Main Scenario/Having a Dream

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Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic
Story Goslar.png
"Hmmm, I see we have an emergency escape route. Now we just need to figure out how to deal with the magical barrier we just broke..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Visualization magic would make it easier to identify, but considering that it will be used as an escape route, it would be better to make it obvious."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Then how about making a sign that can be seen from a distance? We could put up a fancy sign here that would be visible through the Mist."
Story Goslar.png
"That's a good idea, I'm sure we can make something good with Harz magic, Quedlinburg, go for it."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Leave it to me! I'll make a sign that can be recognized from a distance!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ta~dah, Magic Warrior Qued☆lin~♪"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Here it is! I've made a sign that glitters brightly so we can see it at night♪"
Story Goslar.png
"Oho, that's another fancy sign. Are the arrows indicating the evacuation route? I like this animal symbol too. It's a cute bear."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ah, that's a cat."
Story Goslar.png
"A cat? Looks like a bear to me."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's a cat!"
Story Goslar.png
"I, I see... So this is a... cat."
Story Goslar.png
"W-well, it's a cute finish regardless, so why not? Harz's Dream Magic is magic created to make people smile after all."
Story Goslar.png
"However, it could have been a little more carefully crafted. Look here. The edge of the sign is distorted."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I'm sorry. I still imagined a nice square. I'm still not perfect when it comes to Dream Magic."
Story Goslar.png
"Don't worry about it. It's a good enough marker, even if it's a little distorted. It will make a big difference if it's there or not when we need to evacuate."
Story Goslar.png
"In addition, it's not perfect, but it's very well done. Dream Magic, you are improving on it. I see that you have been working hard on your training as well."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Of course I am. I love Dream Magic as much as anyone else."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Ah, but now is not the time to work hard on Dream Magic. My role is to make the most of offensive magic. Leave it to me, I'll make it work for you."
Story Goslar.png
Story Goslar.png
"Quedlinburg, you and I both have the rare distinction of being Harz magicians who excel at offensive magic. It is because of the need for this power that we are both standing on the battlefield like this."
Story Goslar.png
"The magic I just used is also for breaking barriers. And it is the power I have trained to clear the Phantom Mist. The fact that I can use it doesn't mean I can't be a Harz."
Story Goslar.png
"But if I turn away from the Dream Magic that is the pride of Harz, and if I try to block it myself, it is as if I have abandoned being a Harz."
Story Goslar.png
"You're not. While fighting in one of the most intense battlegrounds in the world, you did not forget your dream. You used Dream Magic to help those suffering from Phantom Mist."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Um, Professor Goslar? Did I, do something wrong?"
Story Goslar.png
"No, nothing of that sort. I just want to say, 'Don't forget about Dream Magic'."
Story Goslar.png
"The battlefield can always be cruel. That's why a little bit of kindness can give hope. The feelings you have shown are the most important things on the battlefield."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Professor Goslar..."
Story Goslar.png
"You are not a Harz mage because you can know Dream Magic. You are a Harz mage because you can make people smile from the bottom of your heart."
Story Goslar.png
"You will definitely see smiles on people's faces when you wield offensive magic, so have confidence and don't hesitate to use 'necessary force'. That is Quedlinburg's magic power.
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, I will use the magic I feel is necessary, Professor Goslar."
Story Goslar.png
"Good answer. I knew I was right to bring you along."
Story Goslar.png
"What is this magical reaction..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I felt it too. Is it another magical barrier?"
Story Goslar.png
"No... it's Phantom Mist. I can't see it, but I'm pretty sure that's how it reacts. It looks pretty dire."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Invisible Phantom Mist... It may have leaked out of the magical barrier."
Story Goslar.png
"It is not only Phantom Mist that leaked out. I didn't expect monsters to appear from inside the barrier."
Story Monster.png
Story Monster.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"More than one has appeared. They seem to be coming out from inside the barrier."
Story Goslar.png
"Don't panic. Fortunately or not, the barrier has not been completely broken. If we concentrate on the broken sections, we can destroy them before they can encircle us."
Story Goslar.png
"Concentrate your magic in one place. But don't focus too deep, because there might be people in there. Only attack the monsters that jump out."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, sir!"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Yes, it's effective. My magic will also defeat them."
Story Goslar.png
"Excellent work. I'll continue."
Story Goslar.png
"...Hmmm, there's not a lot of them. The Phantom Mist reaction I felt inside the barrier seems to have disappeared."
Story Goslar.png
"But we can't just leave it like that. If we don't figure out the nature of this barrier, everything will fall behind..."
Story Goslar.png
"Hmm? That's..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
(I've got the same number of moves as Professor Goslar, but she beat me almost to the punch. I wonder how much practice it takes to be able to use that kind of offensive magic...)
Story Quedlinburg.png
(Goslar, you are so cool! (Professor Goslar was so cool, it's not often that I get to see her use serious offensive magic. Am I considered lucky?)
Story Quedlinburg.png
"YE-YES!? What is it, Professor Goslar!?"
Story Goslar.png
"I think I know what the magic I just felt is. Come over here and take a peek inside the barrier."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Inside the barrier..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Beyond the barrier, I see a dimensional chasm. Is it a Gate, or is it...?"
Story Goslar.png
"I hope not. If there is such a thing as a Gate to Hell, this is exactly what it looks like."
Story Goslar.png
"What awaits us on the other side is quite vicious. No doubt this is the reason why the magic of this barrier is so unusually strong."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Should we check it out?"
Story Goslar.png
"I'd like to check it out, but... It's clearly dangerous for two people to challenge it. If we approach it carelessly, we will be dragged in. It would be better to check this out after we meet up with Conductor's group."
Story Samantha.png
"Exactly. You made the right choice."
Story Goslar.png
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's inside the barrier. It might call the monsters."
Story Goslar.png
"I know. Don't provoke it. Don't appear to be combative. Samanthas that go out to places like this are very sensitive to the urge to kill."
Story Samantha.png
"Kuskuskus... Harz magicians are not used to fighting. And yet, you know how dark the night can be."
Story Samantha.png
"Harz that kills demons in Brocken. The darkness of the night did hide the stars, and kept dreams and hopes hence."
Story Samantha.png
"Mercenaries from two countries are comforting the poor Harz. They need the strength to fight. And be with a heart of justice..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Could that be...?"
Story Goslar.png
"I think it's talking about us... You sure speak very coherently, Samantha. You have a talent for literature?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Professor Goslar..."
Story Goslar.png
"...Calm your mind, the Samantha is looking into your mind."
Story Goslar.png
"Samantha... is that all you have to say? Is there a reason you went to the trouble of showing yourself to us? Are you saying that you are worried about us?"
Story Samantha.png
"I have no reason to stop you. But it is not Harz who should approach the dimensional rift. Without blessings, everything comes to nothing."
Story Goslar.png
"Without blessings, everything comes to nothing..."
Story Samantha.png
"The elves were sent into the dimensional rift because they did not have blessings. Without the iridescent blessing, everyone would end up the same way."
Story Goslar.png
"Iridescent blessing means the power of the Divine Child then? In other words, Conductor's power is essential."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"The elves who were sent into the dimensional rift are the members of the Unité Magique, then? If we come to the rescue without Conductor, we will suffer the same fate..."
Story Samantha.png
"The elves are alive in a world between dimensions. But they can't find the right way. On the 'other side', a powerful magic is swirling and creating magic. The power of darkness alone will not find the way."
Story Goslar.png
"Clearly my magical power will not be enough. It is difficult to find the right path in the midst of the disastrous magic overflowing from this dimensional rift."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Professor Goslar, even you find it difficult?"
Story Goslar.png
"It may be possible to look through the chasm, but once we are inside, we will be stuck. It would be like trying to enter a dark labyrinth without any light."
Story Goslar.png
"Samantha said that 'the power of darkness' alone is not enough, right? What does this mean? Think about it."
Story Goslar.png
"Those who were good at offensive magic were gathered here. Every last one of them is missing. A rift that reacts to strong magic engulfed them."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Northern Front's Unité Magique are all magicians who excel in offensive magic... So if we go after them, we'll end up in the same situation."
Story Goslar.png
"That's right. The well-intentioned casters of offensive magic, all gathered, are good bait for the sinister creature that created the rift."
Story Samantha.png
"Leave this place, magicians of Harz. Come back with the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds. The Divine Child is the light that shines in the darkness. The beacon of righteousness."
Story Goslar.png
"Why are you advising us?"
Story Samantha.png
"I have no reason to tell you why. Just as you have no reason to take my word for it."
Story Goslar.png
"If you can think for yourself, I have reason to believe you. I don't know if Samantha will understand this feeling, but I will say it."
Story Goslar.png
"Samantha, thanks for letting me know. I appreciate your advice. And I'll take your word for it."
Story Samantha.png
"Kuskuskus... the Harz are funny creatures. Trusting me is a dream that both teacher and student alike dream of.”
Story Goslar.png
"I am honored by your praise and thank you for the highest compliment as a Harz mage."
Story Samantha.png
"Kuskuskus, You are really funny. I'll tell you one more thing in return for making me feel so merry."
Story Samantha.png
"The power of the Guardian of Verforet is abused by the King of the Ancient Elves. The effects of which are now manifesting themselves in this land..."
Story Samantha.png
"Farewell, dreaming magicians. The magic that can break through barriers can also feed the King of the Ancient Elves. Be careful."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"It's gone..."
Story Goslar.png
"The guardian's power is abused. How is that possible? If it's true, it's not just Verforet that's in danger, it's the whole world."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"The disappearance of those on the Northern Front was serious enough, but that wasn't all..."
Story Goslar.png
"First we have to get Conductor here. Quedlinburg, we have to hurry up and join the others."
Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic