Main Scenario/Yuuzen in Pursuit

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Chapter 38.png
38-1 Nishiki Great Curse Magic
38-2 Cursed Spirit
38-3 Par for the Course
38-4 Combination Art
38-5 Cheating Each Other
38-6 Miyako's Blunder
38-7 Despite Being Visible
38-8 Visitor From the Otherworld
38-9 The Worst Enemy
38-10 Yuuzen in Pursuit
Story Hone Ningyou.png
Hone Ningyou
Story Mary.png
"This is tough. I can't get close enough because of the sorceries."
Story Queensway.png
"She will go after Miss Yuuzen and Miss Yoshino thoroughly if they even attempt to counter it with sorceries, she's not even looking at Miss Miyako..."
Story Mary.png
"Yuuzen, your thoughts?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Bit of a shrug. Not as strong as I thought she would be."
Story Mary.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"She can't use most of her strength. She's too weak."
Story Yoshino.png
"Chotto chotto. If this is too weak, what is normal strength?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"I told y'all before. One opening, and ya will be eaten immediately. Youko who can't even move should have been the first one she would pounce on."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Besides, Hone Ningyou can use sorcery. That means she can talk. But now she just barks like a monster. No matter how I look at it, she's weakened."
Story Youko.png
"So if we could revert her back to her original form, she would be stronger then? Isn't that wonderful? Let me restore her to her original form."
Story Youko.png
"So come this way. Come, come closer to me."
Story Hone Ningyou.png
Hone Ningyou
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya little, what are ya thinking? Yer really this eager to be killed?"
Story Youko.png
"I doubt it. Maybe she will think of me as one of their own."
Hone Ningyou seemed to understand human language and seemed to respond to Yuuzen and Youko's words. When Youko extended her hand and said 'Come here', the Hone Ningyou walked up to Youko, growling like a wild animal.
And then... The seal that had bound Youko was lifted.
Story Youko.png
"Ufufufu, now I am free too. As I thought, this girl is the true Hone Ningyou."
Story Yuuzen.png
"My art is completely broken...? How in the world did ya do that?"
Story Youko.png
"It was the Hone Ningyou who broke the art, not me, and since Hone Ningyou broke the Great Curse Magic, she must be able to nullify Yuuzen's art."
Story Yuuzen.png
"When that bugger broke the sorcery art, Youko's art had not yet been broken. If that's the case, there's no way it could have been broken on its own."
Story Youko.png
"Therefore, it was not broken, but 'broken'. Hone Ningyou also has a will. Intention activates sorceries."
Story Youko.png
"Maybe she thinks of me as her mother."
Story Yuuzen.png
"No, that's not true. Look behind ya."
Story Youko.png
Story Hone Ningyou.png
Hone Ningyou
Story Youko.png
Hone Ningyou struck Youko from behind, and Youko's body flew away.
It didn't give chase. The Hone Ningyou didn't do anything else and just stood there looking at Yuuzen's face.
Hitting the ground, Youko quickly opened a Gate while doing a passive flip. Since the sorcery art has begun to collapse, she deployed defensive sorcery to protect the Gate so as not to get caught.
Story Youko.png
"Hone Ningyou, I like you. Someday, I will surely make you mine."
Story Youko.png
"Yuuzen-san, let's call this time a draw. We will meet again in the near future by the Giant Tree. Please be prepared by then."
Story Youko.png
"Well then, nice to meet to you all."
Youko hid herself inside the Gate. It is unclear whether she escaped into the dimensional realm or headed for another exit.
However... the Hone Ningyou had her sights set on the moment the Gate was about to close.
Story Hone Ningyou.png
Hone Ningyou
Story Queensway.png
"The Hone Ningyou is prying open the Gate!"
Story Putra.png
"Wait, that's crazy! The thing's that big..."
Story Vivienne.png
"But the Gate is getting bigger and bigger. If we don't do something, it will escape."
Story Hone Ningyou.png
Hone Ningyou
"She's calculating the exit. Are you kidding me... she learned how to connect Gates in one go just now?"
Prying open the Gate Youko used, Hone Ningyou forced it to widen and create a rift in space, then twisted her massive body into the Gate and disappeared.
Story Mary.png
"The Hone Ningyou's escaped... This is grave."
Story Mary.png
"Yuuzen, do you know where that bugger went?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yeah, pretty much."
Story Yuuzen.png
"She's going where she wants to go. She wasn't chasing Youko, she's going to where she wanted to go."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I must go after her..."
Story Mary.png
"Hold it. Hold it, Yuuzen. No. First, tell me where she went."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Not to worry. No one lives where she's headed. There are no wards, so no one can get close to her."
Story Mary.png
"That's why I'm asking you to tell me where it is."
Story Yuuzen.png
"The place where she gave birth to me. The place where I made that doll."
Story Yuuzen.png
"It was our house. It was burned down with the dolls, so there's nothing there now."
Story Mary.png
"I wonder if your mother's memories are still there..."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Miyako... Come here for a minute."
Story Miyako.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Put on this hair ornament. Don't worry, it's nothing extraordinary. It's the one my dolls wear."
Story Yuuzen.png
"While wearing it, ya should ask Yoshino and Shimoamazu to share their power with ya. Then yer stolen magic power will be restored. Ya will be able to use sorceries as before."
Story Miyako.png
"Thank you very much."
Story Miyako.png
"Um, Yuuzen-san."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Miyako.png
"Please wait until my power returns. Let's make a plan together."
Story Miyako.png
"Please, don't leave me. Don't try to go alone..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"No. I can't wait for ya to recover. Besides, without someone skilled in the art of sorcery, ya'll only slow me down."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Y'all and the rest of the Nishiki Army need to gather the sorcery team and fortify your defenses. Ya can drive the people out of all the towns near my hometown and set up a ward for said entire town."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Tell this to Shimoamazu the First, we will need her help when Hone Ningyou regains her original strength. Hone Ningyou in her full form is a monster comparable to Daiyaki."
Story Miyako.png
"So I can't be of any help to you?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yes, yer of no help."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Miyako yer a capable girl. Yer a really good sorceress. But I'm the only one who can use the sorcery to stop Hone Ningyou."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I'm working on my sorcery skills to stop Hone Ningyou. I did everything to become stronger. I read the military manuals and even bowed down to Shimoamazu the First."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Stopping Hone Ningyou is my mission. I have prepared a special Counting Curse so that I can do it alone."
Story Miyako.png
"But the situation is different now than it was in the past. If we all work together, we may be able to appease your oka-sama down..."
Story Yuuzen2.png
"Shut up. An insolent brat like you should not talk about sorcery so recklessly."
Story Miyako.png
Story Yuuzen2.png
"Strong curses often have only one correct answer. If one makes a mistake in how to use it or the procedure, it will be irreversible. Does Miyako know the curse that stops Hone Ningyou?"
Story Miyako.png
"No... I don't know..."
Story Yuuzen2.png
"Then don't have the shamelessness to say 'appease' so carelessly. A sorceress should be responsible for her words."
Story Mary.png
"Yuuzen, stop. Calm down. Don't use your power here."
Story Yuuzen2.png
"I know."
Story Mary.png
"You don't know. Your eyes are changing color. Don't use words in that state."
Unusually for Yuuzen, she sounded very emotional. However, the reason Mary grabbed Yuuzen's arm and stopped her wasn't because Yuuzen had hit Miyako too hard.
Yuuzen was clearly intending to kill, to unleash her lethal force. Her furs bristled, her eyes changed color, and her fangs bared. Even the eyes of the old Nishikese doll she held under her arm are filled with evil intent.
Story Mary.png
"Not everyone knows who you are as a person. I'm the only one who knows how you really feel about Hone Ningyou, and... What kind of determination you have, and the resolve to do so."
Story Mary.png
"So, alright? Supress it. You have changed after your journey with Ricardo. Yuuzen's the strongest now. I am sure you can defeat Hone Ningyou."
Story Yuuzen.png
"It's okay. It's okay now, please let go of my hand."
Story Mary.png
"Okay. I'll let go."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I'm sorry. This wasn't like me."
Story Miyako.png
"No, I'm really sorry too. I don't know anything about you, but you're the one apologizing. I just made a total mistake a few minutes ago..."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"...... When Daiyaki appeared on Mount Ooe, there were many sorceresses in the strike team."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Believing that she had a good chance of winning if sorcery is used, Ooenomiya took a large number of sorceresses to challenge him. Even the kijin who had fled to the secret village also showed themselves and risked their lives 'for the sake of the people'.
