Event Scenario/What Akane Adores and Admires

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The Maiden Knights' Travels ~Joust Train Girls~ Banner.png
T-1 Maiden Knights Aboard the Train
T-2 Pioneer, Lead by Celia
T-3 What Akane Adores and Admires
T-4 Bon Appétit, Kisaki Special
T-5 On the Pride of Knighthood
T-6 It's Name is Joust Monster
T-7 Those Waiting at Eisengrad
T-8 Reunion, and So On
T-9 Takahiro's Strategy
T-10 A Spear That Makes Impossible Possible
Story Paddington.png
"We have arrived at Nishiki. This is the designated meeting place as stated..."
As we got off the Mist Train, a girl ran up to us, seemingly waiting for our arrival.
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"This big railway car, no doubt about it. Um, are you all the Special Steel Squad that is here for the handover?"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes. I know you might have been worried about being in a strange place, but... this hasn't been decided yet."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"That is definitely the perception without question. I had heard about this universe of Iris Cloud for the most part."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Ryuuzouji Akane. Pardon my shortcomings, but I will be under your care for a while."
Akane stood up straight and bowed deeply. She looks very strict, and I can see that she has been training herself as a jousting knight.
Then Celia heard her voice, got off the Mist Train and approached her.
When we met her in St. Iris, she was dressed in armour, but in normal occassions she said she dresses like this. This attire of hers was also unfamiliar and otherworldly.
Story Celia.png
"That voice, was undoubtedly Ryuuzouji, wasn't it? I am relieved that we have somehow managed to meet up."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Celia-senpai...! You are safe!"
Story Celia.png
"I was worried too. I'm just glad to see you."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Ce, Celia-senpai, I can't believe you were so worried about me... and, you're happy to see me...!"
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Ah, aaaah..! Senpaaaai..."
Story Putra.png
"This thick atmosphere, is getting harder and harder to weave in..."
Story Queensway.png
"And I don't know why this scene makes me so embarrassed to look at..."
Story Paddington.png
"But I could tell from their reactions that the two were separated companions. That's one step forward, isn't it?"
Was Akane inconvenienced by being in an unfamiliar place, and in a different world?
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"--Ah, thank you for your concern. But over here in Nishiki, the surroundings are very familiar to my hometown."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"It is fortunate that the food culture and the aesthetic of the city helped me to stay calm throughout."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Undoubtedly, at first I was surprised by the fact that I was in another world, but I had immediate protection, so I did not have to worry about anything else other than for the safety of everyone."
We are on our way to pick up your friends soon. I want you to be rest assured.
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Exceptionally grateful, and I am relieved to hear that."
Story Putra.png
"Hey, hey, does Akane's hometown existing means that there are many countries on your side of the world?"
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Ah, I am studying at Winford Academy to hone my jousting skills."
Story Queensway.png
"Studying abroad, that shows how much you care about jousts."
Story Paddington.png
"By the way, the armour that Celia was wearing, and the one loaded onto the train, I think there was three sets in total?"
Story Celia.png
"Oh. I was going to invite them to training, so I had enough for everyone. They've apparently have spirited away to this world with me."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"My armour? Celia-senpai, I really can't make you do something like carrying my luggage...!"
Story Putra.png
"No, no, there's nothing you can do about that. You're flying to another world. By the way, what kind of place is Winford Academy in?"
Story Celia.png
"You mean Helen's Hill, which, using Ryuuzouji's terminology, resembles the atmosphere of St. Iris."
Story Celia.png
"St. Iris is full of knights and the air is good. Especially walking along the cobbled streets, I was immersed in a feeling of nostalgia."
Story Queensway.png
"I am honoured that you like it!"
Story Queensway.png
"St. Iris is a gentle yet vigorous country with a strong chivalrous culture. It is the land of peace and iridescent clouds, blessed by the Iridescent Cloud God, and as such, I am proud of my hometown!"
Story Paddington.png
"It's strange that there are several countries in each universe that are so similar to each other~"
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"If there is one thing that is different, it is this..."
Akane took out a pair of fake bear ears from her pocket.
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"I have heard that Nishiki is predominantly populated by beastkin. I felt it was a truly otherworldly place, but as the saying goes, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do', so I was trying to fit in."
Story Putra.png
"Oh, are those bear ears? Lend me, lend me~!"
Story Putra.png
"I'll put them on Akane's head and... Wow, you're so cute~!"
Story Celia.png
"Oooh..., you've turned into a really lovely bear. It looks great on you."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"I-I look... adorable?"
Story Celia.png
"Hmm, why do you take it off so quickly? Keep it on so you can show me better?"
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Ce-Celia-senpai, you're too close...! Ah, uh, uaaaaah--!!"
Story Putra.png
"And she's blushing again~"
Story Paddington.png
"I get it, Miss Celia loves bears and Miss Akane loves Celia."
Story Queensway.png
"In fact, it doesn't look like that's all it is..."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Ye-Yes... I, as a jousting contestant, I really admire my senpai... That's why... No, no way, aaaaahh...!"
...Their sweet exchanges notwithstanding.
-Now that we've said a few words, I have to discuss about our next move. We're almost done with the mission we're undertaking.
Story Paddington.png
"Ha, you're right. We'll be heading to Flamarine next."
Story Celia.png
"Flamarine, what's this place?"
Story Putra.png
"Yes, yes, Flamarine is my hometown! It's an everlasting summer paradise of sea and sun-"
Story Queensway.png
"We understand there is an unidentified person there as well, and judging by Miss Celia and Miss Akane's testimonies, we are almost certain that this person is also from Winford School."
Story Celia.png
"So, if that prediction is correct, we can all unite together now."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"That is good, I was especially worried about Mio... I sure hope she is not homesick or world-sick by now."
Story Celia.png
"I'm allowed to accompany then, what about you, Ryuuzouji?"
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"This is how my senpai came to welcome me. Now I want to be the one to welcome you."
Story Paddington.png
"Conductor, sir, I understand that Akane will be accompanying us, what do you think?
No problem. But we have to pass through St. Iris from Nishiki. So first of all, we'll take a stop at the SSS base and take a break.
Story Celia.png
"Pardon me, thank you for everything."
Story Putra.png
"Well then, let's move forward, then to St. Iris we go~!"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, that's my line~!"
The Maiden Knights' Travels ~Joust Train Girls~ Banner.png
T-1 Maiden Knights Aboard the Train
T-2 Pioneer, Lead by Celia
T-3 What Akane Adores and Admires
T-4 Bon Appétit, Kisaki Special
T-5 On the Pride of Knighthood
T-6 It's Name is Joust Monster
T-7 Those Waiting at Eisengrad
T-8 Reunion, and So On
T-9 Takahiro's Strategy
T-10 A Spear That Makes Impossible Possible