Main Scenario/"Power of Healing"

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Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic
Story Vivienne.png
"...... Where am I?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Conductor! Putra! Is everyone safe? Everyone here!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"...... I'm alone."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
"That won't do. If I panic, I'll be at the mercy of the enemy. I knew this would happen. We'll all be fine. I'll be alright."
"Thank you for coming. My Elf child, inheritor of my power."
Story Vivienne.png
"This voice, you're from earlier..."
Story Vivienne.png
"You, who the heck are you? You were the one who spoke to me, right?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Who are you? What is your purpose? Who is it that has made this forest like this?"
"I am a mage who once guarded the whole of Verforet. I was born and raised on eastern Brocéliande, just like you."
Story Vivienne.png
"You're from Brocéliande? Do I know you by any chance?"
"I know who you are. But you and your family do not know me. The reason is because I lived in Brocéliande long before now."
"My purpose was to lead you and the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds here, and I needed the blessing of Brocken, with the power of the magicians of Harz."
"And that purpose has been achieved. Now it is up to your strong magical powers."
"It is my friend who has built so many evil walls in the northern forests. She is very powerful. That terrible power will become an evil force that will eventually destroy this country."
"ーーSee the green tainted with Poison.
ーーThe guardian loses her power to the King of the Ancient Elves."
Story Vivienne.png
"ーーBefore that happens, defeat the King of the Ancient Elves who is tainted with evil power. Am I right?"
Story Vivienne.png
"The King of the Ancient Elves who is steeped in evil power. So that's your friend."
"Yes. A dear friend, who has been with me all my life. She was a good magician, but the people hated her as a dark-blood and banished her from the forest."
"She was kind. She was just better at magic than people."
Story Vivienne.png
"Then she didn't need to leave the forest. You could have said in front of everyone that it wasn't her fault."
"I could have done that. But she dared to say she was an 'evil magician'."
Story Vivienne.png
"To protect me."
"She left the forest to protect me. Because I too, also had the powers to be called a dark blood."
Story Vivienne.png
"She left a place for you by making herself evil..."
"It was a time when that was the only way to be understood."
Story Vivienne.png
"Has your friend's mind been taken over by dark forces? Did she obtained foul magic by believing that she was a bad wizard?"
"That's a little different. She's a very strong girl. She wouldn't let the dark ones take over her mind."
"She has been protecting over this country for a long time. She has been supporting the Guardian of the Giant Tree with me."
Story Vivienne.png
"Then why? She was such a great wizard that she was called king, wasn't she?"
"Because of Poison."
Story Vivienne.png
"Poison? You mean the Poison of the otherworlds?"
"Yes, the Guardian of Verforet was affected by the otherworldly Poison. The guardian's magic was tainted, and my friend inhaled that tainted magic."
Story Vivienne.png
"She did it herself. To protect this country. To save you and the Guardian of the Giant Tree."
Story Vivienne.png
"And she became a night mage using foul magic. The strange things happening in this forest were because she inhaled the Guardian's Poison..."
Story Vivienne.png
"ーーThe king of the elves does not forsake the forest.
ーーShe does not fear the night, nor does he succumb to darkness darker than night.
Story Vivienne.png
"Your friend... the King of the Ancient Elves has always protected the forest. Even though she was feared as a dark blood, even though she lost her place, she used all her power only for the peace of Verforet."
Story Vivienne.png
"There were many dark bloods who fought against the night to protect the deep green and magic..."
"...... Glad you understand, Vivienne."
Story Vivienne.png
"But we have to defeat her. If we don't, we can't save this forest. We can't save this country."
"It's not enough to defeat her. You have to use your power to purify her."
Story Vivienne.png
"Me, purify...?"
"You also have the power to be called a dark blood. The power is so mighty that it dries up the spring of magic. A power feared by humans and elves alike."
Story Vivienne.png
"The dark bloods... have indeed been told. I could actually use great power. I've always been good at offensive magic and I'm still confident in it."
Story Vivienne.png
"But offensive magic can't 'cleanse'. It can't heal or cleanse your friend."
"It's not offensive magic that I want from you. There is another power you have acquired in Brocéliande."
"The 'power of healing'. Vivienne."
Story Vivienne.png
"The power of healing..."
"Yes. You have the power to revive this spring."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's impossible. My restorative magic can't do that."
"Do not worry. I'm sure you can do it..."
"Now, she's coming. I only have a few more minutes to talk to you like this."
"Release my friend. Then save the Guardian of the Giant Tree who is suffering from the pain and guilt of the Poison. If you leave it like this, the Giant Tree of Verforet will lose its power."
Story Vivienne.png
"Wait! Tell me one last thing!"
Story Vivienne.png
. "......"
Story Vivienne.png
"Are you an elf? Or are you a human?"
"...... Non. I am neither."
Story Vivienne.png
"A fairy..."
Story Vivienne.png
"You are an fairy, aren't you? Those who disappeared from the presence of humans and elves..."
"Farewell. She who bears my power."
"Andーー Heir of my blood."
"You can do it, Vivienne. The magic of the beautiful forest is yours."
Story Vivienne.png
"Heir of my blood..."
Story Putra.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Putra!? And Conductor too!"
Story Vivienne.png
"You're all here... What's going on? Have you been here the whole time?"
Story Putra.png
"Yes. I've been watching you two. Well, we didn't see the fairy either."
Story Vivienne.png
"So you mean you could hear everything we were saying?"
Story Putra.png
"Yes. We could hear her voice, too."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Vivienne, you're completely unaware of our presence. I called out to you several times, but you didn't seem to hear us at all."
Story Goslar.png
"There was an invisible barrier that prevented us from approaching. It was a transparent wall with different properties from the magical barriers. Perhaps it had a special warding."
Story Vivienne.png
"I see..."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm sure she made it... I think she wanted to talk to me alone."
Story Vivienne.png
"I wonder what she meant by that last word..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Professor Goslar, that fairy told her to save the Guardian of the Giant Tree. If left unchecked, the Giant Tree of Verforet would lose its power."
Story Goslar.png
"Ja, that's what Samantha said, and she was right."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"The Guardian of the Giant Tree is suffering from the pain and guilt of the Poison. Because she made the King of the Ancient Elves suffer..."
Story Goslar.png
"Very sad. To both the Guardian of the Giant Tree, and the great King of the Ancient Elves who protected this country."
Story Goslar.png
"But that doesn't mean we can't be merciful. The King of the Ancient Elves has become a monster by absorbing the Poison and has become a powerful enemy. We must fight her."
ーーThen let us fight, Magicians of Harz.
Story Goslar.png
"What was that voice?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Not at all like the fairy from earlier."
ーーHarz's magic is good sustenance.
ーーI will consume, and I will be fully restored as king.
Story Vivienne.png
"This power is... Dark Blood!"
Vivienne was the first to sense its power, and before she could warn everyone of the danger, the enemy made a super-fast preemptive move.
An oversized thunderbolt struck the spring. It was not generated by a thundercloud, but by a super-powerful magical attack...
Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic