Main Scenario/Reasons to Believe

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Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond
Story Miyako.png
"I knew the 'test line' was Yuuzen's. I didn't expect the forest to be covered with such a strong miasma."
Story Maki.png
"It's fortunate that Mary didn't come. If she had come, she would have been a weak point for Maki and you."
Story Miyako.png
"Maki-san seems to be more resistant to this kind of curse than I am, is it because you were trained by Shimoamazu the First?"
Story Maki.png
"Maki's resistance to curses and art has to do with my upbringing. Maki was born under a curse, and has lived under a curse."
Story Maki.png
"Survival in the face of terrible murderous intent. To learn how to do this is the minimum requirement for living in Kijinga Castle, a place sealed off by Deep Fog and sorcery. In addition, it is cursed with negative thoughts that keeps lingering around."
Story Miyako.png
"If you are trapped in such a place, you will develop a resistance to the curse."
Story Maki.png
"Miyako, you must have been in a similar situation as Maki."
Story Miyako.png
"Yes, that's true. In my case, I had a strong curse casted on myself, but I was surrounded by Mist and sorcery, just like you, Maki-san."
Story Miyako.png
"Hinayashiki is a special dangerous zone where people are not allowed to enter even today. I wonder how the dolls I left there are doing now..."
Story Maki.png
"There will come a time when you will be able to return. Until then, hone your skills in sorceries in order to break the curse."
Story Miyako.png
"There will come a time when I can return then..."
Story Maki.png
"Maki intends to do so. Will surely break the curse that lasts for hundreds of years with my own hands"
Story Miyako.png
"Hundreds of years... Have you been living under a curse all that time?"
Story Maki.png
"It used to be a hiding place for kijin. A long time passed without anyone noticing, and the curse was placed on Kijinga Castle long before Ooenomiya-sama received the curse of immortality and earth-binding."
Story Maki.png
"Maki is now the last one. Both chichi-ue and haha-ue went off to find a spouse for Maki to marry and never returned. As the lord of the castle, was willing to die with the castle and fight alone against the cursed Mist."
Story Maki.png
"Maki used a forbidden technique and was possessed by the souls of my compatriots. Hundreds of years of curses all imbued onto Maki alone, and was no longer self-possessed. Was on the verge of becoming a cursed spirit."
Story Miyako.png
"But there was someone who broke the curse."
Story Maki.png
"There was. Shimoamazu the First. Sorceress from the northern mountains of Ooe, who saved Maki's body and spirit, and saved Kijinga Castle."
Story Maki.png
"Shimoamazu the First left behind the doomed Kijinga Castle, and granted Maki reprieve."
Story Maki.png
"Shishou taught me the importance of survival. That as long as Maki lives, the hope of restoring Kijinga Castle will not disappear."
Story Maki.png
"I hope Miyako can return to Hinayashiki someday."
Story Miyako.png
"I do not want to return to Hinayashiki. I want to serve humanity. That is my purpose."
Story Maki.png
"Agree with Maki. Kijin also serve humanity."
Story Miyako.png
"Please don't compare me with kijin. I don't have the strength of a kijin."
Story Maki.png
"But you are a very good sorceress. Has the power necessary to solve the incident. You seem to be more dependable than I thought."
Story Maki.png
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
Story Maki.png
"Miyako noticed too?"
Story Miyako.png
"They're right behind us. Strong opponents. Shall we start from here?"
Story Maki.png
"Before that, they will come from the other side... Miyako, take the next step and jump to the side."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
"They are gone."
Story Maki.png
"One blow to them. Certainly corporeal."
Story Maki.png
"Be wary of sorceries. A pretext for close combat."
Story Miyako.png
"Yes, it seems so."
"ーーWhere is the doll?
ーーWhere is the doll that will show me the way?"
"ーーI need to see my friend.
ーーI have to go to that girl who lives deep in the forest."
Story Maki.png
"She can speak. A nasty enemy. This darkness is nasty too."
Story Miyako.png
"I'm weaving a counter sorcery right now. I have yet to find a way to break the darkness."
Story Maki.png
"We have to fight in the darkness. The enemy is right next to you and Maki."
Story Maki.png
"First shot is most important. Close the distance without letting them know our speed."
Story Miyako.png
"Can I ask you to play that role?"
Story Maki.png
"Of course. That's why Maki is here."
ーーWhy do you do such a terrible thing?"
Story Miyako.png
"How was it?"
Story Maki.png
"I did indeed slashed it. But it's not effective. It's protected by sorcery."
Story Maki.png
"Expected much of the inhabitant of Jusatsu Forest. Its nature is different from normal demons."
Story Miyako.png
"I still can't see them. I can hear their voices, but not their footsteps."
Story Miyako.png
"The wavelength of the curse emitted from this demon is the same as the one that surrounds the entire forest. I am almost certain that this demon is the cause of the miasma that is covering the village."
Story Miyako.png
"This blindness is not just darkness. There must be some kind of trick."
Story Miyako.png
"Even if we want to use a technique that utilizes darkness, it is not effective if you cannot see the target. The only way to locate it is to have Maki-san attack it."
Story Maki.png
"That is possible. But it is not advisable to continue for too long."
Story Maki.png
"The enemy has already measured Maki's attack speed. It knows that Miyako cannot move faster than Maki, so it will try to make the first move on Miyako."
"ーーDoll, I found you."
Story Maki.png
"Miyako, are you okay?"
Story Miyako.png
"I'm fine. Thank you very much."
Story Maki.png
"It backed off, it guarded against Miyako attack."
Story Miyako.png
"Yes, the presence is gone. It's smart. Could our enemy be a person?"
Story Maki.png
"No. It doesn't seem to be person. That feeling, it wasn't a weapon. A claw. Hardened demon hands. Likely some kind of demonic beast."
Story Maki.png
"No blade can pass through it, and its speed is abnormal. Maki and Miyako alone are not enough to fight it. Consider retreat if we find a way to escape from this darkness."
Story Miyako.png
"If we don't defeat the enemy here, we won't be able to reach Hone Ningyou. Maki-san said that, right? We have to run away from the battle."
Story Maki.png
"Said it, Maki never runs away from a fight. That's why I don't give up victory easily."
Story Maki.png
"Winning a battle is not the same as throwing away victory, Miyako. Risking our lives and giving up our lives are two different things. As long as there is life, the chances of victory will not disappear."
Story Miyako.png
"Then we should stay here a little longer. It makes sense that we were attacked here by the enemy."
Story Maki.png
"Any evidence for this?"
Story Miyako.png
"The enemy had placed a curse on the forest from the beginning. Yuuzen-san would not leave such an enemy alone."
Story Miyako.png
"Yuuzen-san had already realized that she was in the enemy's tricks when he created the 'test line'. If she is safe and sound... She must still be somewhere in this forest, waiting for an opportunity."
Story Maki.png
"Are you expecting Yuuzen's backup? That she is watching Maki and you somewhere?"
Story Miyako.png
"I think so. She cannot be unaware of this battle. I am still deploying my sorcery to break this darkness."
Story Miyako.png
"Even I can be useful if I prepare properly, Yuuzen-san told me so. She is a person who takes responsibility for her words."
Story Maki.png
"You seem to have absolute trust in Yuuzen. Miyako, are you her disciple?"
Story Miyako.png
"No, Yuuzen-san does not recognize me as her disciple."
Story Maki.png
"So why put such absolute trust? What does Yuuzen mean to Miyako?"
Story Miyako.png
"She is the person I am striving for. She has the power that I am looking for, and I admire her."
Story Miyako.png
"She loves dolls, she burns her life for them. There is no one else who can be that serious for dolls except Yuuzen-san and Yae-san."
Story Maki.png
"Caring for dolls is important. But when weighed against people's lives, it doesn't balance. Miyako and I should be fighting to save people."
Story Maki.png
"Miyako, in particular, seemed to have stronger sense of duty than others. You live with a sense of mission. That's what makes you similar to kijin."
Story Miyako.png
"My sister told me to save people. She said that was my mission. I accepted that mission and still cherish it to this day."
Story Maki.png
"But Yuuzen is different. Her scales sometimes tip towards dolls. So why do you admire Yuuzen who puts her life on dolls?"
Story Miyako.png
"Because, I myself am a doll. I am genuinely happy. As a doll."
Story Maki.png
"Is Miyako a doll?"
Story Miyako.png
"I am a 'former' doll. My body has always been person, though."
Story Maki.png
"Former doll..."
Story Maki.png
Story Maki.png
"The secret technique of Dollification?"
Story Miyako.png
"You are indeed a disciple of Shimoamazu the First. Did you know this technique?"
Story Miyako.png
"I am both a person and a doll. As one who has two minds, people and doll, I burn this life to save both people and dolls."
Story Miyako.png
"Yuuzen-san understood me from the first time we met. She looked at me as if he knew everything about me."
Story Maki.png
"The connection between people is not all about the time spent together. There are moments of heart-to-heart communication. Perhaps Miyako and Yuuzen had a heart-to-heart."
Story Maki.png
"Let's trust that heart. Let's wait for Yuuzen."
Story Maki.png
"We have to go one step further for that, Miyako, let's change tactics. Let's go with the second plan."
Story Miyako.png
"Okay. I think your plan will be more helpful."
"Doll, doll..."
"ーーI won't let you go.
ーーTake me to her!"
Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond