Event Scenario/Pioneer, Lead by Celia

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The Maiden Knights' Travels ~Joust Train Girls~ Banner.png
T-1 Maiden Knights Aboard the Train
T-2 Pioneer, Lead by Celia
T-3 What Akane Adores and Admires
T-4 Bon Appétit, Kisaki Special
T-5 On the Pride of Knighthood
T-6 It's Name is Joust Monster
T-7 Those Waiting at Eisengrad
T-8 Reunion, and So On
T-9 Takahiro's Strategy
T-10 A Spear That Makes Impossible Possible
Story Celia.png
The Mist Monsters were being destroyed one by one by her dazzling spearmanship.
Story Putra.png
"I can handle a spear just as well as you can. Take that!"
Putra and the others, inspired by her skills, also stood to face with her head-on. And before long-
Story Paddington.png
"...All Mist Monsters confirmed silenced. Minimal damage in the vicinity... Great job, everyone!"
Story Paddington.png
"You too over there! Thanks for your help, your teamwork is much appreciated."
Story Celia.png
"Don't mention it. Without your help, I would not have had such an overwhleming advantage in the battle."
Story Queensway.png
"I didn't recognize you at all, but it's reassuring to know that the Order of St. Iris have such a skilled individual in the ranks."
No, she is not a member of the Order. In fact she is definitely our escort under our protection.
She is wearing foreign armour, clearly different from the Order's standard issue. She matches the information I've been given beforehand.
Story Queensway.png
"For real...!? But we can see now what she's capable of. It's hard to believe she was a civilian on her feet."
Story Celia.png
"Sincere apologies, I'm Celia Cumani Aintree. I'll be under your care for a while."
Story Paddington.png
"Pleased to meet you! Now that we, the Special Steel Squad, are here, you'll be fine!"
It seems that we were right to expect this, and the Order of St. Iris will proceed with the procedures for her handover.
Story Putra.png
"Though, we were more indebted to you than you were to us."
Story Celia.png
"Special Steel Squad...?"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes, it's a special task force that rides the Mist Train to exterminate monsters and travel into the Mist."
Story Celia.png
"Mist, Train... is that what they call trains here?"
Story Queensway.png
"Sir Conductor, it appears that Miss Celia doesn't seem to know the existence of the SSS, I wonder if this is why she's... unidentified?"
Could be. To ascertain her situation, I asked her what she remembers leading up to this point.
Story Celia.png
"Like, how do I get here?"
Story Celia.png
"I went to the windmill on the school grounds to pick up my friends to invite them to practice jousting..."
Story Celia.png
"We got together and all of a sudden there was a strong wind blowing from the windmill. I found myself separated with the girls."
Story Celia.png
"Sorry to answer a question with a question, but... how far is this place from Helen's Hill?"
Story Putra.png
"I see, Celia was supposed to be practising jousting, but was blown by a gust of wind from Helen's Hill..."
Story Putra.png
"...Uh, what is jousting? And where is Helen's Hill?"
As far as I know, I have never heard of such a place. Could that be the reason why she was considered unidentified?
Story Celia.png
"...Isn't jousting thriving in this part of the country?"
Story Celia.png
"A joust is a sport in which knights duel each other with their lances as they ride past each other on horseback."
Story Celia.png
"A moment's attack or defence decides who wins in a joust, but it is the daily training and the knightly passion that is the deciding factor in victory."
Story Queensway.png
"I didn't know there was such a sport, a sport for knights, that's so cool...!"
Story Paddington.png
"So it's because you train in jousting that you're so strong! Miss Celia, are you an expert of that sport?"
Story Celia.png
"I'm only a student, a student at Winford Academy, which trains jousters."
Story Celia.png
"Earlier, I borrowed a knight's horse from Euston and joined her in battle because I couldn't ignore fiends disguised as knights and leave them be."
The unfamiliar words conveyed out of Celia's mouth and, crucially, the fact that you are unidentified and have never heard of the SSS or Mist Monsters.
It's very likely that you're a visitor from the otherworlds.
Story Celia.png
"This is, an otherworld... No wonder..."
Story Celia.png
"I didn't think it was possible when I heard of the existence of fiends called Mist Monsters... It's hard to believe, but I'll have to accept it or I won't get anywhere."
Story Putra.png
"But don't worry! The SSS has a way of getting visitors back to where they came from."
Story Celia.png
"So that kind of... thing is possible? Well then, I guess I don't have to fret about it like this."
Story Paddington.png
"You don't seem to have been in a hurry to begin with. Is this also the flair of a knight...!?"
Story Paddington.png
"If it were me, the pressure would make my stomach ache and I'd collapse."
Story Putra.png
"You total liar! You're always calm no matter what. I think Paddington's stomach is made of steel!"
Story Paddington.png
"You mean it's made of Iron?"
Story Putra.png
"Too loud, you."
In the past, the Special Steel Squad has observed several cases of otherworldly visitors wandering in from other dimensions. In addition to people wandering in, there have also been several unexplained events.
This outbreak of a new species of Mist Monster in the form of a knight may also be influenced by said otherworlds.
Story Queensway.png
"Perhaps the other protected persons may be Miss Celia's companions."
Story Celia.png
"Huh? Have you received information about anyone else other than me?"
Story Putra.png
"It's true, I heard they're were unidentified! We're going to Nishiki to pick up the next one."
"Ah, yes. Let's get to Nishiki as soon as possible to find out what's going on.
Story Celia.png
"Conductor, you were called? If possible, would you allow me to accompany you?"
Story Celia.png
"If that monster is connected to us, we can't leave it alone. Besides, as the student council president, I have a responsibility to protect my fellow students."
Story Putra.png
"President!? No wonder you're so calm, strong and shiny-haired."
Story Queensway.png
"I don't think her hair as anything to do with... But maybe it's just a case of being a public figure and being careful about how she looks."
"I'm sure you have a desire to check on the safety of your friends as soon as possible. If that's the case, I'd like you to come along on our handover mission.
Story Celia.png
"Appreciated. I'm not sure yet, but it's a relief off my chest."
Story Paddington.png
"Celia will be guided by us, got it! Then to Nishiki we go~!"
The Maiden Knights' Travels ~Joust Train Girls~ Banner.png
T-1 Maiden Knights Aboard the Train
T-2 Pioneer, Lead by Celia
T-3 What Akane Adores and Admires
T-4 Bon Appétit, Kisaki Special
T-5 On the Pride of Knighthood
T-6 It's Name is Joust Monster
T-7 Those Waiting at Eisengrad
T-8 Reunion, and So On
T-9 Takahiro's Strategy
T-10 A Spear That Makes Impossible Possible