Story Yuuzen.png
"The kijin gave up their lives to shield the sorceress performing the Counting Curse. As a mountain of corpses piled up, Shimoamazu the First continued to recite the Curse, and the Daiyaki fed on the souls of the dead and continued to grow stronger."
Story Yuuzen.png
"No one knew that Daiyaki was getting stronger by feeding on the souls of the dead. The last trump card was played, and the Mount Ooe strike team was almost wiped out."
Story Yoshino.png
"Nishiki's sorceries are very deep. If one doesn't take proper countermeasures, it can all be for nashi."
Story Yoshino.png
"Haha Amazu thinks that the seal on Daiyaki is a shippai."
Story Yuuzen.png
"But it was the best that Shimoamazu the First could do at the time. When she had Counted to Curse Nine, she switched the last Curse to protect Ooenomiya from Daiyaki."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Some people think that's the right answer, some people don't."
Story Miyako.png
"So there are real people who can recite up to Counting Curse Nine..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"To seal the Hone Ningyou, one needs to Count to Nine. To finish her off completely, Count to Ten."
Story Miyako.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"I have mastered the Counting Curse up to Ten solely for the Hone Ningyou. Did I tell ya that? To stop the Hone Ningyou, I'm honing my sorcery skills."
Story Miyako.png
"I'm sorry..."
Story Miyako.png
"I'm sorry for being so childlish knowing nothing. I'm sorry for wanting to be like Yuuzen-san. I'm sorry I said I wanted to appease your oka-sama."
Story Miyako.png
"But still ......"
Story Miyako.png
"But still, I can't just wait and do nothing. I left Hinayashiki so that I can help people. I learned sorcery so that I can help, both people and dolls."
Story Miyako.png
"How can I help? How can I successfully perform Yuuzen-san's sorceries?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Warding sorcery..."
Story Miyako.png
"Warding sorcery, the kind that I would use?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Preferably a highly accurate one. I'm sure you and Yoshino could work out combination techniques more or less, yes?"
Story Miyako.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Then, a sorceress who can fight right next to the enemy. If we have an all-rounder who can keep her mind sane even if she is trapped in sorcery for a long time and can also handle close combat, our chances of winning will increase."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I hate to say this, but we need someone like Youko. If we could team up with someone like that bugger, even y'all can be useful. If ya can put together a second team within two days, we can meet up there."
Story Mary.png
"I'm on it. I'll make sure we're back on our feet in two days. We'll use every means possible."
Story Mary.png
"So Yuuzen, you have to survive for two days to monitor and observe Hone Ningyou. That is your mission. Do not ever try to do it alone."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Two days. I will not wait longer than that. If the Hone Ningyou moves, I will follow her."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Conductor, ya okay with that? Even if ya stop me, I'll still go."
Can you hide without the Hone Ningyou finding you? If she moves within two days, can you let us know where you are going?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Absolutely. And the reason Mary didn't ask that question is because she knows I can do that."
Then that's good. I'll order Yuuzen to track and monitor Hone Ningyou. We will regroup our forces within two days and go after her.
Leave the coordination with the sorcery team to me. I will inform Shimoamazu the First as soon as possible.
Story Yuuzen.png
"I do hope yer powers will work. Well, let me take care of it for the time being."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Miyako, do you know what this is?"
Story Miyako.png
"This is Shimoamazu the First's black straw doll... I have one too. It is a training straw doll that is very difficult to move."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Casters who can make it dance freely. That's the bare minimum. If anyone can resist Shimoamazu's sealing technique, they'll be a good backup."
Story Miyako.png
"I understand."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya should focus on recovering your magic. There's no such thing as a sorceress who can do everything by herself."
Thus, the Great Curse Magic that had been created near the Giant Tree of Nishiki lost its power thanks to Yuuzen's efforts.
However the monster that was summoned from it, "Hone Ningyou," was on the loose. Yuuzen followed suit, closely monitoring and preparing for a reorganization.
We must join Yuuzen and stop Hone Ningyou at all costs. "The battle is in two days. We have no choice but to go." At Mary's words, all the Train Knights present nodded their heads.
Story Miyako.png
"Please wait for me, Yuuzen-san."
Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond