Main Scenario/Yuuzen's Past

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Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond
"I found it! This is Yuuzen's house!"
"So you've been living here all this time!? You damned sorceress! You have turned our forest into such a cursed place!"
"Ka-san, what should we do? The dolls in the forest haven't responded since she died. They will soon come inside the house."
"There's a sorcerer, there is a strong sorcerer from Koroshiya. They've broken ka-san's spells."
Yuuzen's Mother
"This place is no good. You have to hide somewhere and wait for an opportunity to escape. Leave this to ka-san alone."
"You can't do that. I'll fight too. With ka-san's help, I can do it too..."
Yuuzen's Mother
"No, you can't. You are still inexperienced. You were actually caught in her trap and got cursed by her, you know that?"
Yuuzen's Mother
"It's not just a sorcerer who is after us, there is no way that a single Koroshiya member is capable of stopping the dolls of Jusatsu Forest."
Yuuzen's Mother
"There is some larger force at work here. One of the dirty jobs that our country does without a banner. That's about it."
Yuuzen's Mother
"Phantom Mist, Phantom Mist, they say. Everyone just blames the Mist. What is really frightening is the minds of people. It is people who can curse people most effectively."
"There's no time. We're surrounded. Ka-san, please use your technique."
Yuuzen's Mother
"No... It's too late. They reversed the warding sorcery. We're trapped in the opposite direction."
Yuuzen's Mother
"But don't worry. You will live. There's that doll that will help you."
Yuuzen's Mother
"That child is a doll that Yuuzen the First made to protect the clan. I'm sure she will help you in times like this."
Yuuzen's Mother
"Survive at all costs. Yuuzen. From today, you are the only surviving Yuuzen in this world. The last Yuuzen..."
"The sorcerer has broken the warding sorcery! Bring the fire arrows! We're going to burn the house down!"
"Yuuzen does not die when slashed with a sword! We must burn her with fire! The sorcerer said that if she is reduced to ashes, the afterlife sorceries will not be triggered!"
Yuuzen's Mother
"You all know nothing about sorcery, yet you talk nonsense. You all are the ones who are cursed. You all don't think of people as people, and dolls as dolls. You all do not protect yourselves. You children of oni who use your words to torment others."
Yuuzen's Mother
"You all shall receive my curse, and I will make you regret insulting Yuuzen's blood, even after death. Your blood will be finished in one generation."
Story Yuuzen.png
"My mother and I were burned alive inside our house by the villagers. My mother was too sick to walk. That's why we couldn't escape right away when we were surrounded."
Story Queensway.png
"How terrible... What did Miss Yuuzen's family even do to deserve all this!?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Nothing. I didn't do anything, and neither did my mother. They hated us around here just because we were of Yuuzen blood. 'Let's kill them before they bring in the Mist', there were a lot of people who thought like that."
Story Queensway.png
"They can't kill people for that reason! Even the child who wandered into the forest didn't die because of Miss Yuuzen!"
Story Mary.png
"There are people who kill people for reasons like that, and it's not just towards Yuuzen. There are many people who feel the same way."
Story Queensway.png
"This is unforgivable, and it has nothing to do with Phantom Mist. And yet they make it sound like people are demons..."
Story Mary.png
"Yeah, it is unacceptable. But this is the reality. This is the outside world you said you wanted to 'see'."
Story Maki.png
"The persecuted left the village. But those who fear the persecuted followed those who have left. The Kijin Hunters are an example. But let's not talk about that now."
Story Miyako.png
"Yuuzen-san survived, right? I heard before that a doll saved you..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yeah, what my mother said was true. I was completely unharmed, and the nanny doll Yuuzen the First made had great power."
Story Yuuzen.png
"But when I woke up, she was already under my mother's curse. She was a different person. She was different from the other children I had been with."
Story Yuuzen.png
"She forced me to use the Reverse Soul Technique... She asked me many times to bring my mother back to life."
Story Maki.png
"Horrible. Can Yuuzen the First's dolls use the Reverse Soul Technique?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Not possible for the doll to do it by itself, likely it used Yuuzen's power to do so."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yuuzen, that's amazing. You were so young, but you had such a great talent."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I don't really remember when I used the technique. I guess it was almost like my body was possessed."
Story Yuuzen.png
"But it is true that the doll seduced me. I wished so much for my mother to come back to life. Well, that's why I created such a monster.
Story Yuuzen.png
"I hated the villagers. As a result, all the villagers died. I cursed them all to death using Hone Ningyou and the nanny doll."
Story Maki.png
"Is that the nanny doll you're always holding?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"No. That doll disappeared with Hone Ningyou. I've been looking for her for a long time, but I can't find her."
Story Maki.png
"Understood. That's tough for you. Hone Ningyou was not brought back to life by Yuuzen alone?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"That's what I meant. For now, the only way to deal with it is through my sorceries, and I'm going to use Counting Curse to seal Hone Ningyou away."
Story Maki.png
"Will it work? Counting Curse?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"I'm confident that I can finish it for good if I can get a good Count. But I require a soldier to buy time for that. That's ya. Maki."
Story Maki.png
"Not to worry. Maki is Shimoamazu the First's disciple. The best at protecting a sorcerer."
Story Mary.png
"Maki, I will not let you take the burden alone. I too will do my best to buy you time."
Story Queensway.png
"Me too."
Story Vivienne.png
"We just need to buy time for Yuuzen to finish casting the curse."
Story Putra.png
"So rather than to attack Hone Ningyou, it's more important to protect Yuuzen's safety."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Now it's just a matter of how well Conductor's power will work. Nishiki is in danger now. But this is our best chance to finish off Hone Ningyou. Everybody, I'm sorry for relying on y'all."
Story Miyako.png
"Please don't say it like that. This is our mission too."
"That's true. Thank ya, Miyako."
Story Mary.png
"Yuuzen, looks like its calling you."
"It's just annoyed. It's not calling me."
Story Mary.png
"I see. So are these things the cause of its annoyance?"
Machine Soldier
Story Yakutsk.png
"Those things!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Machine soldiers from St. Iris!?"
Story Putra.png
"Why are there machine soldiers in Nishiki? They weren't there at all just now!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Hinto, Poison of the otherworlds."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I see now! They came out of this vortex created by Hone Ningyou!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Did you see it come out of the vortex?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Umm... No I didn't."
Story Yoshino.png
"What is coming out of the vortex is Poison itself. The machine soldiers appeared with the Poison."
Story Yoshino.png
"The Poison that Hone Ningyou is spitting out must have increased rapidly. Guess that the area around this vortex, that is, where Yoshino and friends are, must be a huge pool of Poison."
Machine Soldier
Machine Soldier
Story Putra.png
"Choi choi choi! These numbers are ridiculous!"
Story Vivienne.png
"The machine soldiers are the source of the Phantom Mist. If we don't do something soon, the whole forest will be full of enemies!"
Story Yuuzen.png
"What is a mage panicking about? We're not going to fight with fists are we? Numbers don't matter."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Miyako, warm up. Restrain their movement with sorcery and destroy them all at once. Make it easy for Maki and Mary."
Story Miyako.png
Just as we were about to reach Hone Ningyou, a huge army of machine soldiers charged in. The fact that many machine soldiers appeared with the otherworldly Poison at the same time means that the Poison that Hone Ningyou spits out has become that much stronger.
Thanks to the help of dependable allies, the machine soldiers seem to be fended off smoothly, but seeing this situation as a Divine Child and as the leader of the SSS, I am again reminded that this is no longer a problem for Nishiki alone.
If this were to happen simultaneously all over the world, the Mist Train and the SSS alone would not be able to cope with the situation...
Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond