Event Scenario/In Search of Shining Marbles

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Buried Gold and Crow's Treasure Banner.png
T-1 Legend of the Buried Gold
T-2 In Search of Shining Marbles
T-3 The Giant Crow's Nest
T-4 Bed Battle Without Honour
T-5 Karasu and Karasuma
T-6 Crow's Gratitude
T-7 The Sneaky Trap
T-8 The Room Full of Glitter
T-9 Shining Karasuma
T-10 Smiles Reflected From the Marbles
Story Miyako.png
"We are finally able to go above ground."
Miyako stretched herself, feeling liberated on the surface for the first time in a long time.
We came back here from the buried treasures, but the reason why we were doing this excavation work was because Karasuma had heard rumours of a treasure, called Shining Marbles in a nearby village.
Karasuma is a sucker for shiny things. She can't help but move her body reflexively when she sees something that's glittering.
There was no way she could keep herself quiet when she heard about the Shining Marbles. She forcefully invited Miyako, Kumamoto and I to go and dig them up.
And, quite by coincidence, there was also a legend of buried treasure from a shogun in ancient times that's left behind here. Though, Karasuma had no knowledge of such a thing, and had unearthed buried gold where she tried to unearth the marbles.
Story Miyako.png
"My doll got dirty too. I'll have to wash her properly later."
Story Kumamoto.png
"Miyako-san, if you crawl up, it will get even dirtier, so please hold Kuma's hand. Will pull you up... Se-no!"
Story Miyako.png
"Thank you very much, Kumamoto-san."
Story Miyako.png
"It's a disaster for both of us. Let's go to an onsen later to relax from the fatigue of the mission and excavation."
Story Kumamoto.png
"Yes. Even Kuma's tired today. Would like to spend the remainder of the day in an onsen."
Story Kumamoto.png
"That Miyako-san invited Kuma to an onsen...!?"
Story Kumamoto.png
"Calm down, Kuma. This is not an auditory hallucination. Kuma was indeed invited by Miyako-san!"
Story Kumamoto.png
"Aaaah, it's a miracle that we can talk normally, but to have a future together in an onsen. It's an honour beyond Kuma's means, Kuma is, Kuma is..."
Story Kumamoto.png
"So happy~~!"
Story Miyako.png
"Kumamoto-san has such a personality huh..."
Story Miyako.png
"And it's a miracle just to talk to her? I've been talking to her since the excavation. I don't really understand her."
Story Miyako.png
"Come on Karasuma, let's go after Kumamoto-san as soon as possible. We have to go back to the inn."
Story Miyako.png
Story Karasuma.png
"Sign... my Shining Marbles. ......"
Story Karasuma.png
"I though I was definitely going to get'em. I should have been able to find'em perfectly with my crow beastkin intuitions. So why am I left with a raggedy piece of paper?"
Story Miyako.png
"It can't be helped that we couldn't find what we wanted. Don't keep mumbling and grumbling about it, you need to switch things up."
Story Karasuma.png
"Meh, you should have at least comforted me for even a little, Miyako! Poor me, who didn't get the treasure I thought I would definitely find!"
Story Miyako.png
"After being forced to dig upon Karasuma's supposed date, I feel like Kumamoto-san and I are the ones who should be comforted."
Story Miyako.png
"Ah, I found a marble buried here. I think this is of of those Shining Marbles. Here, I'll give it to you. Congratulations, you've achieved your goal."
Story Karasuma.png
"For real!? Hurray Miyako, amazing♪"
Story Karasuma.png
"Wha, Miyako ya just pulled a marble out of yer pocket and pretended to find it though!?"
Story Miyako.png
"Yoshino-chan taught me that. She said that one can save people's hearts with white lies."
Story Karasuma.png
"Whazzat? Whazzat whazzat whazzat!? Isn't it way less terrible and better to have been deceived!?"
Story Miyako.png
"If you don't want it, can I have it back?"
Story Karasuma.png
"W-well I'll take this marble gratefully."
Story Karasuma.png
"Wait no, you should have been comforting me, Miyako! Nyeh, nyeh nyeh!"
Story Karasuma.png
"Why aren't you comforting me? Nyeh why? Miyako and I aren't on good terms, so in times like this, I think a friend is one who treats me kindly. Nyeh, comfort me, comfort me pweease~~"
Story Miyako.png
"Karasuma, don't make so much noise near me."
Story Karasuma.png
"I'm so sorry! Seiza! Look, I'm seiza-ing! I'm seiza-ing seiza-ing! Sign of remorse!"
Story Miyako.png
"...Sigh. It can't be helped."
Story Miyako.png
"Look, as we're not able finding any treasure, I'll stop by the souvenir shop with you instead. Let's find some beautiful marbles together and buy them for you as a souvenir, shall we?"
Story Karasuma.png
Story Karasuma.png
"That's Miyako, I love ye so much♪ It's a promise!? Really, really really going to buy some marbles together with me!?"
Story Miyako.png
"I know already."
Story Karasuma.png
"Yosh, I'm feeling better now. Then let's continue our search for the Shining Marbles and do our best!"
Story Miyako.png
"Karasuma, your voice is too loud. You're too energetic."
Story Miyako.png
"I invited you, Karasuma, to go buy marbles with the intention of comforting you about your disappointment at not finding any treasure."
Story Karasuma.png
"Mhm mhm, thank you for being so kind Miyako. But you know what?"
Story Karasuma.png
"That's that, this's this! When me's happy, me's happy! CAAAW!"
Story Miyako.png
Story Karasuma.png
"Oh, uh, hey, Miyako, why do you look so terrifying?"
Story Miyako.png
"Why don't you think for yourself a little bit about why I'm making this face, Karasumaaa--"
Story Karasuma.png
"Hey, stop you can't use SORCERRYYYY-!!"
Story Kumamoto.png
"It-it, it's something biiiig~~!"
Story Kumamoto.png
"There's information on where the Shining Marbles might beeee~~!"
Story Karasuma.png
"For real? You're the girl, Kumamoto, I believed in ye!"
Story Kumamoto.png
"Was looking for an onsen and happened to overhear the children talking about it. Quite lucky."
Story Kumamoto.png
"And Miyako-san, there's a nice day spa found for you. Please have a good rest afterwards!"
Story Miyako.png
"Thank you very much, Kumamoto-san. But it seems that the onsen you took the trouble to find for me has gone to waste."
Story Kumamoto.png
"That's not true. Even if we go down the mountain now, we'll still make it in plenty of time."
Story Miyako.png
"Please look over there."
Story Kumamoto.png
"Over there...?"
Kumamoto stared blankly at where Miyako pointed. There, she sees a figure of Karasuma pointing a finger at her, her eyes sparkling.
Story Karasuma.png
"Now that we've got leading information, it looks like we've already found the Shining Marbles! Now, let's get going right away, everybody!"
Story Kumamoto.png
Story Miyako.png
"Karasuma is going to run ahead on her own. I guess we'll just have to follow her."
Story Kumamoto.png
"T-that's riiight~!"
Buried Gold and Crow's Treasure Banner.png
T-1 Legend of the Buried Gold
T-2 In Search of Shining Marbles
T-3 The Giant Crow's Nest
T-4 Bed Battle Without Honour
T-5 Karasu and Karasuma
T-6 Crow's Gratitude
T-7 The Sneaky Trap
T-8 The Room Full of Glitter
T-9 Shining Karasuma
T-10 Smiles Reflected From the Marbles