Main Scenario/"Iron Poisoning"

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Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending
Story Messina.png
"I don't think you are aware of what's going on, Signore Conductor. In reality, about a week has passed since you collapsed."
A week...? I don't feel like it at all. My body is light and my mind works well. In other words, I don't feel any physical or mental decline.
Story Messina.png
"That's not a surprise. The order of the explanations is messed up, so Conductor's confused, and I'll explain about that later."
Story Messina.png
"First of all, you need to understand the disease you're diagnosed with."
Story Messina.png
"Your whole body is slowly turning inorganic - You have a strange disease where a substance similar to iron is replacing you."
Story Palermo.png
"I've named it 'Iron Poisoning'. I have my reasons for naming it that way, but it doesn't matter now."
Story Messina.png
"Yes. Iron Poisoning is an unknown disease for which no one knows the cure today. During the past week, doctors, sorcerers, spellcasters, even SSS members with various different abilities--"
Story Messina.png
"Everyone has tried all they can, but they couldn't even slow down the progression of the disease."
Story Palermo.png
"Indeed. It's frustrating."
Story Palermo.png
"I also tried my best alchemy to cure you. Even if I transmute Conductor's body back to its original substance, it soon turns into something iron-like once more."
So Palermo was able to transmute mere scrap iron into gold and other substances by using alchemy?
Story Messina.png
"I always thought it would be a great way to make a lot of money."
Story Palermo.png
"Ah, but of course. That's why my homeland, Ancient Kingdom Sitiria, developed and flourished even though it was an island nation with no resources."
Story Catania.png
"I don't care about what Dottor's boasting about now, okay~? Instead, do something to save Conduttore!"
Story Palermo.png
"I-I'm not boasting. I'm just stating the facts."
Story Messina.png
"Yes. But even with your alchemy, Primaria, you couldn't cure Conductor. No, no one in this world could cure him."
Story Palermo.png
"Even the former Resistance fighters used all sorts of forbidden techniques, even the great sage, Maestra Termini, couldn't find a cure. In other words, there is no way in the world to cure you."
Story Messina.png
"That's right... While I don't like to alarm patients too much, it's really a desperate situation."
Story Messina.png
"So, I also want you to brace yourself with an open mind... Even while we're waiting here, Conductor's whole body was completely replaced by an iron-like substance."
Again, I don't feel like that at all.
Story Messina.png
"And that's just as well. I'm finally going to say what I was going to say earlier. Finally, I'm going to say what I was going to say earlier: Conductor right now - your soul has been transferred to 'another body'."
Story Catania.png
"Conduttore's original body, is that thing! That! Do you see it?"
Innocently, Catania indicates where, in a corner of the infirmary, sat a lump of metal just the size of an adult man. No way, is that...?
Story Palermo.png
"Yes, that is the body of the original Conductor. As you can see, you're completely replaced by metal because of the disease."
Story Palermo.png
"However. You must never be gone, you are the hope of this world. Maestra Termini used a forbidden technique to extract and evacuate only your soul."
Story Palermo.png
"Now, for the time being, your soul will not be extinguished, Conductor. In other words, even if your body perishes, your conscious will not disappear."
So, like the immortal great sage Termini, who changed bodies many times and lived for eons, did I survive by inhabiting other bodies in a soul-only state?
Story Messina.png
"That's what she means. By the way, I don't really think a 'body' is a correct word."
Story Palermo.png
"Yeah. It was an emergency, and I couldn't prepare any other form of representation, so for the time being, I made Conductor's soul reside in the 'Conductor-kun Doll'."
What's a 'Conductor-kun Doll'?
Story Messina.png
"Oh, you didn't know? Huh, I wonder if they didn't ask permission from you? It's a very popular stuffed toy that looks just like Conductor-kun, sold in the women's dormitory's store...?"
Story Catania.png
"I have one too! It's so cute! Qua qua♪"
Catania pulled out a stuffed toy from her bag that looked like a super deformed version of myself.
