Main Scenario/Village of Tragedy

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Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond
After meeting up with Maki, we took the train to Yuuzen's hometown to take down Hone Ningyou.
Yuuzen's hometown is an abandoned village in the mountains. It is one of the most dangerous areas in Nishiki, and no one can get near the village without crossing the railway via the train.
Story Miyako.png
"Is this Yuuzen-san's hometown...?"
Story Mary.png
"An abandoned village that was once attacked by Hone Ningyou. A destroyed village. Only young Yuuzen survived, all other villagers lost their lives."
Story Yoshino.png
"Heard that even the Nishiki Army can't touch it."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I heard that the young soldiers know very little about Hone Ningyou. They know that there is an abandoned village here, but they don't know what kind of incidents took place there."
Story Mary.png
"The case has not been made public, and people don't know that the Yuuzen family is still alive. Doll master Yuuzen has been active for a long time."
Story Miyako.png
"This was Yuuzen-san's family's hiding place. They lived as much as possible not to get involved with other people. That's why they put a curse on the forest so that no one would come near it."
Story Miyako.png
"Just like my Goshujin-sama..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It must have been Jusatsu Forest that cast the exorcism curse. Why is there such ominous magic floating at the entrance of this village?"
Story Miyako.png
"This magic is very dangerous. The power of sorcery, the Phantom Mist, and people's grudges are mixing together to create a miasma."
Story Yoshino.png
"The miasma caused by the curse is deadly. Don't think it's a good idea to continue like this."
Story Mary.png
"I didn't expect the curse to be so powerful. What a disaster. It's as if someone has cursed us directly."
Story Mary.png
Story Queensway.png
"Mary, is something wrong?"
Story Mary.png
"No, I just think the curse is a little too strong. Anyway, Queensway, how are you feeling? How much more power can you exert than usual?"
Story Queensway.png
"I wouldn't say I'm in good shape. I'd say I'm at about 70% of my normal level."
Story Mary.png
(So about 30%. If that's the case, Putra must be even worse.)
Story Mary.png
(All of them except Miyako and Maki are pale. Everyone's already affected by the curse. Yoshino and Conductor don't look well either...)
Story Mary.png
"Those who are not feeling well might want to take it easy and stay here. Those who are not resistant to the curse may collapse before they get out of the residential zone."
Story Queensway.png
"What are you talking about after all this time? No one is in great shape anyway."
Story Miyako.png
"Queensway-san is right. Not many people can withstand this kind of curse. Even you, Mary-san, you're feeling pretty worn out."
Story Mary.png
"I'm not worn out. I can fight somehow."
Story Miyako.png
"This is still the outskirts of the village. We can't go inside the forest if you can just 'fight somehow' in a place like this.
Story Yoshino.png
"Agree strongly. Mary is at best 70% of her normal level. You can't fool a sorceress's eyes."
Story Yakutsk.png
Miyako, how are you so unaffected? You cannot say that you can't feel anything even though this place has such a foul and disgusting presence. Even Yoshino looks pretty worn out too."
Story Miyako.png
"No, I certainly do feel something. It's just that I can tolerate this much. And I'm not the only one who seems to be okay with it.
Story Maki.png
"Yuuzen is gone. Nobody is in this village."
Story Maki.png
"Houses are in ruins. It's been a long time since they were destroyed."
Story Maki.png
"No traps. The Phantom Mist is a vicious, persistent type, but the frequency of demons is low. Is it safe to assume that there are no new victims?"
Story Maki.png
"The curse that turned into a miasma has a caster. Residual thoughts. Therein lies the clue to dispel the curse."
While everyone else was physically ill from the curse's effects, Maki was the only one who was normal. She was on the lookout in all directions, investigating the site and searching for the residual thoughts of the caster from the miasma floating in the village.
She approached and touched the miasma-turned-curse of her own volition. Witnessing Maki's horrified expression, Miyako and Yoshino, both sorceresses, could not hide their amazement.
Story Maki.png
"This is definitely caused by Hone Ningyou... Hone Ningyou is Yuuzen's biological mother."
Story Maki.png
"Cursed mother and daughter from Jusatsu Forest. They ate the flesh and souls of the villagers, and brought sorcery of doom to the land."
Story Maki.png
"...... Understood. Everyone died when Hone Ningyou attacked. Yuuzen's mother is the cause of this miasma. It's about what we expected. The operation can continue."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
"...... How can you say it like that?"
Story Maki.png
"Say it like that?"
Story Maki.png
"How should it be said?"
Story Miyako.png
"It is about Yuuzen-san's mother. I don't think you should speak of Yuuzen-san and her family as if they're bad people when you don't know all the circumstances."
Story Maki.png
"Miyako, are you angry?"
Story Miyako.png
"I am not angry. I'm just expressing my opinion about what you said."
Story Maki.png
Story Maki.png
"Maki is not good at conversation. But that does not mean not good at handling words. Can handle it in sorceress's way."
Story Maki.png
"Maki has stated the facts. The sight I saw in this Mist and curse. It was an appropriate report to tell everyone about it."
Story Miyako.png
"Telling the facts as they are is not always a good thing."
Story Maki.png
"Would you say that what is right is wrong?"
Story Yoshino.png
"It's not like that; Maki's 'right' is not bad."
Story Yoshino.png
"But there is more than one answer. That's what Miyako wants to say. Not all of them, of course."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's not like Maki is saying things like that out of malice. Just that words didn't communicate very well between the two of you. The curse of sorcery is also like that, right?"
Story Maki.png
"Easy to understand. When one chooses the wrong words, the sorcery will change. Different people use different kinds of words."
Story Yoshino.png
"There is a difference between curses and conversations. In conversations, it is important to consider the feelings of others. That is what is called 'ko-myu-ni-kei-syon' between people."
Story Maki.png
"Conversations. Shi-chan is very good at it, but Maki is not good at it."
Story Maki.png
"Maki couldn't communicate well with Miyako. Maki's words didn't penetrate Miyako's heart."
Story Miyako.png
"That's true for me too. I didn't have enough words either."
Story Maki.png
"Miyako, I am sorry. Apologies. And I learned a lot. Thank you."
Story Maki.png
"Maki and Miyako are friends. To save Yuuzen, let's work together."
Story Yoshino.png
"Heard that there is a saying that, 'there are no bad kijin'. Glad that Maki seems to be a good person."
Story Miyako.png
"But, I don't feel like we'll get along."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's unusual for Miyako to say that."
Story Yoshino.png
"Well, it's also unusual for you to say something like that. Figured Miyako was more the type of person who just talks bluntly and straight to the point."
Story Yoshino.png
"Nee nee... Miyako, are you sure you are not angry?"
Story Miyako.png
"I'm not angry. I don't have any reason to be angry, do I?"
Story Yoshino.png
"No idea. You might have had a reason to be angry somewhere. Maybe you were angry even if you didn't have a reason."
Story Yoshino.png
"That's what 'feelings' are, Miyako."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyako.png
"Do you ever feel pain in your heart because of 'feelings'?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes, of course. Miyako, do you feel pain in your chest?"
Story Miyako.png
"Yes. I don't know why, but I felt pain in my chest and couldn't stand it. Then I realized I said something like that to Maki."
Story Miyako.png
"Is this strange? Is it because I am not using my words correctly?"
Story Yoshino.png
"No, it's not that. Quite sure it's because of your 'feelings'. Yoshino sometimes does that too."
Story Miyako.png
"How strange. Yoshino-chan when you say it like that, I really feel like that."
Story Miyako.png
"Thank you... Yoshino-chan."
Story Yoshino.png
"No no. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask anytime."
Story Yoshino.png
"We have to find Yuuzen soon. She is probably fighting alone right now. Yoshino and friends need to help her."
Story Miyako.png
"Yes, I agree. We need to get to Yuuzen-san as soon as possible."
Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond