight somehow!"
Story Messina.png
"Pant... But, I won't last very long. I'm not strong enough in the first place and there's no Iron Injections."
Story Messina.png
"I'm sure Signorina Nia will do her best if it comes down to it, but let's try to end this as quick as possible!"
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
"Not yet, it's not over yet!"
But despite our intentions, Evil Minister Nabulion still wasn't defeated. He swirled Phantom Mist around him and raised his hands high.
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'Indeed, you all are stronger than we imagined! But the strong do not always win!"
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'In the end, victory goes to those who use any means possible!'
Just as Evil Minister Nabulion roared, the furniture and ornaments around him turn into demons and begin to attack. At the same time, the door to the throne room was opened and countless demons rushed in.
Story Messina.png
"Woah, cowardly! How dare you call for reinforcements? Then again, we can't say that if we're not fighting fair and square, one-on-one, can we?"
Story Catania.png
"It's okay! All are demons, I will kill all...!"
Story Messina.png
"......! NO, SIGNORINA NIA!"
Messina suddenly leapt onto Catania and pushed her down just as she is about to attack the demons.
Story Catania.png
"Eh, cosa? Cosa? What are you doing, Messi?"
Story Messina.png
"Do you remember what Principessa Ria said earlier? That Nabulion is a man who uses Phantom Mist to poison the inhabitants of Ancient Kingdom Sitiria, turning them into monsters!"
Story Messina.png
"Most of those demons may have once been human!"
Story Catania.png
"Even if true, they're still demons. Demons are enemies, enemies kill, sì?"
Story Messina.png
"No, no, no! You mustn't kill people!"
Story Messina.png
"The people of the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria have done nothing wrong. If we massacre them, we are the bad guys!"
We are now reliving the past as if we were dreaming. Therefore, whatever atrocities we do in this place should, for all practical purposes, have never happened――
But I guess that's not the point. For a nurse whose main job is to heal and save people, it is an unforgivable taboo for Messina.
Story Catania.png
"I understand? That's important for Messi, sì?"
Story Catania.png
"I, respect that. I like Messi very much."
Story Catania.png
"Also. Messi doesn't want me to be a 'bad monster that kills people', so I know how you feel."
Story Messina.png
"Mhm! Signorina Nia is not a dangerous demon, you are simply a victim of a curse!"
Story Catania.png
"Mhm♪ But, what, do we do... HYAH!?"
A large number of monsters rushed forward. Catania reacted too late as she was upset and was quickly blasted away while shielding Messina to protect her.
Story Catania.png
"Ugh! What do we do, Messi? At this rate, we'll be crushed, we'll be beaten!"
Story Messina.png
"It's just like surgery, Signorina Nia! You don't cut anything else, you just work your hand on the affected area!"
Story Messina.png
"In other words! The person who is the source of all this, Nabulion――"
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'Heheh. How very kind of you people. No, you humans always are.'
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'You never abandon your people, you fumble on them, then you bow before evil. Ah, how adorable...♪'
Evil Minister Nabulion picked up the kitten-like Palermo and held her up in front of him like a shield. This made it impossible to attack him.
Story Messina.png
"Ah, taking Primaria hostage!? How cowardly can you be?"
We knew he was a bad guy. And from the way he talks, Evil Minister Nabulion is not even human ―― I'm afraid he's probably a Mist Monster born from Phantom Mist.
Story Messina.png
"I suppose so. He's breathing out Phantom Mist from his mouth. Maybe that Nabulion is the root of all evil ―― so-called 'source of Phantom Mist."
Story Messina.png
"This means, if we defeat him, then the anomaly should be resolved and everything will be fine."
Story Catania.png
"Ughu~? Uu~!"
Palermo is being used as a shield and we're being sitting ducks, the monsters were increasing in number. At this rate, we'll will soon be crushed and annihilated!
'――I see, I understand.'
A clear voice suddenly rang out.
'So you want to destroy the source of the Phantom Mist? There are many things about Phantom Mist that are still unknown to me, and I have never heard of them.'
'But huh, so it was that simple?'
Was that Sicilia? I wonder where she is, she's disappeared for some time now.
'Wake up, sleepyhead. To far, far away, my offspring.'
'The descendant of our beloved and proud Kingdom of Sitiria.'
'If you claim to be our descendant, do not overlook the suffering of your friends. Take the fraternity that has been given to you, for an equivalent exchange, and use it as a means to save them.'
Story Palermo.png
Palermo's empty eyes suddenly widened. Sicilia's voice seems to emanate from the back of her throat, that means――
'I had this familiar absorbed into Palermo's body, purifying her as it circulates inside. The abomination, Nabulion's magic――'
'No, our alchemy is not less than that of Phantom Mist! Mai perdere!"
Story Palermo.png
"Yeah. That's right, yes ―― Antenati."
Palermo shook her head and clenched her fists, her sanity now restored.
Story Palermo.png
"My respected Principessa Lia! The great, last monarch of the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria!"
Story Palermo.png
"You are, after all, just what I imagined you to be...!"
Palermo cried out in delight as she smashed Evil Minister Nabulion, confused and in dismay ―― Her fist crushed the root of evil.
After that... the source of the Phantom Mist Evil Minister Nabulion was destroyed, and all the Phantom Mist that had filled Ancient Kingdom Sitiria was dispelled.
Princess Sicilia made this fact public, thanked us and began energetically to work for the restoration of her country.
And so, guided by the wise and great sovereign Princess Sicilia, the Kingdom of Sitiria will continue to live happily ever after for many years to come ―― Everyone will live happily ever after.
Story Palermo.png
"Per sempre felici e contenti."
We returned to the present day with disappointment, and immediately began treating my Iron Poisoning, which was our original purpose. This was led by a bitter-faced Palermo.
Story Palermo.png
"Of course. I think you already know, but the fact is, history is different."
Story Palermo.png
"The land of the alchemists, the Kingdom of Sitiria had been destroyed, and Principessa Sicilia spent her miserable life, captured, brainwashed and enslaved by Evil Minister Nabulion."
Story Palermo.png
"Reality is cruel, and they are not like fairy tales."
Story Palermo.png
"We were dreaming. A happy dream. We were glimpsing a fairy tale, an imaginary world that wasn't meant to be."
Story Palermo.png
"However. I'm glad I got to see that, I am."
Story Palermo.png
"I wasn't wrong. I am a descendant of the great people, and it was the right aim to restore their honour and rebuild my beloved homeland."
Story Palermo.png
"Justice, was."
Story Palermo.png
"So, it's fine, even if it's an unfulfilled dream now."
Story Palermo.png
"One day I will make it a reality. I will work hard for that."
Story Palermo.png
"Just like I always have. No, more than ever."
Story Messina.png
"You are a hard worker, Primaria."
Story Messina.png
"I love that. I hope you don't get too reckless or out of control."
Story Messina.png
"If there's anything we can do to help you, just let us know. I may not be able to help you, but I can do my best."
Story Catania.png
"Mhm♪ I love Dottor Palermo and Principessa Lia! I will protect things that my favourite people love!"
Story Catania.png
"I'm not evil or a monster, I'm on the side of precious things♪"
Story Palermo.png
"Thank you... I like you girls sooo much."
After saying this in an unusually honest manner, Palermo looked dumbfounded.
Story Palermo.png
"Thank you all so much, I'm so sorry. I've put you all through a lot of trouble for my personal greed."
Story Palermo.png
"I'm such a bad girl. I'm spoilt. I'm pathetic."
Story Catania.png
"Hmmhmm. It's okay to be spoilt sometimes, Dottor♪ Dottor is still a child, so...♪"
Story Palermo.png
"I may be tiny, but I'm an adult! Don't make fun of me!"
Story Messina.png
"She's not making fun of you, but I think Primaria is too serious ―― you're too hard on yourself, you're not like a child."
Story Messina.png
"Primaria wanted to have a glimpse of the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria that you longed to see. If you had told us that from the very beginning, I would have cooperated with you anytime."
Story Messina.png
"Is it embarrassing to show such selfishness, to express your own desires? Especially when no one is making fun of you."
Story Catania.png
"That's right, Dottor! I always expresses my desires!"
