Event Scenario/Comrades-in-arms

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Taimanin Emergency Mission! Mist Train Defense Operations Banner.png
T-1 Meeting the Independent Rangers
T-2 Similarities With the Special Steel Squad
T-3 Enemy From the Otherworld
T-4 Looking for Clues
T-5 The Evil Eye User's Goal
T-6 Attrition Warfare
T-7 Showdown in the Tundra
T-8 The True Goal
T-9 The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!
T-10 Comrades-in-arms
Ninjas That Fight Demons.jpg
"Hmph, you're setting such a boring trap for me. But do you really think you can catch me with such infantile tricks?"
"It's the Evil Eye! He's trying to disappear again!"
"You won't be let off that easy. It was Hebiko's ink you were exposed to! You can't escape now."
"Hmph, My Evil Eye cannot become invisible when I'm covered in ink. But even if I were covered in ink, I can conceal myself within these drops of darkness..."
"Yukikaze-chan, please!"
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Lightning Shooter, limiter deactivated! Take this! THOOOOR... HAMMER!"
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Hebiko's ink doesn't just ease vision, it smells too. If the scent is that strong, I can at least tell where you are!"
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"And because it contains salt, Yukikaze-chan's lightning, meaning electric currents, can easily conduct♪"
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"Once we catch you once, it's all over! Freezing Weather!"
Kuroki's movements were inhibited after receiving Yukikaze's lightning, then Kirara's fists fly mercilessly at him. The freeze began, and he is pinned down.
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"Ggh... I, these bastards...!"
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Looks like that's it. Prepare Yourself. Itto Style... Kouchouranbu!"
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Fear not. I won't take your life. For I have more matters I want to question you."
As soon as Rinko's brilliant blow was struck, Kuroki fell limp and collapsed on the ground. Apparently, he has fainted.
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"Good, that was excellent work."
"I think we managed to complete your mission..."
Story Paddington.png
"Th-That was amazing! You all did a great job!
The Taimanin were overjoyed. On the other hand, I'm finally going to be able to get some restーー
We and the members of the Taimanin Independent Rangers safely returned to St. Iris. Everyone seems to be relaxed, finally relieved from the tension.
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"So? What are we going to do with him?"
"Once we're back to our home world, we're taking him along... We can't just leave him here."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"After he fainted, it looked like he was taken somewhere...?"
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"Ah, my Nishiki Army subordinates said they would take him to Ezo Prison. But I'm unsure of the details..."
I see. Well, that would be a reasonable treatment. You can be sure that Abashiri will take care of it.
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"As for our original world... Do we have any way to return?"
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"Eh...? I didn't think anything of it... Is there any way to get back?"
Story Paddington.png
"Don't worry about that! It seems that something similar to what we call a Gate in our world is connected to the otherworlds, so once it happens, you all will be able to return!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"It may take some time before it happens, though."
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Then that's just fine. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to leave right away anyway."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Ah, that's right! This here's a different universe after all, so let's go sightseeing."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"That sounds great! I've been curious about some of the places I've visited on this mission."
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"Sigh... She's referring to the fact that we're indebted to Conductor's group, so let's help them with their missions to repay them a little."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Ah, is that so? Ehehe..."
If that's the case, don't worry about it. It was our Mist Train that was targeted, so it's not a matter of who got involved.
Story Yakutsk.png
"That said, I'm honestly grateful for the help of you Taimanin who can fight so well."
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"If there is anything I can do, just let me know. I would also like to thank you for the help you have given my lovely students."
If that's the case, I'd like to ask you for one favor right away...
"Yeah, whatever you want. I'll help you out."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Wow... Looking at it again, it’s pretty big, isn't it?
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Well, it's something that people ride and move around in."
What I requested, wasーー
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"But is that OK? You can ask me to help you take care of the Mist Train, or even something more dangerous."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Welp, there may be more requests like that in the future. He didn't promise that it would be the last time."
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Heh, that's what I want."
Story Paddington.png
"We have a dedicated maintenance team. But Sir Conductor wants to take care of it himself."
"I kind of understand. Only Conductor-san can move this thing, right? Even if it's a tool, it is the only one in the world and the relationship is unique."
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"Then let's all polish it up by sundown. I won't allow even one bit of cloudiness, I mean it."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Eeek, you're being so harsh for nothing~!"
This time, I was in a tough situation, but likewise, that must have been the same for the Mist Train.
After all the twists and turns, I am able to able to honor my efforts with these new new comrades-in-armsーー
Taimanin Emergency Mission! Mist Train Defense Operations Banner.png
T-1 Meeting the Independent Rangers
T-2 Similarities With the Special Steel Squad
T-3 Enemy From the Otherworld
T-4 Looking for Clues
T-5 The Evil Eye User's Goal
T-6 Attrition Warfare
T-7 Showdown in the Tundra
T-8 The True Goal
T-9 The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!
T-10 Comrades-in-arms