Its appearance is nothing if not adorable, but I'm concerned about the drool marks, as if someone has sucked on more than one occasion.
Story Catania.png
"Ehehe. If I can't resist the urge to suck Conduttore, I can suck on this one...♪"
Well... that kind of thing is up to the individual. You can do whatever you want.
Story Catania.png
"Yeah? That's good news, Messi♪"
Story Messina.png
"Eh? W-w-w-why are you telling me this? I'm not the one who sucks on stuffed toys or does anything offensive like that!?"
Story Palermo.png
"ANYWAY, I think you understand the situation now. Unless we somehow cure the Iron Poisoning and restore your body to its original state--"
Story Palermo.png
"Conductor, you will spend the rest of your life as a cute stuffed animal."
Story Catania.png
"Mhm! And spend the rest of your life being cuddled, hugged, kissed and sucked on by us! Eheheh♪"
That sure sounds like a happy life... though I'm not sure if I can do Iron Injections or drive the Train in this state, and I'd like to return to my original body if I could.
Story Palermo.png
"I'm sure you would. Here's the thing, Conductor, listen to me carefully."
Story Palermo.png
"There is a cure for the disease you have, Iron Poisoning.
Wasn't I told earlier that there is no cure...?
Story Palermo.png
"That's the thing, in 'today's' world, that's the key word. There was a cure for this disease a long time ago, long before now."
Story Palermo.png
"It was completely eradicated so long ago that no one living today even knows how to cure it."
Story Messina.png
"That's right. I don't know why a disease that was supposed to have been eradicated a long time ago has come back and affected you, Signor Conductor."
Story Palermo.png
"I'm sure that if we unravel the history of the past, we will find a cure. Because we, humanity have already triumphed over this Iron Poisoning once."
Story Messina.png
"Yeah. But even Maestra Termini must have lived for thousands of years yet didn't know the cure for it... In this day and age, completely, the cure is forgotten and lost."
Story Palermo.png
"And. Frankly, it's hard to do research and find a cure now. Conductor has a few days left to live - your soul was evacuated in an emergency, but under normal circumstances you'll degrade and lose your self eventually."
Story Messina.png
"Yeah. She's been reincarnated over and over and over again, and yet it's strange that Maestra Termini maintained her self like nothing. No wonder she's a unique national celebrity."
Story Palermo.png
"In fact, Maestra Termini is a wonderful person, worthy of the title of the Great Sage. She taught me how to get the lost cure."
Story Palermo.png
"'If you want to know a cure that was lost a long time ago, maybe you should go to a time line where it hasn't been lost yet'."
Story Messina.png
"In short, it's about a time slip back to the past. And then we're going to find out what the cure is and bring that knowledge back to the present day."
I did a time slip the other day with the ancient individual, Udon Thani. But that was something of an accident, and it's not something we actually intended to do.
Story Palermo.png
"That's the thing, you can. It's just that it's limited and we're reliving events from the past - It's not strictly a true time slip."
Story Palermo.png
"In the alchemy I've mastered, there is such a secret. I'm going to use it and we're all going to go looking for a cure together from now on."
Story Catania.png
"Yeah♪ Me, Dottor Palermo, Messi and Conduttore are going together! A long, long time ago!"
Story Messina.png
"The reason why we're chosen is because Primaria as the caster can only take people who have a strong connection with her to the past."
Story Messina.png
"While you're usually good friends with me and Nia, I'm surprised you can take Signor Conductor with you, I wonder why?"
Story Palermo.png
"Eh? D-d-don, don't get me wrong, okay? Just because we have a strong soul bond thanks to the Iron Injection, it doesn't mean I like him!"
Story Palermo.png
"A-anyway! This is a serious matter, and I'm willing to help!"
Story Palermo.png
"By the way, we're going to my homeland that was destroyed a long time ago- Ancient Kingdom Sitiria!"
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending