Event Scenario/Ice Altar

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Ancient Lake Cool Knight Banner.png
R-1 Cool Faces
R-2 Cool Ice Sculpture
R-3 Which Comes First? Ice or Sculpture?
R-4 Borderline
R-5 Hot Spot
R-6 Ice Altar
R-7 Crevasse
R-8 Intangible Object
R-9 Ice Wall Trap
R-10 Cool Dawn
An ice altar appeared in Ancient Lake Baikal's Sector Seven. The members of the Special Steel Guard were on a reconnaissance mission, as an advance party to investigate the link between the ice sculptures and the ice altar found all along the way.
Story Tayshet.png
"This altar looks strange. Which country exactly is it from?"
Story Fayette.png
"You mean this isn't Eisengradian?"
Story Volgo.png
"Quite intriguing. If I want to say it's an ancient Eisengradian altar, I can see some resemblance, but it appears that there's some other countries' aesthetics mixed in too."
Story Volgo.png
"You are unlikely to see something like this, at least in modern Eisengrad."
Story Tayshet.png
"...Hey, didn't you just hear something?"
Story Fayette.png
"No? I didn't hear anything."
Story Volgo.png
"I didn't hear anything either. Do you know what that sound is?"
Story Tayshet.png
"No, no clue. But it sounds bad..."
Story Tayshet.png
"Is this, a human voice...?"
"The knights... Offer my knights to the altar..."
Story Fayette.png
"Did you hear that, Volgo?"
Story Volgo.png
"Yes, I heard it. It's a woman's voice. Said to offer the knights to the altar."
"Ones who travel across ice, offer the knights to the altar. Release the souls of the wandering soldiers from the bottom of the lake."
Story Fayette.png
"By knights, does she mean these cool-looking ice sculptures?"
Story Volgo.png
"Probably so. But the question is, what happens when we offer those ice sculptures?"
Story Fayette.png
"Release the souls of wandering soldiers from the bottom of the lake? Is it a good or bad thing to release them though...?"
Story Tayshet.png
"Wonder if these wandering soldiers could be the suspicious people that have been in recent sightings?"
Story Tayshet.png
"If they are wandering, we should do something about it. The never-melting ice sculptures led us to this altar."
Story Volgo.png
"It's all connected. I think we found our answer."
Story Fayette.png
"Well, let's get on with it. The main team still hasn't arrived yet, so we'd better get this over with before night's over."
Story Fayette.png
"Let's put those ice sculptures on the altar. See that pedestal thing in the middle? That's where we're going to line up all the ice statues we've collected."
Story Volgo.png
"Wait. If we're going to do this, one person is enough. You two should stay further away in case something goes wrong."
Story Fayette.png
"Okay. Then let's decide who's going to be the main character of this role."
Story Tayshet.png
"Tayshet will do it."
Story Tayshet.png
"Tayshet heard the voice first, so Tayshet should do it. Can do?"
Story Fayette.png
"Sure, let's leave it to Tayshet then, Volgo, give all the ice sculptures you've collected to Tayshet."
Story Volgo.png
"Here, be careful not to drop them."
Story Tayshet.png
"Yes, thank you."
Tayshet received the ice sculptures from Volgo and Fayette and carefully placed them one by one on the altar.
Story Tayshet.png
"That's all. They fit nicely and perfectly."
Story Volgo.png
"Maybe this pedestal was made for arranging the ice statues."
Story Fayette.png
"Now then, the voice that's been silent ever since, is it our friend, or foe?"
Story Paddington.png
"I really wonder what is going to happen...?"
Story Fayette.png
"Please don't tell me that nothing happens."
Story Tayshet.png
"The ice sculptures are melting..."
Story Fayette.png
"Tayshet, get away from the pedestal. Don't touch that light."
As Tayshet arranged the ice sculptures on the pedestal, the ice altar is enveloped in a dazzling light. Tayshet said they're 'melting', but we could not see what had happened to the ice sculptures on the pedestal from a distance.
But, when we attempted to look at the pedestal again, what emerged from the strong light was not palm-sized ice sculptures we had just collected, but a large ice sculpture the size of a human child.
Story Fayette.png
"It's so big. Gonna to be hard to carry it back."
Story Volgo.png
"So all those little ice sculptures became one?"
Story Paddington.png
"E-everyone look over there! Mist is coming out from the big ice sculpture... Phantom Mist!"
"...I will not give my treasure to anyone."
"Go forth, my knight. Freeze all who walk on ice."
Story Fayette.png
"Baaaah, we've been tricked. Ain't this thing's a Mist Monster then."
Story Volgo.png
"We knew this would happen. Stop blabbering and let's get on with it, Tayshet, how are you feeling?"
Story Tayshet.png
"Fine. Nothing wrong."
Story Fayette.png
"So this is the prowler then. It's a bit bigger than I imagined..."
Story Fayette.png
"Eh, not a threat to us though!"
Ancient Lake Cool Knight Banner.png
R-1 Cool Faces
R-2 Cool Ice Sculpture
R-3 Which Comes First? Ice or Sculpture?
R-4 Borderline
R-5 Hot Spot
R-6 Ice Altar
R-7 Crevasse
R-8 Intangible Object
R-9 Ice Wall Trap
R-10 Cool Dawn