Story Messina.png
"You have to be a bit more patient, Signorina Nia. You've caused quite a lot of chilling moments this time, sì?"
Story Catania.png
Story Messina.png
"...And besides Primaria, you're fooling yourself too."
Story Messina.png
"Primaria must have been uneasy. Iron Poisoning has to be cured. You yourself knows how to do it――"
Story Messina.png
"But you don't know if it really works. And when there's even the slightest element of insecurity, the overly serious and nervous Primaria can't ignore it."
Story Messina.png
"Yet. You don't want to be seen anxious, so you reasoned this and that and went back in time. To be sure that the treatment you came up with was the 'correct' one."
Story Palermo.png
"That.... That's right, that's how I felt."
Story Palermo.png
"That's amazing, Signorina Messina, you know everything about me."
Story Messina.png
"I don't know everything. But it is one of the important duties of an infermiera to be close to someone's feelings like this."
Story Messina.png
"However. I'm an idiot, I'm rather dumb and I make a lot of mistakes."
Story Messina.png
"Please don't think that I'll always know what you're going through, but in the future, if you have any problems, you can talk to me about them."
Story Messina.png
"We will never make fun of you, we will always be there for you."
Story Palermo.png
"Yes. I believe you."
Palermo shook everyone's hands happily, and then turned to face my metal lump of a body again. The body of the patient she is to heal, still suffering from Iron Poisoning.
Story Palermo.png
"Don't get me wrong."
Warm liquid ran down Palermo's cheeks.
Story Palermo.png
"I'm shedding these tears because I need them to heal you, Conductor. I'm not crying because I'm happy."
Story Palermo.png
"My heart ―― the fluid produced by the 'Philosopher's Stone', meaning blood, is converted into tears in my body. It's a panacea that can even cure Iron Poisoning."
Story Palermo.png
"If I apply that panacea, Conductor will be perfectly cured."
Story Messina.png
"Ahaha. A maiden's tears that can break the curse ―― This time though, it's like a fairy tale from start to finish."
Story Catania.png
"Mhm! Ehehe, happy end, sì?"
'Yes, that's right. I'm very touched. You all have finally reached the happy ending you have been waiting for.'
'I rejoice in that. Ah, it's real, per sempre felici e contenti...♪'
Story Messina.png
"Hmm? Whose voice was that, Primaria?"
Story Palermo.png
"I have no id――"
Palermo, bewildered, then rolled her eyes as if she had suddenly realised something. The tears that continued to stream from both her eyes displayed someone's face in gel form.
'Thank you, all of you'.
Story Palermo.png
"Ancenati... Principessa Lia."
'Mhm. Who do you think I am? I am the sovereign of the Kingdom of Sitiria, the land of alchemists. I am the sovereign of my country, the greatest alchemist of all.'
'Therefore, of course, we have also reached the profound knowledge of interfering in space-time. No, let me rephrase ―― I too, can also do what you can do.'
Story Palermo.png
"You, you've crossed space-time with only your consciousness ―― With only your soul, inside my body? That's amazing, Principessa Lia!"
Story Palermo.png
"The real, historical you died miserably of a tragic end. But your, noble soul――"
'Yes. With you, my beloved, I am with you. Inside our descendant.'
'And. As long as we live, the Kingdom of Sitiria will never be completely destroyed. It will remain forever, not in picture books and history books, but in this reality.'
'How's that for a reference, my descendant? I've done this much, and I'm in happily ever after.'
Story Palermo.png
"Yes, Ancenati. Ahaha, that's amazing♪ It's really like a fairy tale!"
Story Palermo.png
"No, it's something more than that! An alchemist who makes dreams come true and puts a smile on everyone's face――"
Story Palermo.png
"I will continue to learn from you, from such great predecessors."
'Mhm. Then naturally, based on the principle of equivalent exchange, which is the basis of alchemy――'
Story Palermo.png
"Yes. One day, I will surely fulfil your long-cherished dream. No, your dream and mine ―― I will emulate you and make it a reality."
Story Palermo.png
"I will bring back the beloved Ancient Kingdom Sitiria to this world."
Story Palermo.png
"It's just a fairy tale now, but one day it will become true."
Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic