Main Scenario/Spring of Magic

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Chapter 37.png
37-1 Verforet Northern Front
37-2 The Rendezvous Point
37-3 Eisengradian Magicians
37-4 Having a Dream
37-5 Change of Strategy
37-6 Power of Elves
37-7 Ray of Hope
37-8 "Power of Healing"
37-9 Power of Darkness
37-10 Spring of Magic
Story Vivienne.png
"Well? It's over."
Story Vivienne.png
"We defeated the King of the Ancient Elves."
Story Vivienne.png
"This is how Verforet will be saved, right? This was the way to save our country, right?"
Story Vivienne.png
"There was no other way but to defeat her, right?"
Story Putra.png
Story Putra.png
"Yeah. It was the only way. The Poison had turned her into a demon. And a very strong one at that."
Story Putra.png
"If the Guardian of the Giant Tree had done that, she would have been out of control. She sucked out the Poison herself to prevent that from happening."
Story Putra.png
"I'm sure she knew this would happen. I think she did."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yeah, she did. I'm sure of it."
"This is no time for grief... Vivienne."
Story Vivienne.png
"You are..."
Story Putra.png
"The Fairy King! Are you real? Are you a fake?"
Story Vivienne.png
"The one who people call 'The Fairy King of Brocéliande'."
"There was a time when they called me that. There were other times when I was called 'The Dark Blood', and there were times when I was called 'The Fairy of the Spring'."
"But I liked it best, when lost travelers called me 'Little Fairy'."
Story Vivienne.png
"Okay. Then I'll call you Little Fairy too."
Story Goslar.png
"I like that too. Little Fairy. It has a nice ring to it."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Little Fairy. That's cute."
"Vivienne, your work is not done yet. Your mission is not only to defeat her. It is to 'purify' her. Don't forget this."
Story Vivienne.png
"What do you want me to do? She doesn't seem to be here anymore."
"I want you to restore the magical Spring. Then the Guardian of the Giant Tree's magic will be restored."
"And then... The soul of that child who wanders in darkness darker than night will also be purified."
Story Vivienne.png
"I will. Where is this Spring?"
"I will show you. I will transport everyone here to the location of the Spring."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm surprised. Little Fairy is able to use transference magic then?"
"You should be able to use it too. You still need to learn how to use it, though."
"The Magic Bow Brocéliande and transference magic. If you can handle both at your disposal, you will be a mage who will be known as a dark blooded."
"But don't let that bother you. Remember to be proud of your magic."
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui. I will."
"And then, the two of Harz."
Story Goslar.png
"What is it? Little Fairy."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I wish you could show your form, but you can't because you're a fairy."
"Beautiful hearted magicians of Harz. Please cherish your power. As a fellow mage myself, I respect the Harz from the bottom of my heart."
"Harz saved the Verforet Northern Front from a crisis. This fact will be talked about in our country for eons to come."
Story Goslar.png
"Verforet's Unité Magique saved Mount Brocken from danger; it is only natural that us women of Harz would use our powers to save them."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Speaking of which, is everyone of Unité Magique safe?"
"Yes, they are safe. I'm sure they'll see you soon after this."
"Well then, everyone, are you ready? Be careful if you are not familiar with magic. My transference magic is a bit careless. I've always had trouble with fine control."
Story Putra.png
"You sound just like Vivienne!"
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm not careless."
"Hmmhmmhmm, it was nice talking to you all. Vivienne, take care of your friends."
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui, I will. I will take good care of them, just like you."
"When you get to the Spring, just close your eyes and pray. Concentrate your magic and slowly open your eyes. I know you can do it."
Story Orleans.png
"Monsieur Conductor! And everyone else!"
Story Vivienne.png
Story Goslar.png
"We're pretty close to the Giant Tree. Is the Spring of Magic at the front line of the Northern Front?"
Story Putra.png
"So, this is where the Orleans' team is, with a glimpse of the Gendamerie here and there..."
Story Putra.png
"Ah! Aren't those people from the Unité Magique over there! They're giving off a really strong presence!"
Story Orleans.png
"Yes, they were discovered in the Mist just a few minutes ago. Everyone is safe. No one is missing."
Story Pennsylvania.png
"Perhaps your mission was a success?"
Story Vivienne.png
"No, we are still finishing up."
Story Vivienne.png
"Orleans, this here is the Depleted Spring of Magic, right? They say there used to be a beautiful spring here a long time ago."
Story Orleans.png
"Oui, this is just the place. Nowadays, it is famous for being a dangerous area where Phantom Mist is very common."
Story Vivienne.png
"Just close my eyes and pray..."
Vivienne turned towards the waterless depression, knelt down and began to pray. If the name 'Depleted Spring of Magic' has been handed down, then this must be the place where the fairy said the Spring of Magic is located.
Story Vivienne.png
"Peace to the land of Deep Green and Magic..."
Story Pennsylvania.png
"Water has returned to the dry spring..."
Story Orleans.png
"It is not only water that has returned. Magic... Magic has returned. This spring alone has enough magic to act as a ward."
Story Goslar.png
"Such tremendous magical power. We can't do that."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"The power of healing. It is indeed Verforench magic. Not only offensive magic, but even healing magic is also very deep."
Story Orleans.png
"Vivienne, what did you do?"
Story Vivienne.png
"I just prayed. I followed a little fairy's advice."
Story Orleans.png
"Mademoiselle Vivienne prays!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Eh, why are you so surprised?"
Story Orleans.png
"I-I'm sorry."
Story Orleans.png
"But when did you learn this kind of magic? This is perfected power of healing. How many magicians in the country are there even that can handle this kind of magic...?"
Story Putra.png
"I don't think there is a single one. This time we had to have Vivienne."
Story Yakutsk.png
"And also the Harz magicians. I was really surprised at how good those two are."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It was great to see them both in their best. I am proud to be a Eisengradian soldier."
Story Orleans.png
"I really appreciate the Harz duo. If we had not done something about that magical barrier, the operation itself would have been ruined. The members of Unité Magique were grateful as well. 'Our greatest tribute to the heroes of Harz'."
Story Orleans.png
"And also, 'We're looking forward to seeing you again, Professor'."
Story Goslar.png
"So they are the ones from that time, the ones who saved Brocken from the disaster!?"
Story Orleans.png
"Hmhmhmm, why don't you look for them once you get back to the packing house?"
Story Goslar.png
"What a surprise. I never thought I'd see them again at a place like this..."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Good for you, Professor Goslar."
Story Goslar.png
"Ja, let me introduce you to them too. You are a student of mine and a fine Harz mage."
Story Goslar.png
"Quedlinburg, you really have become a excellent mage."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Professor Goslar, I owe it all to you. And Professor Goslar, I'm happy to follow you."
Story Orleans.png
"Mademoiselle Goslar and Mademoiselle Quedlinburg. If I may, I would like to invite you two to join the Northern Front's Unité Magique. Not as a regular enlistment, but as a joint operation..."
Story Goslar.png
"I'm sorry, but no thanks. Quedlinburg, how about you?"
Story Quedlinburg.png
"Of course not. We are of Harz, of course.."
Story Orleans.png
"Dream Magic of dreams and hope..."
Story Goslar.png
"That's what I mean."
Story Goslar.png
"We didn't curse our power because we were born in a wonderful place called Harz, and we want to do as much as we can for Harz."
Story Quedlinburg.png
"I need to practice my Dream Magic more. I want to play a leading role in parades, just like Wernigerode."
Story Orleans.png
"I understand. But let me just say this."
Story Orleans.png
"When the town of Harz or Brocken is in danger again, the Verforet Gendamerie will join the fight with our lives."
Story Pennsylvania.png
"Me too. I will be there. I swear on this bow."
Story Goslar.png
"Thank you both."
Story Pennsylvania.png
"So, uh... I have a question for you two of Harz."
Story Goslar.png
Story Pennsylvania.png
"I'm a fan of the Harz. I was wondering if you could show me one of your Dream Magic tricks."
Story Goslar.png
"No problem. I'll make a rainbow ring in that Spring and make the stars fall."
Story Pennsylvania.png
"Ah, thank you so much!"
Thus, the incident that took place in Verforet's danger zone, commonly known as the 'Northern Front', ended with a successful resolution.
The enemy we defeated was the King of the Ancient Elves who used to protect Verforet, but if what the fairy said was true, she has been purified by Vivienne's power of healing and will have escaped from that abominable realm.
The Poison of the otherworlds is poisoning the Giant Trees across the world. If all five Giant Trees are affected at the same time, even the SSS with the Mist Train will not be able to cope with the situation.
The Guardians of the Giant Trees are doing something about this. They are enhancing the immunity of the Giant Trees from the inside and delaying the spread of Poison to Iris Cloud.
Recently, however, the Guardians of the Giant Trees' powers has been weakening in many parts of the world. It is likely that the amount of Poison from otherworlds flowing in through the Giant Tree is increasing.
The fact that St. Iris's Giant Tree has become the Steel Tree is significant. It became clear that the damage to the remaining Giant Trees would be substantial if even only one Guardian of the Giant Tree was reduced. The more battles near the Giant Trees, the more dangerous it would be for us.
Story Yakutsk.png
"And then there are those who want to take advantage of the situation, which is a problem."
Story Queensway.png
"Youko is leading the militants of the Resistance, and there's also the Mistism cultists who have gained strange powers and become stronger... Even while we are doing this, there is a possibility that they are doing something bad somewhere."
Story Vivienne.png
"I was thinking... I think that if the Guardians of the Giant Trees are so weak, it will be easier for the bad guys to get inside the Giant Trees."
Story Yakutsk.png
"That's what I thought too, when we fought the demonic beasts in M. Eisengrad, the Mistism cultists were easily able to get inside. I think that's because the Giant Tree has less protection."
Story Putra.png
"If we move only after something happens, we won't be able to get in there in time."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's better to go in and take out the people who are trying to do this or that."
The Poison's influence grows ever stronger, and the number of encounters with Youko has increased. Perhaps Youko is aiming for the inside of the Giant Tree just like the Mistism cult, but in Youko's case, she seems to be more interested in St. Iris's Steel Tree.
In the future, conflicts with non-monsters will be inevitable. We will have to fight hard.
For that time, we must increase our strength and gain a little more knowledge about the Poison of the otherworlds...
Chapter 38.png
38-1 Nishiki Great Curse Magic
38-2 Cursed Spirit
38-3 Par for the Course
38-4 Combination Art
38-5 Cheating Each Other
38-6 Miyako's Blunder
38-7 Despite Being Visible
38-8 Visitor From the Otherworld
38-9 The Worst Enemy
38-10 Yuuzen in Pursuit