Main Scenario/Power of Elves

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Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic
Story Goslar.png
"Here we are. This is where we met the Samantha."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"There are more new barriers now. The Mist is thicker than before."
Story Vivienne.png
"This is a magical barrier... Indeed the magic is very powerful. I don't think it can be destroyed by ordinary offensive magic."
Story Putra.png
"Vivienne, think you can do it?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I won't know for sure until I try it, but even if I could, it would take me a long time to finally get one down."
Story Yoshino.png
"But on the other hand, the Harz magicians destroyed many of them..."
Story Vivienne.png
"I guess it's not a lie that they are as powerful as the Northern Front Unité Magique, no wonder Verforench Gendamerie requested their names."
Story Vivienne.png
"This barrier in particular is exceptional. It's broken in one place, why is that?"
Story Goslar.png
"We couldn't destroy it even if we tried with all our might. I could completely wipe the other barriers, but I could only make a hole there to that extent."
Story Vivienne.png
"Then this must be the 'crack'. Strong magic power is leaking out from the torn area."
Story Goslar.png
"That's great. The rift is inside that barrier. You see the sign there? Look inside the barrier from that spot. You can see the rift."
Story Vivienne.png
"Is the sign... the one with drawing of a gorilla on it?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"That's a cat."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
(What is she talking about? This kid. That's a cat? Are the magicians of Harz right in the head?)
Story Goslar.png
"Well, if she says it's a cat, it must be a cat. I thought it was a bear."
Story Vivienne.png
"Eh, so it was Quedlinburg who drew this!?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes. I drew it with Harz magic. It's so that it would be easy to find the way back if this is the evacuation route."
Story Yoshino.png
"Harz's magic is osorubeshi."
Story Goslar.png
"Conductor, try to get closer to the barrier until you see a rift. Something might happen in response to Conductor's magic."
Story Vivienne.png
"Conductor, be careful."
At Goslar's suggestion, I tried to approach the solid barrier that we were unable to destroy, one step at a time.
I had not moved very far from where we had just been, but after only five or six steps, I could see the inside of the barrier. It seems that a magic called "visualization magic" has been applied, and the boundary of the barrier and the space beyond it are clearly visible.
And in the center of the distorted space, there was a clearly unnatural hole of magic power.
Story Goslar.png
"The flow of magic power has changed. It is reacting to Conductor's powers."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"So what Samantha said was true."
Story Goslar.png
"But we can't rest easy yet. At this point we don't even know what changes are taking place in that rift. It won't necessarily mean that things are getting better."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's possible that things could be worse than they are now."
Story Vivienne.png
"Non... this is a 'good change'."
Story Goslar.png
"Vivienne? What did you find?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui, the flow of magic has changed. Magic that was leaking out from inside the rift began to flow back. The magic that filled the barrier is increasingly flowing back into it."
Story Goslar.png
"Quedlinburg, you understood that...?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"No. I'm watching carefully, but I still don't understand. What about Professor Goslar?"
Story Goslar.png
"As if I know. I should be able to tell if magic is starting to flow back."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"But I can no longer detect the magic overflowing from the dimensional rift. It seems to me that the leakage of magic has stopped."
Story Goslar.png
"The power that only Verforench elves can sense... Maybe there is something like that in this forest."
Story Vivienne.png
"The dimensional rift is trying to suck us inside. But strangely, it doesn't feel so bad."
Story Vivienne.png
"Hey Goslar, Samantha here gave you two some hints, right? Did any of them have anything to do with elves?"
Story Goslar.png
"Was it about the Ancient Elven King?"
Story Vivienne.png
"No, about ordinary elves."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"'The elves were sent into the dimensional rift because they did not have blessings. Without the iridescent blessing, everyone would end up the same way...' It also said something like that."
Story Vivienne.png
"Then that Samantha is not lying."
Story Vivienne.png
"There are Verforench elves on the other side of the dimensional rift... Not just one, but many. Perhaps they're Northern Front's Unité Magique."
Story Goslar.png
"Can you see them?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Not that I can see them. But I just know. They are all alive."
'There are Verforench elves', Vivienne said, and everyone present gazed into the dimensional rift.
The Harz duo were oblivious. The rest are the same. No one saw any elves there. No one sensed the presence of the elves.
ーーHowever, Vivienne's words, 'I just know'. The one person who trusted these words more than anything else stepped out to the front of the group, closest to the inside of the barrier.
Story Putra.png
"People have disappeared into here. The missing Unité Magique members are being held captive."
Story Putra.png
"Vivienne, do you know how they're doing now? Are they stuck in one place? Or are they scattered?"
Story Vivienne.png
"They are in the same place. I don't know how many people are there, but it's about the same as us."
Story Putra.png
"Then we can save them."
Putra looked at me, eyes asking for my agreement.
'Let's go', I eyed back.
Story Putra.png
"If Conductor is with us, I think we can get into the dimensional rift, just like how Metro Hole was. We never failed to go through the Metro Hole with the Mist Train."
Story Putra.png
"Vivienne, what do you think? Do you think we can jump in?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I think we can make it. How do I it... it's not only bad things on the other side."
Story Goslar.png
"You mean there are people on our side too?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I don't even know if they are on our side, but I feel like there is something or someone waiting to guide us."
There is no source of Phantom Mist inside the barrier, or around the dimensional rift. If we just stay here, magical barriers will just continue forming all over the forest.
If that was all it was, it would be fine, but there may be more that suffered the same fate as the Unité Magique. Even at the Gendamerie forward base where Orleans' team are, there is a possibility that there will more missing people. If we don't get things under control before that happens, the Northern Front will become inaccessible.
ーーWe have no choice but to go. We know the risks.
Let's go to the other side. If we all stick together and jump in as if we were going through a Gate, we might be able to reach the same place together.
Story Putra.png
"That's settled."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'll go first. Conductor will stick to me. Goslar and Quedlinburg, please."
Story Goslar.png
"Affirmative. In case we get separated over there, our first priority is to unite where possible. If any of us encounter monsters, do not engage in unprovoked combat."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Be careful of the illusions that Samanthas and other monsters may show you. Be especially careful if you are dealing with magic or sorcery..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Why? Is there a reason?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"'The magic that can break through barriers can also feed the Ancient Elven King,' the Samantha said at the end. People who are accustomed to manipulating magical power may end up giving power to their enemies."
Story Yoshino.png
"Naruhodo. In other words, the Harz duo should be careful."
Story Vivienne.png
"Those who use strong magic will have their power misused by ancient elves, huh? I am sure they react to magic."
Story Vivienne.png
"Very useful information. Thank you Quedlinburg."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"No, no, I didn't do anything worth complimenting."
Story Vivienne.png
"It's the worst thing to do against an enemy who feeds on magic in the country of magic. I wouldn't want someone like that to say the name of an elf."
Story Vivienne.png
"Come, let's go. We don't know where we'll be sent, but don't be scared."
On cue, Vivienne leapt into the dimensional rift. The other Train Knights follow right behind Vivienne, and they too plunge into this distorted space.
What kind of place is on the other side of this rift...?
Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic