Main Scenario/Unfortunate News

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Chapter 35.png
35-1 The Marine Station
35-2 Naval Tactics
35-3 Where the Voice of the Sea Leads
35-4 The Underwater City
35-5 Another Entrance
35-6 Clairvoyance
35-7 Hertz
35-8 Main Core
35-9 Fierce Battle of the Mother Room
35-10 Extremist Youko
Story Messina.png
"Signor Conductor."
Story Messina.png
"I have some very bad news for you."
Special Steel Squad Headquarters Infirmary.
The shining lights from ceiling was obscured. Messina, a medic, peered in at me, and spoke to me mysteriously.
Story Messina.png
"Are you alright? Can your head think? Do you know who I am?"
--You're Messina, the medic.
Story Messina.png
"Yes. Esatto, I'm the reliable medic, Signora Messina♪"
Story Messina.png
"Then, do you know who this girl and this girl are?"
Story Catania.png
Story Palermo.png
I can see the faces of a beautiful lady and a cute girl out of the corner of my eye.
Are they Catania and Palermo, the new SSS recruits?
Story Catania.png
"Molto! You're right! Clap clap clap clap☆"
Story Palermo.png
"Hah, of course you would get it right. Eheheh♪"
So what are they doing here? While they seem to be very good friends with you, Messina, they're not medics, right?
Story Messina.png
"About that. Sorry, sorry, I'm not very good at explaining."
Story Messina.png
"You see, you had just finished a mission and collapsed as soon as you got off the Train."
Story Palermo.png
"We were with you on that mission. Do you remember that, Signore Conductor?"
Story Palermo.png
"I thought that Catania had sucked the life out of you, Conductor, and made you fall into a coma."
Story Catania.png
"Th-that's terrible, Dottor Palermo! I know when it's okay to suck and when it's not!"
Catania, known as the 'Poisonous Woman' because of her ability to suck the lifeforce out of others just from contact, makes a childish fuss despite her beautiful appearance. Because she was a long-term inpatient, her mental age and language skills are immature.
Story Palermo.png
"Naturally, that's the first assumption that should come to mind. You often lose control and behave like an animal."
Story Catania.png
"Uuugh~! That's because Conduttore is delicious! Once I start sucking, I won't be able to stop!"
Story Palermo.png
"I'm quite the opposite. I get full if Conductor injects me with even just a little iron."
Palermo, who looks young but mature in contrast, sighed deeply. She is an alchemist who claims to be a descendant of the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria and has recently become the head of a certain clinic.
Story Palermo.png
"Yes. The clinic is doing well thanks to me. Sometimes Messina and Catania help me out, so I can also alternate between my duties and the SSS duties."
Story Messina.png
"Palermo, if I leave you alone, you'll go off the rails for no good reason... I'm more like your chaperone, I have to be there to watch over you."
Story Catania.png
"I'm free! Erhem☆"
Catania would normally be working in the SSS logistics factory, but as this is the off-season for farming, she is probably free.
Story Catania.png
"Yes♪ But if I pour my life into it, the crops will grow, so there's no need to hurry to produce food, sì?"
Story Palermo.png
"Why don't you at least take a break during the off-season? If you work too much, you'll collapse."
Story Catania.png
"However, I love working! I was completely bedridden, so everything is very fun!"
Story Messina.png
"...and we just ended up chatting with you. I don't have time for this."
After Messina looked at her friends smilingly, her face turned grim.
Story Messina.png
"Signor Conductor. Listen to me calmly. You are now suffering from a completely unknown disease."
Story Messina.png
"According to the other doctors, you only have a few days to live."
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending