Event Scenario/Cool Ice Sculpture

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Ancient Lake Cool Knight Banner.png
R-1 Cool Faces
R-2 Cool Ice Sculpture
R-3 Which Comes First? Ice or Sculpture?
R-4 Borderline
R-5 Hot Spot
R-6 Ice Altar
R-7 Crevasse
R-8 Intangible Object
R-9 Ice Wall Trap
R-10 Cool Dawn
Story Volgo.png
"Hmm, there is definitely Phantom Mist where the ice cracks are, Tayshet is right, maybe there is some connection between them."
Story Fayette.png
"It seems like there's really a lot of of small cracks. I don't see many Monsters near the big crevasses and potholes that have existed there for ages. Something smells fishy."
Story Tayshet.png
"Hey, found something weird. There's something in the ice."
Story Fayette.png
"Hold it, I'll check it out. Don't touch it yet."
Story Tayshet.png
"It's okay. It's still untouched."
Story Fayette.png
"Right... there doesn't seem to be any dangerous magical reactions. Let's scrape the ice around it and remove it carefully."
Story Volgo.png
"Brilliant stuff. You're not only good with guns and blades, but also with magic."
Story Fayette.png
"That's because I'm an Out-Sider. I have to be able to do everything on my own or I'd be dead long ago. Especially the knowledge to handle hazardous materials. The worst thing you can do on the front line is to drop the ball on these mysterious things."
Story Volgo.png
"I envy your ability to deal with a wide range of situations, I think I have a lot to learn from you, Fayette."
Story Fayette.png
"Hark who's talking? Didn't you single-handedly defended the entire northern wall of Loren Citadel when you were a recruit? I'd rather you teach me instead. How did you manage to annihilate a whole swarm of buggers on the north wall with just your sniping skills?"
Story Tayshet.png
"'The Death God of Loren Citadel'. There's no one in the Eisengrad Northern Army who doesn't knows the name."
Story Volgo.png
"I'm only a mere clerk called the Death God. I wish they'd given me a cuter nickname."
Story Fayette.png
"Cuter, like what?"
Story Volgo.png
"Hmm, like..."
Story Volgo.png
"'The Snow Fairy', for example?"
Story Fayette.png
Story Tayshet.png
"Tayshet likes this. Thinks it's cute."
Story Fayette.png
"I'd hate to say it, but you're surprisingly girlie."
Story Volgo.png
"I don't deny it. But please don't tell my men in the sniper squad, just in case."
Story Fayette.png
"I like the fact that you're saying that with a straight face. That's really cool."
Story Fayette.png
"...Anyway, I think it's time to get them cool loot out of here, heave-ho!"
"Is this... a doll?"
What Fayette retrieved from the ice appeared to be a glasswork doll. It is small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, but very elaborately made.
Story Volgo.png
"This is more of a sculpture than a doll. It looks like it's modelled after a knight from long ago, but the fact that it's on the lake means that someone must have dropped it recently?"
Story Fayette.png
"The lake surface between Sector Ten to Sector Seven melts into water at certain times of the year. If someone drops a statue made of glass on the water, it will sink, and if's dropped it on the ice, it's gonna crack or chip."
Story Fayette.png
"Yet... this thing here is totally intact. It's as shiny as it is polished, see?"
Story Tayshet.png
"This is not glass."
Story Volgo.png
"If it's not glass, what is it?"
Story Tayshet.png
"Likely this is ice."
Story Volgo.png
"Ice? You're saying there was an ice sculpture buried in the ice?"
Story Fayette.png
"But on second glance, it is indeed ice. The texture is exactly like ice itself. And it's very cold..."
Story Tayshet.png
"Ice should melt. But this ice doesn't seem to melt even if it's heated up."
Story Volgo.png
"How strange. It might have something to do with said prowlers."
Story Fayette.png
"This cool ice sculpture is likely a treasure from a long time ago, would it be worth a lot of money when we sell it?"
Story Volgo.png
"Hmm, maybe the bandits in the centre have extended their activities to the outside to unearth these ice statues. It also makes sense that the prowlers only appear at night."
Story Tayshet.png
"There may be more down there. Let's keep an eye on our feet as we move."
Ancient Lake Cool Knight Banner.png
R-1 Cool Faces
R-2 Cool Ice Sculpture
R-3 Which Comes First? Ice or Sculpture?
R-4 Borderline
R-5 Hot Spot
R-6 Ice Altar
R-7 Crevasse
R-8 Intangible Object
R-9 Ice Wall Trap
R-10 Cool Dawn