Main Scenario/Emergency Medical Care

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Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending
Guard A
"The prisoners have escaped~!"
Guard B
"Capture them! Do not let them escape! Kill them if they resist!"
Guard C
"They are dangerous Phantom Mist minions, show them no mercy...!"
'――My. Our guards are very good, have they already noticed our escape?'
Story Messina.png
"You look happy, but above all don't move! If we fall down, I can't go pick you up!"
We were trying to break into the castle where she was being held captive to rescue our precious companion Palermo.
Story Messina.png
"Ugh, Ugah~! Uwuh~!"
Story Catania.png
"Hurry, Messi! The guards will see you!"
Catania climbed onto the castle balcony using her own power, and the vines extended with her unusual powers hung down like something out of a Rapunzel fairy tale.
Story Messina.png
"Ugh, don't rush me! I'm still trying with my whole life at the line on this~!"
Messina, a medic with no climbing training, climbed up the vines tearily. She's also holding onto me and and the gelatinous Princess Sicilia.
"Its, it's heavy...! Tough! Huff, I'm sweating!"
Story Messina.png
"Hyafu♪ Signore Conductor you're pervy! Please don't move, sì?"
Story Catania.png
"Hmm? I don't know what you're doing, so I'll pull you up, sì?"
Unable to continue seeing Messina writhing, Catania stretched and twined new vines and pulled us all together at the same time.
Story Messina.png
"Gra, grazie. That's very helpful, Nia."
Story Catania.png
"Mhm~. Messi, always help me too, grazie anche♪"
The guards are running around the town looking for us as we struggle to break into the castle. Some of them even rode hippogriffs and flew through the air.
Story Messina.png
"Woah... That's a hell of a spectacle. They seem to think we are terrible criminals."
'Sorry. It's my fault.'
'Phantom Mist, and anyone associated with it will be severely punished. That's what I decreed.'
'The threat of the Phantom Mist is growing by the day, so even this is but a drop in the ocean.'
Story Messina.png
"I see what you mean:... My Artifact Asclepius and Signorina Nia's ability to manipulate plants must look like Phantom Mist's doing to people who don't know anything about it."
Story Messina.png
"It would be unfamiliar to people in this time period and in this country."
'Don't get me wrong. We are not xenophobic people who reject any unfamiliar races.'
'Rather. Originally, we welcomed and accepted anyone from the outside. We have developed our alchemy, which is the basis of our country, by gaining new stimuli in this way.'
'However. Our national character has allowed the Nabulion to exploit it."
'In the beginning ―― He called himself an emissary from another country and acted as an organizer of those who came from outside.'
'In recognition of his achievements, the previous monarch gave him the status of a vassal of the Kingdom of Sitiria. It is our custom to reward merit accordingly.'
'However, having gained such power, he began to run amok.'
'He ruled the people with dubious power and squeezed everything out of them. And so he gradually took over the royal court, lining his own pockets.'
'Thus he became a political power that no one could resist, and eventually he even tried to control me, the monarch.'
'Barely sensing this, I escaped in this way――'
'You all have come to this timeline.'
'Perhaps Nabulion intends to make Palermo, who you say has the same face as me, into Principessa Sicilia.'
'And then, with the brainwashed and enslaved girl as his puppet, he will seize control of all of the Kingdom of Sitiria.'
'Once he controls me, the monarch, he will have the law and everything at his disposal. This Kingdom of Sitiria will be turned into Nabulion's toy box.'
'I would have liked to avoid such a situation.'
Story Messina.png
"Don't worry, Principessa Lia. It's not over yet."
Story Messina.png
"Primaria is a dear friend and I definitely will save her. At the same time, we will halt the ambitions of the bad people who are invading this country."
Story Catania.png
"Mhm! This, Nabulion? If we beat the bad guy, happy ever after ―― sì♪"
'Hahah. It's not that simple... This country is already corrupted by the Phantom Mist to its very roots and is about to crumble.'
'However. I am glad for your words and your feelings, heroes.'
'Please lend us your strength to reach a happy future.'
Story Catania.png
Story Messina.png
"Primaria, are you okay!?"
We entered from the castle balcony and followed Princess Sicilia's lead into the throne room where the evil Minister Nabulion is located.
Story Messina.png
"We're the rescue team! The bad things that are poisoning this country will be cured by the SSS!"
Story Catania.png
"Messi, that's cool♪"
Story Messina.png
"Ehehe... I, I'm going to regret saying that for a minute. It's embarrassing."
'There's no time for jokes. Look, everyone.'
'Looks like we're already in a pickle.'
Acknowledging Sicilia's seriousness, we looked around ―― we were astonished. On a luxurious throne sits a man with a visibly evil face.
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'My my. I thought I heard a commotion.'
The root of all evil undermining Ancient Kingdom Sitiria ―― The man Nabulion, the Evil Minister, said so with a smile on his face. He is not the least bit intimidated by our sudden intrusion.
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'You sure have no manners in the face of the ruler of this country.'
'Shut up, invader...! We want our country back!'
Story Palermo.png
Story Messina.png
"Ah, Aaah, Primaria!"
Brainwashed Cat Life.jpg
Messina turned pale when she spotted Palermo attending to Evil Minister Nabulion. Palermo looked at us with her empty eyes and smiled.
"Me, meow?"
"Meow, meow, meow~n......♪"
"Primaria is acting like a kitty-cat!? Why?"
"Wha, what's wrong, Dottor Palermo? You ate something weird?"
'Tch...! We didn't make it in time! That's Nabulion's magic! He can turn clever and talented people into naive harmless kittens!'
'You bastard, you outcast! Our Kingdom of Sitiria is the land of alchemists! Where everyone prides themselves on being studious, clever and talented!'
'And you turn them into kittens who can't even count to nine! What tyranny, what insult!"
"Meow, mmeow~n♪"
"Well, for my part, I'm relieved that it's not as serious as I thought."
"I was worried that Primaria would be brainwashed and attack us as enemies~. From the looks of it, it doesn't look like she's going to attack us, maybe?"
"Meow meow♪"
'This is serious! For now only her soul is a kitten, but that girl will eventually turn into an animal in body too!'
'And animals without human reasoning can be easily transformed into evil demons by being corrupted by Phantom Mist! If such a thing spreads, this country is finished!'
'Demons infested with Phantom Mist will kill people, destroy buildings, and disturb the peace! Everything in this country will be overrun! By our own hands, transformed into demons!'
'This is also an insult to our Kingdom of Sitiria, which has communicated with and loved non-human demons and animals through alchemy! How far do you intend to humiliate us, Nabulion!?'
Evil Minister Nabulion
'You are a quarrelsome one, aren't you? You are still cuter when you're quiet, Principessa Lia.'
Evil Minister Nabulion
'This is my toy box. A dreamland full of cute creatures. You are not fit to rule such an ideal world of ours.'
Evil Minister Nabulion
'I have already found a replacement for you now――'
The Minister of Evil sneered as he patted Palermo on the head, who was sitting on her knees.
Evil Minister Nabulion
'Shall we ask the 'fake princess', who is nothing but a nuisance, to leave immediately?'
A thick Phantom Mist flooded Nabulion's entire body as he laughed evilly.
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending