Event Scenario/The Evil Eye User's Goal

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Taimanin Emergency Mission! Mist Train Defense Operations Banner.png
T-1 Meeting the Independent Rangers
T-2 Similarities With the Special Steel Squad
T-3 Enemy From the Otherworld
T-4 Looking for Clues
T-5 The Evil Eye User's Goal
T-6 Attrition Warfare
T-7 Showdown in the Tundra
T-8 The True Goal
T-9 The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!
T-10 Comrades-in-arms
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"Now then, let the fun begin."
Story Yakutsk.png
"He's gone...!"
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"It's the Evil Eye! When he activates it, he can make himself disappear. And while he's hidden, he might attack you from anywhere!"
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"Gah... It's so nasty...!"
What kind of opponent can disappear visually? No wonder the Taimanin were having a hard time, and they were all very skilled as far as I could see.
A strange silence fell over the place as everyone tried to find out what Kuroki was up to. The sound of the tides was too noisy.
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"He hasn't attacked yet...? Even if he's watching us, shouldn't he at least try a few traps?"
"Could it beーー...?"
Suddenly, an explosion cuts through the silence. The direction of the sound is fromーー
Story Paddington.png
"That's from where the Mist Train was parked!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Damn... Let's hurry!"
As we hurried back to the train's side, we saw that a nearby building was billowing black smoke. However, the train does not seem to have sustained any noticeable damage yet.
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"So he read that we were wary of an attack and he switched his target here? He's really a slimy one."
Kirara used her ability to instantly extinguish the burning building. Then, another building in the area closer to the train was blown away with another explosion.
Story Paddington.png
"It's getting closer! We've got to get the train out of here!"
I asked myself if I'm going to overlook the damage that is being done to the town. However, it seems that the enemy's target is the Mist Train. In fact, staying longer may cause more damage to the town.
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Tch, he's doing whatever he wants!"
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Uwawah! The, the entire coach just tilted!?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"There must have been an explosion nearby. If the train overturned due to an impact, it would be a big problem. Conductor, you better start the train right away."
Of course, that's the plan. The train is to be started immediately. We ran through at full speed amidst the sound of many explosions, as if they were chasing after us.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I wonder if we managed to shake him off."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Maybe. But still, I wonder what he was planning to do."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Maybe he was trying to steal this Mist Train?"
"That's certainly a possibility."
Story Paddington.png
"The Mist Train!?"
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Hebiko and the others had heard rumors while in hiding. We had no idea what it was until we saw it in person."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"I heard about it too. I also heard that there is an amazing organization called the Allied Forces or something. Of course, Shizuku Kuroki must have also found out about it."
"Kuroki must have been more interested than we were. He must have thought that once he had it, he could exploit it as much as he wanted."
Story Paddington.png
"That isn't a problem! The Mist Train cannot be moved without Conductor."
But that only guarantees that it won't be misused. If it was stolen or destroyed, we would be in trouble.
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"What? Is the train stopped?"
There's no point in continuing to run in the dark. We've gotten through the crisis for the time being, so let's just wait here for a while.
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Look, Fuuma-chan. It's a very thick forest out there."
"Oh... We don't often get to see scenery like this."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"I wonder if someone lives here in this thick forest. I can see lights sometimes."
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"Verforet, right? I heard it's a country where it's completely melded with the forest. We don't see this kind of scenery very often in our home world."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Yeah... I feel like I'm in a different universe."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Understandable. Just breathing the air outside the window like this feels so different."
"That's just your imagination."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"Really? Hebiko can tell though. Ah, there's something different about the scent of this air..."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"KYAHAH!? Wha, what? No way, again?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Look outside, you all! He's here again!"
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"Heheh... Not yet, this hunt isn't over yet. You really have to make sure you've escaped."
From the dark forest, Shizuku Kuroki emerged as expected.
"Are you kidding!? For real, he's really persistent...!"
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"Now... Do you think you should run away? I might destroy your precious train this time."
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"That's not all...!"
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"I won't let you!!"
A shadow interrupted Kuroki just as he got ready to attack. From the way she was carrying herself and what she was wearing, my guesses were that she is one of the Taimanin.
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Move the train! Else there will be more damage!"
After saying that we'll talk more about it later, I got the train moving. As the train started moving, the Taimanin named Rinko, lightly jumped onto it.
When I took a glimpse into the forest, Kuroki seemed to have already disappeared, and I couldn't find his shadow.
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"You're safe. Thank goodness."
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Just barely..."
Story Paddington.png
"Oh, um, Miss Rinko? What are you doing there?"
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Well, gathering information is fundamentals for a Taimanin. I'll explain the details later, but I can tell you this... Without a doubt, Shizuku Kuroki is definitely targeting this train."
The battle for the Mist Train against an invisible enemy. The curtain may have finally been liftedーー
Taimanin Emergency Mission! Mist Train Defense Operations Banner.png
T-1 Meeting the Independent Rangers
T-2 Similarities With the Special Steel Squad
T-3 Enemy From the Otherworld
T-4 Looking for Clues
T-5 The Evil Eye User's Goal
T-6 Attrition Warfare
T-7 Showdown in the Tundra
T-8 The True Goal
T-9 The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!
T-10 Comrades-in-arms