Event Scenario/Collaboration of Light and Shadow

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Starry Forest Ornament Banner.png
T-1 Collaboration of Light and Shadow
T-2 The Power of Forestiers
T-3 Lone Professional
T-4 Hometown of Friends
T-5 Faint Glow
T-6 Stars in a Cloudy Sky
T-7 Withered Forest
T-8 Rain of Curse
T-9 Fallen Oak Tree
T-10 Starry Forest
Christmas. It is a traditional festival that has been celebrated throughout Iris Cloud for centuries. It is more widely recognised than Halloween, and during the Christmas season, cities all over each country come alive.
The custom of 'decorating the tree and giving presents to children' is a tradition in most countries and regions, although the way in which Christmas is spent differs slightly from region to region.
In a mountain village in Verforet. Surrounded by deep forests and out of reach of city lights, Christmas also comes to this place.
Story Freiburg.png
"Meeerry Chriiiiiistmas~♪ Who wants to decorate the tree with your big sister here?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Merry Christmas! Who wants to see big sister's fashion show?"
"Wow! Wow!"
Story Freiburg.png
"Yes yes, no rush no rush. We've got plenty of decorations for the tree♪"
Story Vivienne.png
"Yes yes, no push no push. Ah, who was that? Someone touched my butt in the chaos."
"Wow! Wow!"
The Special Steel Sqard utilizes its mobility to do Christmas visits in towns and villages far from the cities.
Naturally there's no need to introduce Vivienne, she's like the idol of Verforet, but the ever-smiling and cheerful Freiburg is also very popular. Leave it to these two, and we're sure to have the best Christmas event ever.
Story Rennes.png
"Ah, the event where the 'extroverts' shine is here again this year. Vivienne is as glamorous as ever, and Freiburg's smile is wonderful."
Story Rennes.png
"So what about me in comparison? No one notices me, no one talks to me, and I don't talk to anyone, I just sit on the ground and stand guard in the forest... dohyuhyuh."
Story Bourse.png
"Aaah - ma petite Vivi is extremely cute tonight. Even though she's saying it's a costume show, it's completely just a cosplay, and this is so very Vivi."
Story Bourse.png
"Freiburg is also very good. She's from Eisengrad, yet she's very popular with the Verforench children."
Story Bourse.png
"Le Bourse, on the other hand, just hides behind a tree and secretly watches mon petite Vivi..."
Story Rennes.png
"But Christmas comes to us 'introverts' too. We can't just sit in the dark and bite our nails."
Story Rennes.png
"It's also a great Christmas to keep a watchful eye on everyone's good times, Bourse."
Story Bourse.png
"That's right, Rennes. Bourse and Rennes, in their own way, will keep an eye on everyone's happiness from a little distance away."
Bourse & Freiburg
"Merry Christmas."
Thus, the Christmas party in the small village of Verforet was a great success. Some people stand in front of the crowd and attract attention, while others support everyone behind the scenes. We must never forget that.
But we must not let up now. The battle of the Special Steel Squad is far from over.
Story Rennes.png
"Nuh? What, what was that!? That holy light just now is...!"
Story Bourse.png
"No idea. But it was a very intense light. So bright that it would burn your eyes if you looked directly at it..."
Story Rennes.png
"N, ngaaaaah~~!! What is this dazzling light~! My eyes, my eyeeeeeees!"
Story Bourse.png
"Rennes, pull yourself together! You sure look like a demon on the verge of being vanquished by a hero."
Story Rennes.png
"This light, it's no mere hero. This overwhelming aura of positivity is of a saint!"
Story Bourse.png
"A saint?"
"Hey, hey! You two~! How long are you two going to stand guard~?"
"It's long past your shift you know? Stop hiding there and get ready for the party together~♪"
Story Freiburg.png
Story Bourse.png
"Oh, it's you, Freiburg. No wonder it's so radiant it hurts Rennes eyes."
Story Freiburg.png
"Eh?, Did you hurt your eyes, Rennes? Are you alright? Do you want me to call a doctor?"
Story Rennes.png
"Non, I'm fine. Just that Freiburg was too dazzling and it just overshot my capa a little bit."
Story Freiburg.png
Story Rennes.png
"Non, it's just my own matter..."
Story Bourse.png
"Rennes is the type of elf who likes to stay out of sight and be quiet. She prefers the shade to the sun."
Story Freiburg.png
"Does that mean you get sunburned easily? What, but it's nighttime now, right?"
Story Rennes.png
"Oh, please don't think so much about it. It's more of a mental thing than a physical problem. I'm not something that shines bright in public like you or Vivienne... dohyuhyuh."
Story Bourse.png
"By the way, Le Bourse is like that too... dohyuhyuh."
Bourse & Freiburg
"Merry Christmas."
Story Freiburg.png
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I think it's probably because of this that I look like I'm glowing?"
Story Rennes.png
"What? Is this... noctilucent grass?"
Story Freiburg.png
"Yep! It's a magic leaf that glows beautifully at night♪ An uncle I don't know gave it to me♪"
Story Bourse.png
"Uncle you don't know..."
Story Rennes.png
"You're great as a communicator, you know?"
Story Freiburg.png
"That uncle told me that this noctilucent grass from the forests in this village is famous for its strong light, even inside Verforet! It's called a 'starleaf' because it glows like a star."
Story Bourse.png
"Indeed, it glows a bit too brightly for just typical noctilucent grass. I've never seen grass this bright, even in East Brocéliande."
Story Freiburg.png
"I see, you're both from that famous Brocéliande! Many people say it's the most beautiful forest in the world♪"
Story Bourse.png
"Freiburg, you also grew up in the Eisengrad Forest too? I think it was called the 'Black Forest'..."
Story Rennes.png
"In the local language, This is what the 'Black Forest' is pronounced like:"
Story Rennes.png
Story Rennes.png
"Ugggghhh... I bit la langue~"
Story Bourse.png
"You only just said 'Schw', Rennes."
Story Freiburg.png
"Schwarzwald, yes. I know it's hard for you to say, so just call it the Black Forest as usual."
Story Freiburg.png
"Hehe, but I'm glad. I've always wanted to talk to someone from Brocéliande about forests sometime~♪"
Story Freiburg.png
"Now then! Go back to the venue and help decorate the tree♪ It's a great job to help with the party♪"
Story Bourse.png
"Freiburg, you must be the type of girl who gets appointed to the class committee at school. No wonder you look so great in starleaves."
Story Bourse.png
"Rennes, is something wrong?"
Story Bourse.png
"......Do you smell something, by any chance?"
Story Rennes.png
"Oui, just a little bit of a nasty wind has started blowing. It's strange. It didn't bother me before..."
Story Rennes.png
"In the meantime, let's keep an eye on the forest. The locals report that they have been seeing Mist Monsters around here recently."
Story Bourse.png
"Oui, if you, Rennes says so, we should be vigilant."
Starry Forest Ornament Banner.png
T-1 Collaboration of Light and Shadow
T-2 The Power of Forestiers
T-3 Lone Professional
T-4 Hometown of Friends
T-5 Faint Glow
T-6 Stars in a Cloudy Sky
T-7 Withered Forest
T-8 Rain of Curse
T-9 Fallen Oak Tree
T-10 Starry Forest