Main Scenario/The Green Cave 2

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Chapter 29.png
29-1 Another Banská
29-2 Professional
29-3 Tense Atmosphere
29-4 Putra's Inspiration
29-5 Permata Bermata Wasiat
29-6 Olivia the Kind
29-7 Into the Light
29-8 The Green Cave
29-9 The Blue Pyroxene
29-10 Expanding Darkness
--Putra, I'm back.
Sorry I'm late. I told you I'd be there at noon, but it's already midnight. You're a good girl, you should be asleep.
...Ah, you're up. Putra, you lied to grandma, didn't you? You shouldn't have pretended to be asleep.
Well, today's story is a bit sad. Mommy went somewhere a bit different, instead of the usual mountains. The Banská Mines. You know where, right?
At the Banská Mines, a friend of mine is gone. There was Mist in the lower layers. She was the only one left in the mine to help her friends escape.
...Yes, that's right. The lower layers of Banská has a lot of pretty stones, but it is also a very scary place.
Mommy used to work in lower Banská when I was younger. I've seen Olivia the Kind, and I've had even stranger experiences.
I've told Putra about it, haven't I? When you were still in Mommy's belly, Mommy found a 'blue stone' in the depths of Banská... It was in a dream.
But Mommy is sure that the stone is still there somewhere.
You will never find it because you are a child of the sea, but if you ever find the 'blue stone' one day, bring me the real one. Then Mommy can prove that what I said is true.
...Putra? Are you asleep?
I don't see how a scaredy cat and a crybaby like you could possibly go digging for stones in a mine. But let Mommy, the 'master stone cutter' give you a piece of advice, just in case you do go to such a place one day.
If you are ever trapped somewhere dark, cramped and scary, remember this story well.
-Don't be alone in the mine.
-And don't leave anyone alone.
May you grow up to be kind and brave to others.
"Putra, are you awake?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Thank goodness, I was so scared when Putra just fainted."
Story Putra.png
"Why is Vivienne here? Am I still in a dream or is this an illusion by the Phantom Mist?"
Story Vivienne.png
"This is not an illusion, I followed you when you went into the light, Putra."
Story Putra.png
"Eeeh, that's a very daring thing to do!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"You're the daring one, Putra. You are crazy enough to jump into that weird light by yourself."
Story Putra.png
"Sorry... But I thought it was necessary."
Story Vivienne.png
"Did you think you would find the key here?"
Story Putra.png
"I thought at least I would find a way to go on. I mean, you know, we're in a place that looks like it."
Story Vivienne.png
"This is the Green Cave, isn't it? This is where we fought the monsters at Shimoamazu-no-Iwato."
Story Putra.png
"Yup. It's exactly the same. I knew then that Mount Ooe and M. Flamarine were connected."
"The daughter of the girl who found the pyroxene. Thank you for believing in me."
File:The Identity of the Light?.jpg
"You must be... Olivia."
"It's an honour to talk to you. Olivia the Kind. Thanks for lighting up the place."
"...This sound, can you hear it too, Vivienne?"
"Yes, I can hear it loud and clear. It's the same voice I heard earlier in the mine."
"Olivia, how far does this mine go? We're chasing a bad person who has escaped here, have you seen her anywhere?"
Olivia the Kind
"I know about her too. A dark power lit up the altar and a woman emerged from it."
"It's Canaria!"
"Is that the altar where we were?"
Olivia the Kind
"It's not. The altar is much deeper. It is difficult to reach on foot."
Olivia the Kind
"Further down, in the 'deep depths', is the woman."
"In the depths..."
"Putra, how deep are the depths?"
"The depth varies from mountain to mountain, but it takes dozens of days. It's a difficult place that even the best mining units can't reach easily."
"But we can get to the deeper layers with an altar. Isn't that right, Olivia?"
Olivia the Kind
"With you it's not impossible. The daughter of the child who found the pyroxene."
Olivia the Kind
"Take this stone with you. It will take you to the depths of Banská."
Olivia the Kind
"And if you can get the pyroxene in the depths, the Steel Railway leading to the Light Celestial Sphere will guide you across the sea."
"Light Celestial Sphere..."
"Which universe are you from, Olivia? Have you always lived in Metro if you know about the celestial sphere?"
Olivia the Kind
"The two Banská are connected. Your mother visited here in the past."
"My mother?"
"The daughter of the girl who found the pyroxene, that's what she meant."
Olivia the Kind
"The depths of Banská and the Light Celestial Sphere are connected. The sea and the mountains are very close to each other."
Olivia the Kind
"Your name is Putra, isn't it? Your eyes, your hair, you look so much like that girl..."
Story Putra.png
"Ah, wait, Olivia!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Her presence vanished. She's gone."
Story Putra.png
"How does she know my name...?"
Story Putra.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Looks like we're back at the altar."
Story Batu.png
"Everyone, Putra's back!"
Story Miyako.png
"You came back almost as soon as the Mist lifted. Did you find something 'there'?"
Story Batu.png
"Welcome back Putra, did you get any new information?"
Story Putra.png
"Mhm. I found Olivia the Kind. I know where Canaria is."
Story Putra.png
"I think we have to go to the deep layers. That's where Vivienne saw the altar. I think we have to get the pyroxene..."
Story Batu.png
"Is that a different stone in your hand?"
Story Putra.png
"Probably not. This was given to me by Olivia. She said I needed it to go deeper."
Story Miyako.png
"Maybe what we call the 'key' is the pyroxene."
Story Batu.png
"If that is true, then Canaria is ahead of us this time too. As it turns out, she's waiting for us where the key is."
Story Miyako.png
"Did Olivia the Kind say anything else? Because it seems a bit suspicious that she would only give us information about Canaria."
Story Vivienne.png
"If you can get the pyroxene in the depths, the Steel Railway leading to the Light Celestial Sphere will guide you across the sea. She also said something like that. Do you know what the Light Celestial Sphere is?"
Story Miyako.png
The Light Celestial Sphere is a giant celestial sphere on the ocean in M. Flamarine. It is one of the largest celestial spheres to create a clear sky and is said to be the most intensely illuminated celestial sphere in Iris Metro."
Story Putra.png
"The depths of Banská are connected to the Light Celestial Sphere of Light. The sea and the mountains are very close to each other... Olivia said so."
Story Versailles.png
'It's true that it's not far from the mining area to the sea, but the Light Celestial Spher is quite far offshore, you know? How could we get to such a place?"
Story Putra.png
"That's what we're going to find out - to the depths of the Banská Mines."
Story Yakutsk.png
"How do you go to those depths?"
Story Putra.png
"Olivia told me to use this stone..."
Story Putra.png
Story Putra.png
"Everyone, please gather around the altar."
Story Yakutsk.png
"What are you doing?"
Story Putra.png
"We're all going to teleport to the altar of the deep layers. This altar must be connected to the place where the 'pyroxene' is."
Story Miyako.png
"It's teleportation magic then, just like the one Vivienne-san used."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's not true, Miyako."
Story Miyako.png
"What do you mean?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Only two people can use the power of this stone, Putra and Putra's mother."
Story Miyako.png
"Putra-san's oka-san...?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Olivia told us that Putra's mother has been here before. There's a precedent, so I'm sure she'll be fine."
Story Miyako.png
Story Vivienne.png
"What? It's not impossible, you know? We are in Metro Banská, remember? It's more realistic than talking about a connection to Mount Ooe in Nisiki, right?"
Story Putra.png
"Pfft... That's for sure."
Story Putra.png
"Thank you Vivienne, you have given me courage."
Story Putra.png
"The depths of Banská. I thought I would never enter it. I thought I would never see the pitch-dark world that my mother sees."
Story Putra.png
"But I saw stones that glowed green. I exchanged words with Olivia the Kind. Even if it was all an illusion, I saw the same view with my own eyes like my mother."
Putra held the green stone in her hand and silently closed her eyes.
Then that strong light that had emanated from the altar earlier enveloped the altar room again.
Story Vivienne.png
"In the light, I see a new altar..."
Story Versailles.png
"It's like teleportation magic. It shows you where you're going."
Story Putra.png
"Mommy, I am no longer a scaredy cat or a crybaby."
The light emanating from Putra's centre pulled us all into the altar at almost the same time.
Chapter 29.png
29-1 Another Banská
29-2 Professional
29-3 Tense Atmosphere
29-4 Putra's Inspiration
29-5 Permata Bermata Wasiat
29-6 Olivia the Kind
29-7 Into the Light
29-8 The Green Cave
29-9 The Blue Pyroxene
29-10 Expanding Darkness