Main Scenario/Visitor From the Otherworld

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Chapter 38.png
38-1 Nishiki Great Curse Magic
38-2 Cursed Spirit
38-3 Par for the Course
38-4 Combination Art
38-5 Cheating Each Other
38-6 Miyako's Blunder
38-7 Despite Being Visible
38-8 Visitor From the Otherworld
38-9 The Worst Enemy
38-10 Yuuzen in Pursuit
Story Yuuzen.png
"Well, I got rid of that cursed spirit and all the trash. Now I have to do something about this mess, but I don't know what to do..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Am I just barely strong enough? No, but I should be able to do it if nothing else gets in the way."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"The reversal curse has been lifted. I can't believe that the trap is still intact, but only the art has been lifted..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"So the caster was trying to snare me in, not Conductor. That cursed spirit was a decoy to get me to come here."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I see. I have an idea of which bugger the culprit is. I guess it's about time for the master to show himself."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Whether or not it's the mastermind... it looks like something really bad is coming. Magic is in full power. Some major character has arrived."
Story Canaria2.png
"So this here's Iris Cloud... This is not the place I was aiming to visit, but I wonder if it's because of that woman's sorcery."
Story Queensway.png
"That's... Canaria!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I can't believe she's still alive..."
Story Miyako.png
"That's impossible, Canaria's body was devoured by Samanthas without a drop of blood left. I saw it clearly with my own eyes and I am sure of it."
Story Mary.png
"I also wonder where this woman came from, she sounds like she was summoned from somewhere else, not Iris Cloud."
Story Mary.png
"She might know something important. I'm counting on you, Yuuzen. Get more information out of her."
Story Canaria2.png
"Yuuzen... Long time no see. Are you alone today?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yer are Canaria..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"As if... Who are ya?"
Story Canaria2.png
"Way to go. You're not even a bit distraught looking at this face of mine. In just a short amount of time, you're trying to grasp the reality that I am a separate entity from that Canaria, accepted it, and frantically thought of a next word or phrase."
Story Canaria2.png
"I am Canaria. I share some memories with that selfish brat Canaria you know, but I am a human from another world."
Story Yuuzen.png
"In any case ya seem smarter than the Canaria I know."
Story Yuuzen.png
"But... ya seem stronger than her. Ya can use both magic and sorcery. Not to mention martial arts too."
Story Canaria2.png
"It's the bare minimum required to investigate Poison. Something you can't survive against without being strong. Can't get rid of the things coming in."
Story Canaria2.png
"But you don't have to be so wary. I am not your enemy."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I'm not yer enemy and I'm not yer friend either. I'm sorry, but I will remain wary. Just answer some of my questions."
Story Yuuzen.png
"How do ya know my name? Ya said 'you share some memories', but do ya know what she did, and what happened to her too?"
Story Canaria2.png
"As to how that Canaria lived her life in this world, I don't know all the details. But, I do have vivid memories of the days she spent with you."
Story Canaria2.png
"You are the only person that she has ever trusted in this world. I think it was you."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I was her caretaker. I took care of her when she had no memories whatsoever, so I guess that's why my first impression of her is so strong."
Story Canaria2.png
"I knew it, she came here with no memory..."
Story Canaria2.png
"Hey Yuuzen, why did you bring her under your wing? Didn't you think she was suspicious?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"I do think she was suspicious. But back then, we needed someone strong enough to deal with Phantom Mist."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Besides, when one lives near the Phantom Mist for a long time, 'suspicious' becomes commonplace. Can you from an otherworld understand this feeling?"
Story Canaria2.png
"I certainly do. Phantom Mist exists in our world too."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I knew it, she was from an other world."
Story Canaria2.png
"You don't have to probe me, just ask me straight, and I'll answer. I am more or less grateful to you."
Story Canaria2.png
"As you're the parent of that child..."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Canaria2.png
"I don't mean it like literally. That Canaria, who was very attached to you, is my alter ego. She was an irregularity who has been split from originally one person."
Story Canaria2.png
"I'm a researcher who studies Phantom Mist in another world. In order to stop Poison flowing from my other world, I transferred myself to here in Iris Cloud using a large-scale transference magic."
Story Canaria2.png
"However the transfer failed. Another me was born inside the Gate and only that child was transferred to Iris Cloud. I was sent back to the laboratory where I had been, and I was never able to pass through the Gate again."
Story Canaria2.png
"Until the other me died that is."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I understand that the transference failed. But how is it possible for a human being to split inside a Gate?"
Story Canaria2.png
"There are still many uncertainties about this, but it is probably due to the Poison coming from your world."
Story Yuuzen.png
"You mean the Mist we think of as Immunity? Our two worlds are sending Poison to each other?"
Story Canaria2.png
"I don't think it's sending it to each other, more likely both are trying to get rid of it, and that's what's happening now."
Story Canaria2.png
"But no matter how full of Poison the Gate was, it's hard to imagine that I would be the only one to split into two people. It's only a theory... But someone may have set it up."
Story Canaria2.png
"There are people who believes that me coming to this world will be trouble. It could be Iris Cloud's Guardians of the Giant Trees, or it could be the King who rules the Darkness, who has a hand in it from the world between worlds."
Story Canaria2.png
"But I think that's a petty thing to do. If they had that kind of time, they would use their power more elsewhere. Don't you think?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"The work of humans. Is that what ya are saying?"
Story Canaria2.png
"Yeah, I have an idea. I know someone who has a strong grudge against this world, who forgot her mission and acted for personal gain. I know a certain someone like that."
Story Canaria2.png
"Youko... She is also the creator of this Great Curse Magic."
Story Yuuzen.png
"That's good information. Well, I thought that would be the case."
Story Yuuzen.png
"If what ya say is true, this summoning art is still going to spit out some big guns. Yer an uninvited guest to Youko. That's not what Youko the caster wants."
Story Canaria2.png
"I agree with you, Yuuzen. There is so much magic in this summoning art, I don't think Youko can do this alone."
Story Canaria2.png
"You, are you going to stop this by yourself? You don't know what's going to come out of this?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"The odds are against me. I'm used to this kind of work though."
Story Canaria2.png
"Yeah. Be careful. I'm going to get the Hell out of here. I can't die yet."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya can use Gates already? But ya shouldn't overwork too hard on yourself. This here's a different world from the one ya were in."
Story Canaria2.png
"I'll figure it out. I'll follow the route left to me by the girl who died. I have a vague idea of the important entrances and exits."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Hey, Canaria. let me ask ya something about yer old memories. I'm not doubting ya, but I need to be sure."
Story Canaria2.png
"Go ahead. I'll answer if I remember."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Do ya remember what Canaria said when she left me?"
Story Canaria2.png
"--You traitor. I thought you were like a sister to me."
Story Canaria2.png
"I think she said was something like this...?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yeah, that's how it was."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Canaria2.png
"Anything else?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"No, that's enough. Get going. This place will be a battlefield soon."
Story Canaria2.png
"If you don't get in my way, I won't interfere. That may be difficult, but for now we are not enemies."
Story Canaria2.png
"Goodbye Yuuzen."
Story Yuuzen.png
"This doesn't seem to be sorcery..."
Chapter 38.png
38-1 Nishiki Great Curse Magic
38-2 Cursed Spirit
38-3 Par for the Course
38-4 Combination Art
38-5 Cheating Each Other
38-6 Miyako's Blunder
38-7 Despite Being Visible
38-8 Visitor From the Otherworld
38-9 The Worst Enemy
38-10 Yuuzen in Pursuit