Main Scenario/Princess Lia and the Evil Minister

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Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending
'Hmm. A strange disease that replaces the whole body with metal, eh?'
I told Sicilia, who is cooperative and called us 'friends', about our purpose in going back to the past timeline.
'To my eyes, the Conductor looks more like a cotton doll than metal.'
Story Messina.png
"No, Signore Conductor is now――"
'I know. Alchemy must have been used to make only his soul reside in the doll.'
'That was just a little joke. A Sitirian joke♪'
Story Messina.png
"You are a surprisingly mischievous principessa."
Yeah. Perhaps, originally, the citizens of Ancient Kingdom Sitiria were cheerful and free-spirited people. Happy people, living peacefully in the midst of beautiful nature――
Story Messina.png
"...I can't forgive the Phantom Mist that robs such people of their smiles, unforgivable, yeah."
Perhaps reminding her very own hometown that was destroyed by Phantom Mist, Messina hugged me tighter and looked down solemnly. However, she asked calmly, perhaps prioritizing her objectives over her own sentimentality.
Story Messina.png
"We came to this time in order to know the cure for that disease. Do you know anything about it, uhm, Vostra Altezza Sicilia?"
'Lia is fine. Or, if that's too rude for you, Principessa Lia.'
'Then, of course, I know the cure for the disease. I am the best alchemist, which is why I ascended to the throne of this country.'
Story Catania.png
"So reliable! I, like you, Principessa Lia♪"
'I don't want you to get too close to me. I sense danger from you for some reason.'
Story Messina.png
"Signorina Nia sucks the life out of other animals because of some kind of curse she has."
'A curse? I suppose I might be able to help you with that matter, too.'
'But first we must deal with the most pressing problem. The disease - which we call Iron Poisoning, is also caused by Phantom Mist.'
'My question to you, Conductor. You have been deeply involved with Phantom Mist many times, haven't you?'
That's right. As the Conductor of the SSS, I am always on the front lines against the Phantom Mist.
'That's how you contracted Iron Poisoning disease. By confronting the Phantom Mist and continually banishing and destroying it, the Phantom Mist gradually developed a grudge towards specifically those kind of people."
Story Messina.png
"The Phantom Mist can keep grudges against a person?"
'It is unclear whether Phantom Mist has a personality. Similar to a God worshipped in foreign countries, it's just easier to think of it as a 'being' that exists.'
Story Catania.png
"Mgh, hard talks, sì?"
'Just as it makes no sense to debate whether or not an omniscient and omnipotent God has a personality, it is futile to debate whether or not the Phantom Mist has a personality.'
'What is essential is to proceed on the assumption that it does. Therefore, I will speak as if the Phantom Mist has a personality.'
Story Catania.png
"Ugh, uguh?"
'The Phantom Mist has a grudge against those who have fought and destroyed it. That resentment becomes a curse that consumes those who continue to confront it.'
Story Catania.png
"We, we talk about the curse, right?"
Story Catania.png
"Conducttore, he is cursed by Phantom Mist, sì? Is that, Iron Poisoning?"
'Yes. That is the cause of Iron Poisoning. The curse of the Phantom Mist slowly consumes the whole body, turning humans into cold clods of dirt and salt."
'I have heard of a few cases where people have been replaced by metal.'
'It resents individuals such as kings of foreign lands who have tried with all the might of their nation to do away with it ―― In other words, it seems to be a symptom of those who have been particularly successful in eradicating Phantom Mist.'
'In the case of Conductor, apparently, you are the Phantom Mist's most hated enemy.'
I suppose so. The Phantom Mist often made fake Mist Trains appear, and it was clearly hostile to us and the SSS.
Is it all the result of Phantom Mist cursing us out of resentment?
Story Messina.png
"It feels like completely misplaced anger. Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you."
Story Messina.png
"More importantly, I'd want to know how to cure Iron Poisoning."
"Heheh. You always seem to prioritize patient care above all else."
Story Messina.png
"I am the infermiera after all."
'A nurse? Such a profession that doesn't exist in our country, because everything is perfected by alchemy ―― but I respect you as an individual.'
'In this huge world, there must be all kinds of people living who has no access to alchemy... As I only have knowledge from books, I can only imagine.'
'Someday, I would like to travel - Around the world. Ah, now I understand how my ancestors felt when they invented the art of dreaming beautiful dreams.'
'Well, that's beside the point. The cure for Iron Poisoning itself is simple. One of the secrets of alchemy is that of panacea.'
'Simply put, a medicine that can cure any disease. With it, you can purify curses, and that cures Conductor.'
Story Messina.png
"Panacea... is something we hear about it in fairy tales. If such a thing was mass-produced, doctors and the like would collectively lose their jobs, I read about it in a picture book when I was a child and thought that."
'This is no fairy tale. The panacea does exist. It's another one of the secrets of alchemy: dissolve the Philosopher's Stone in clean water.'
Story Messina.png
"The Philosopher's Stone is a fairy tale too~. It doesn't exist."
'That can't be true. The Philosopher's Stone is also essential for all of you to experience the past, exactly as you all are doing right now.'
'It is the pride of our Kingdom of Sitiria, the basic substance for alchemy. The caster who brought you to this timeline must surely be in possession of it.'
Story Messina.png
"In other words, Primaria?"
'Mhm. If she has the same face as me, then she must be a homunculus made in my image. In that case, her heart is made of Philosopher's Stone in the first place.'
'The blood produced by that heart also becomes a liquefied Philosopher's Stone. Even at its worst, it is able to cure Iron Poisoning using it.'
Story Messina.png
"Primaria, I remember she said she's a homunculus. She used to boast that she was made in the image of a great monarch of a long time ago."
Story Catania.png
"That, must be, Principessa Lia, sì?"
'I suppose so... Do my distant descendants call me great, when I cannot stop the destruction of my own country?'
'That's a bit of shameful. But I am proud.'
'However, I don't understand.'
'That Palermo is exercising the art of reliving the past - In other words, she must have reached the arcanum of space-time interference.'
'It is impossible for such a brilliant alchemist not to know about the Philosopher's Stone. That girl would have immediately found the cure for Iron Poisoning.'
Story Messina.png
"Makes sense. If the all-knowing Maestra Termini doesn't know, then I guess all the alchemists on the surface world didn't know or lost the knowledge."
Story Messina.png
"Primaria loved Ancient Kingdom Sitiria so much that she studied hard, and boasted that she had mastered all of her homeland's alchemy. There's no way she doesn't know about the Philosopher's Stone, which is the foundation of it."
Story Catania.png
"Hmm~, what do you mean?"
Story Messina.png
"Well... You should ask her about that, not me."
Story Messina.png
"I mean. I've been so distracted that I forgot to ask myself, is Primaria safe? Se was taken to a different place for some reason...?"
'That could be very bad. That Palermo is likely to be in grave danger right now.'
'Do you know why I use such familiars? It's to hide myself from a dangerous man who is after me.'
'That dangerous man's name is Nabulion.'
'He is the one who has brought corruption and Phantom Mist to this land, and he is a vile villain who plans to usurp our homeland.'
Story Palermo.png
Meanwhile, in the luxurious throne room of the castle by the prison where we were held, was a red-faced and furious Palermo.
Story Palermo.png
Gagged and bounded in heavy chains all over her body, Palermo was rolled onto the throne. Tears welled up in her eyes as she could no longer bear the humiliating treatment.
Story Palermo.png
(Lifetime of disgrace! I'm the Primaria and I'm dragging everyone down! I've been caught pants down and this is so vergogna...!)
Story Palermo.png
(No, maybe I actually deserved this... Because I knew the cure for Iron Poisoning yet I was too arrogant to tell anyone.)
Story Palermo.png
(I knew how much everyone loved and cared about Conductor!)
Story Palermo.png
(I, I just wanted to visit the Ancient Kingdom Sitiria that I've always wanted to see... I lied about its necessity to save Conductor!)
Story Palermo.png
(Because! I couldn't use the art of going back in time without borrowing everyone else's magical power! That's why I had to get everyone's favourite Conductor out of the way...!)
Story Palermo.png
(I, I put my childish desires before Conductor's health, the hope of the world...!)
Story Palermo.png
(And then I screwed up, and now I'm in a dire pinch!)
Story Palermo.png
(I can't save anyone, myself! What kind of Primaria of Justice am I, rolling around in such an embarrassing pose like this!?)
'Heheheh. Are you crying, Principessa Lia?'
Story Palermo.png
Suddenly, a strange man appeared beside the bitterly weeping Palermo. A man obese like a pig and an obviously evil face.
He does not have a very human appearance, the presence he has is evil itself. His breath and the words he said are of a horrifying miasma.
Story Palermo.png
Story Palermo.png
(What the? He stinks, he stinks! His breath stinks, it's disgusting!)
'Buhohoho. You seem to be wondering who I am. I, too, would like to grant my beloved Principessa Sicilia whatever she wishes.'
Story Palermo.png
(I am not Principessa Sicilia! I was entrusted with the dream of restoring my homeland and created in the image of the last monarch of the Ancient Kingdom!)
Story Palermo.png
(No, but hold on? Yes, speaking of Principessa Sicilia――)
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'I am a minister in this country, my name is Nabulion. Well, you don't have to remember the name of a minor character like me."
Story Palermo.png
(I knew it! Nabulion...! He's the big bad guy who made Principessa Sicilia his enslaved puppet and effectively ruled and colonized Ancient Kingdom Sitiria!)
Story Palermo.png
(Was he was a foreign invader from across the sea――)
Story Nabulion.png
Evil Minister Nabulion
'It's pointless to say my name anyway. You will soon have your brain so shattered by my magic that you won't be able to remember anything.'
Story Palermo.png
(I'm wrong, he's a monster! He's not even human to begin with...!)
Palermo was just about to make further guesses, but Nabulion exhaled ―― No, drawn in thick Phantom Mist, which immediately made her faint.
Chapter 36.png
36-1 Unfortunate News
36-2 "Iron Poisoning"
36-3 Commencing the Ritual
36-4 C'era Una Volta
36-5 The Ancient Kingdom Sitiria
36-6 Princess of a Destroyed Kingdom
36-7 Che Gioia
36-8 Princess Lia and the Evil Minister
36-9 Emergency Medical Care
36-10 Towards a Happy Ending