Event Scenario/Legend of the Buried Gold

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Buried Gold and Crow's Treasure Banner.png
T-1 Legend of the Buried Gold
T-2 In Search of Shining Marbles
T-3 The Giant Crow's Nest
T-4 Bed Battle Without Honour
T-5 Karasu and Karasuma
T-6 Crow's Gratitude
T-7 The Sneaky Trap
T-8 The Room Full of Glitter
T-9 Shining Karasuma
T-10 Smiles Reflected From the Marbles
The legendary sword. The lost treasure. The sealed grimoire.
In every generation, there are always stories of treasures that fascinate people.
Among these, there are some treasure stories that may be more familiar to most. It is the Legend of the Buried Gold, said to have been left behind by a powerful man of that era.
It seems that the village we stopped by this time after our mission was over also had such a legend--
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
"Hahahahaha, you utter fools are stupid enough to come after my buried gold!"
Story Miyako.png
"I'm surprised that we've dug up treasure."
Story Karasuma.png
"Right!? Right, right!? Quite proud of meself, me instincts as a crow beastkin are spot on today."
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
"Treasure is great~. It's not surprising you would come here. But however! I'll crush rogues that do so!"
Story Kumamoto.png
"That's amazing, Karasuma-san. However it wasn't treasure that Kuma is supposed to dig, was it?"
Story Karasuma.png
"Of course not. What I want is sparkly stuff anyway! I don't want these tattered pieces of paper that I'm clueless of."
Maizoukin Shogun
"W-wait a minute... Are you saying you're not interested in my buried treasure?"
Story Karasuma.png
"However, according to the legends, them sparkly stuff, the Shining Marbles, are around here too. That's why I figured this cave is suspicious."
Story Miyako.png
"If you're going to the cave, please tell me beforehand. I just finished my mission and now I'm covered in mud again."
Story Miyako.png
"I wouldn't have come if I'd known I'd suddenly be forced to accompany you on digging holes..."
Story Karasuma.png
"Don't be such a spoilsport, Miyako, aren't we friends?"
Story Karasuma.png
"No, friends, precious comrades-in-arms, heartfelt friends that we can't live without. Ain't that right? Nyeh, nynyeh, nyeh there~!"
Story Miyako.png
Story Karasuma.png
"Ah yes, I'll be quiet, Karasuma is quiet, quiet today! Look, Kumamoto, be quiet too. Don't go and agitate Miyako at a time like this."
Story Kumamoto.png
"Ku, Kuma doesn't think Kuma's being too loud..."
Maizoukin Shogun
"Um, hello, buried treasure? Greatness...?"
Story Miyako.png
"So what are you going to do now, Karasuma?"
Story Karasuma.png
"It's called Shining Marbles, so I'd think they should be shining brightly even in this dark place. But if there's no shine here, then my guesses are it's not here."
Story Kumamoto.png
"Have went to look inside the other rooms, but didn't see anything shining either."
Story Miyako.png
"Well then, let's go home. I want to take a bath."
Story Kumamoto.png
"Ku, Kuma too."
Story Karasuma.png
"It's a shame this place looked like it could hold a lot of treasures. But Kumamoto's right, we've done most of the exploration already."
Story Karasuma.png
"Sigh... let's leave for the time being."
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
Story Karasuma.png
"Hol'up hol'up there, ghost-san! Miyako will get angry if you make too much noise. Miyako is a little bit tired, dirty and stressed out."
Story Miyako.png
"I don't mind the dirt, but I can't stand the noise."
Story Karasuma.png
"Nyeh! Hush! Me and you, let's be quiet, shall we?"
Story Karasuma.png
"We won't be disturbing you, so you can do your own thing."
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
"Grrr, to tell me you can't find the treasure in front of these huge swathes of treasure, and telling me to go off and do my own thing? Utter disrespect!"
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
"Listen, I'll say it again, the treasures are right in front of you! Don't you fools want this buried treasure!?"
Story Karasuma.png
"Money that doesn't sparkle and of unknown origins? Absolutely not interesteed-"
Story Kumamoto.png
"Ku, Kuma is unable to accept money other than what she has worked hard and sweated for."
Story Miyako.png
"I don't intend to take it home either. I don't want to get involved in any trouble."
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
"That man over there!"
Ah, yes. To be honest, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed from seeing all these for the first time I'm here.
But this is M. Nishiki. It would be disrespectful to M. Nishikese people for me to excavate and take them home without their permission, no matter how special the SSS may be. So ultimately, I'm going to pretend I didn't see these.
Story Miyako.png
"Most impressive, Conductor-san, you have made an intelligent decision."
Story Miyako.png
"And that ghost, from the looks of it, I think he's an old shogun. That means the buried treasure belongs to that ghost, and if we try to take it, he will attack us."
Story Karasuma.png
"Uwah, so it was a trap after all? Yer such a coward, ya know?"
Story Maizoukin Shogun.png
Maizoukin Shogun
"No, I-I won't do anything. So, look, here, why don't you take one home with you?"
Story Miyako.png
"No, thank you. I'm leaving now."
Story Kumamoto.png
"B-but please do your best to protect it."
Story Karasuma.png
"Call me again when ye have shiny stuff ready OK? See ya then-"
Karasuma's party showed absolute disinterest in the face of such enormous treasure.
And so, the Legend of the Buried Treasure were perfectly pretended to have never been seen by anyone.
Buried Gold and Crow's Treasure Banner.png
T-1 Legend of the Buried Gold
T-2 In Search of Shining Marbles
T-3 The Giant Crow's Nest
T-4 Bed Battle Without Honour
T-5 Karasu and Karasuma
T-6 Crow's Gratitude
T-7 The Sneaky Trap
T-8 The Room Full of Glitter
T-9 Shining Karasuma
T-10 Smiles Reflected From the Marbles