Event Scenario/The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!

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Taimanin Emergency Mission! Mist Train Defense Operations Banner.png
T-1 Meeting the Independent Rangers
T-2 Similarities With the Special Steel Squad
T-3 Enemy From the Otherworld
T-4 Looking for Clues
T-5 The Evil Eye User's Goal
T-6 Attrition Warfare
T-7 Showdown in the Tundra
T-8 The True Goal
T-9 The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!
T-10 Comrades-in-arms
I looked out the train window, and saw that the once silver world was now gradually being replaced by a greenish hue.
Story Paddington.png
"Conductor, umm, I made you some hot coffee. I hope it will help you relax a little..."
Oh, thank you. I had been running the Mist Train for quite a long time, and as expected, I was getting tired.
But we are almost there. This is the point where I have to push on, that's what I thought to myself.
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"So sorry, Conductor-chan, but Hebiko and the others wished there was something we could do to help you."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"Asagi-sensei is in Nishiki? Are you sure?"
Story Felicia.png
"Feli wouldn't lie like that. Can sense it properly. Besides, there was proper research done."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yeah, there is a record of an inquiry from the Eisengrad Army to the Nishiki Army. But Felicia, what kind of connections did you have with the army?"
Story Felicia.png
"Feli doesn't know at all. Fussen, who let me in her house, did everything for me."
Story Felicia.png
"We went to kill Mist Monsters together, and we are good friends."
I see. I think Fussen would take good care of Felicia. It would be reassuring if she had already experienced actual combat in this world. As long as Kotaro can control her... it should be fine for now.
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"I see, I understand the story."
And so, we arrived at Nishiki, where we met up with Asagi Igawa, the legendary Taimanin whom Kotaro and the others feared.
Story Paddington.png
"Ha, hawa, such intimidating presence...!"
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"So, what is he going to do?"
"Probably still riding the Mist Train under cover. So, I'm going to lure him out by baiting him with the power source, which is his goal."
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"I thought you yourself explained earlier that the power mechanism of the Mist Train is complicated."
"It's a fake. If we use a device that is easy to understand and looks like one..."
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"To that end, we need the cooperation of the Nishikese."
I'll make the request myself.
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"In that case, I'll have my subordinates help you."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
“Eh? Wha, what subordinates? This is an otherworld.”
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"I came on board with the Nishiki Army as an enlistee, and they accepted me."
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"Initially I was planning to go into hiding, but since I found out that in this country you're more conspicuous if you don't have ears or a tail, so I thought I'd just..."
No, wait... In such a short period of time, let alone having subordinates...?
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"As expected of the strongest Taimanin Asagi-sensei... A completely different realm..."
Afterwards, with the advice of Kotaro's team, I carried the device they improvised. It is a tubular device is attached to a reasonable location and periodically generates meaningless metallic sounds.
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"When you attach a snake-like hose like this, it gives the impression that you're refueling."
Story Paddington.png
"Won't they attack him at that very moment?"
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"No, it won't happen. Not if we're correct about what he wants."
The 'device' that had been attached for a while was removed and then transported to an abandoned factory in the suburbs. To Kuroki, it would look like a fuel compartment, and he may think it has maintenance functions for the vehicle's frame.
"It should definitely work. Perhaps tonight is the night... Why, we have Asagi-sensei here after all."
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"No... I won't be there this time."
Story Kirara Onizaki.png
"Eh, wha, what do you mean!?"
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"From the very beginning, I had intended to just keep silent and watch over the original mission, to stop Shizuku Kuroki's plot, which is the mission I gave to you Independent Rangers..."
Story Asagi Igawa.png
"Are you planning to abort your mission and cry to your superiors?"
Story Rinko Akiyama.png
"Guh... That, makes sense."
"What Asagi-sensei said is true. No, we'll be fine. We can do it."
Story Yukikaze Mizuki.png
"You serious? Well, sure. We've been running away from Kuroki for a while now, and we haven't been able to show her anything of what we're good at yet."
Story Hebiko Aishu.png
"That's right, it's Hebiko and the other's mission. The target remains the same, no matter how far across the world we go."
And thenーー
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"I finally found it... This is where I can find the secret of that train..."
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"Is this the daytime hose? So the fuel is in this tank...?"
Kuroki looked into the container.
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
The container detonated due to the small amount of explosives that had been planted. Just as Kotaro had hoped, the liquid in the container splashed out and soaked Kuroki's entire body.
Story Shizuku Kuroki.png
"Hey, what just happened? Was the fuel nitro or something...?"
Ninjas That Fight Demons.jpg
"That's enough!"
"We won't let you do what you want any more!"
"I'll pay you back for everything you've done!"
"Taimanin - Independent Rangers, in formation!"
Taimanin Emergency Mission! Mist Train Defense Operations Banner.png
T-1 Meeting the Independent Rangers
T-2 Similarities With the Special Steel Squad
T-3 Enemy From the Otherworld
T-4 Looking for Clues
T-5 The Evil Eye User's Goal
T-6 Attrition Warfare
T-7 Showdown in the Tundra
T-8 The True Goal
T-9 The Strongest Taimanin Has Arrived!
T-10 Comrades-in-arms